Catholic writing of Apocalypse 2:9
"Thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Judeans and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."
Pope Leo XIII
"Annihilate the impure contagion of the poison which flows in the veins of human society and causes a state of total infection."
(Regarding the infusion of immorality into society for the damnation of souls by freemasonry (jews and heretics).
~ ~ ~
Note 1: Monsignor Jouin hadn't pieced together the fact that the Office of the Papacy had already fallen to the jews/heretics/freemasons as of 1914. See some of the freemason heresies of anti-Pope "Benedict XV" (1914-1922) in Section 20 of this site. The article still applies even though Monsignor Jouin did not recognize this ... sometimes people do not look for things (in this case heresy) where you wouldn't suspect it, such as the "encyclicals" of "Benedict XV".
Note 2: This article assumes that the Office of the Papacy is filled and functioning ... this is currently not the case. The Papacy fell vacant in 1914 and the Catholic Church lost all of its properties to the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult in 1965 at the close of the "vatican-2 council". See Sections 12 through 21 of this site.
~ ~ ~
1. The learned Monsignor Jouin was alert to the impending success of their (the jews and masons) monstrous
scheme, when Cardinal Mariano Rampolla, who was later discovered to have a close affinity with
the French masons and who Jouin was certain belonged to a lodge, entered the conclave of 1903 favored
with sufficient popularity to become the next Pope. Jouin implored Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria to
use his archaic -- yet seemingly still valid -- power of veto to block Rampolla. It is clear that the
Emperor was in no way pleased in having to interfere with the sacred function of a Papal election.
Yet it seemed to him an unescapable task.
2. The conclave eventually elected Pope Pius X. As for Rampolla, it was later confirmed that
he was a mason of the most vile kind: He was a member of the OTO, the Ordo Templi Orientalis, a masonic
sect immersed in the illuminist and luciferian ideas of soul damning anti-Christs like Madame Blavatsky and Alistair Crowley.
3. In this electronic version of the speech, some of the French spellings and type-styles of the
English translation are present. The consistant use of ALL CAPS by the translator is apparently an effort to
portray the rhetorical delivery of the Monsignior.
4. Writings on this subject by occupants of the Papacy after Pope Pius X are not included here
as they heretically and masonically wrote that there is Christianity outside of the Catholic Church
(there isn't) and that "God is the Father of all" (He isn't). God is only the Father of Catholics, He
is not the Father of heretics or the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews. Please see Section 20 of this web-site,
it is obvious that jew-masons began their usurping of the Papacy in 1914 with the death of Pope Pius X.
5. So when you read below about the Papacy keep in mind that this office is at present vacant. The
immortal soul of Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a. "Benedict XVI") has not been in the Catholic Church
for over 40 years as he helped write the "vatican-2 council" documents, thereby automattically excommunicating
himself for heresy, he authored much other heresy (see Section 12.6) and has made many public defection from the Faith
by his actions (see Sections 12.6.1 and 12.6.2).
6. When you read the words "freemasonry", "mason", "masonry" include in your understanding of this group
that the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews started freemasonry while the heretics subsequently
joined the anti-Christ lodges around the world.
Start Speech of Monseigneur Jouin:
PAPACY AND freemasonry, those are the two powers active throughout the world and each is seeking to
dominate it. The solution of the struggle taking place between them is, at the present moment of the
utmost importance; for we are face to face not only with the crossroads of history but also with a
radical transformation of humanity itself. EITHER ROMAN CATHOLICISM WILL LIFT US UP AGAIN TO THE
DECADENT PAGANISM. The whole world oscillates between the two: CHRISTIANISM (that is Catholic society,
as only Catholics are Christians) and PAGANISM.
On December 8th, 1892, Pope Leo XIII wrote to the Italian Episcopal Hierarchy:
"It is necessary to fight freemasonry with those weapons of Divine Faith which in past ages
vanquished paganism."
Moreover the Papacy and Judeo-masonry are both so fully conscious of the diametrically opposed
parts that they are playing that they assume that from it must issue the political, economic,
intellectual and religious future of individuals as well as of nations. It is a fact and the better
proof of it is their irreducible antagonism toward each other.
What is, indeed, Judeo-masonry today if not the concentration and mobilization of all evil forces?
This Sect with its threefold claim of being COUNTER-CHURCH (against the Catholic Church as only the
Catholic Church is a Church, all others are in meeting halls), COUNTER-STATE
(against the State) and COUNTER-MORALITY (against traditional morality) takes pride in being above
all and for all times the enemy of the Catholic Church; one of its rallying calls is that of Tigrotto,
one of the Alta Vendita chiefs who, in 1822, proclaimed:
With Tigrotto also the anti-Catholic plan is expressed thus:
Is this not expressed in an identical manner in the German "Los Von Rom" or in the English: "No POPERY?"
Monseigneur Gay, having been assigned by the Council of the Vatican the duty of writing "A MEMORANDUM ON
SECRET SOCIETIES," gave the following striking definition of freemasonry: "It is evident that in a general
way, this doctrine of freemasonry is not only a heresy, nor even the totality of all heresies, which find
in it a haven; it is a fact that masonry goes beyond the limits of what constitutes what is generally ascribed
to the word 'heresy,' for it allows full play to the commission of outrageous perversion. freemasonry is
indeed the abyss of all errors, the well of perdition."
This abyss of all errors (Abyssus Errorum) is justly compared to the "abysmal well' mentioned in Apocalypse
(abyssus putei, ix, 1-3 ), whose emanations darken the light of the sun and poison the air. It is this
accursed sect whose perversion was stigmatized by Pope Pius IX when he named it: "THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN."
Due to its enormous extension and its nowadays very visible collusion with international jewish finance,
(Note: The religion of the Old Testament Israelites was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled, it wasn't "judaism" -
this Old Testament religion ended when God tore the Temple veil from the top down.)
freemasonry has indeed become the "SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN." As such it provided funds for the "RUSSIAN REVOLUTION"
(i.e. the bloodbath committed by the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews, this time in Russia)
installed in Moscow; it carried Communism (Note: Communism is code-language for "jews") from East to West,
took up the leadership of States of their governments, their various administration departments or ministries,
and of their parliaments and, in consequence, it is such a world power that for any discerning
mind, it seems as though, today, there are on earth only two great powers, viz.: judeo-masonry in
the service of world jewry (i.e. the pagans who call themselves jews) and the CHURCH in the hands of PETER'S SUCCESSOR
(the Papacy is currently empty). Those two powers are at war, face to face as though fighting an endless duel,
as is clearly expressed in the stone inscription of the masonic Grand Orient and Supreme Council of France:
"The fight taking place between Catholicism and freemasonry is a fight to the very death, ceaseless and
merciless." (Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France P. 183. 1892 and in memorandum of the Supreme
Council No. 85, page 48.)
With such a rallying definite line of action, one can positively affirm that judeo-masonry is the unique
enemy of the Church. It can be detected in all anti-Catholic attacks against clergy or laity led either
by freemasons or by even Catholics whose faith has decreased due to either fear, passion or self-interest.
In his encyclical "HUMANUM GENUS" Pope Leo XIII wrote:
"There exists in the world a certain number of sects which although seemingly different one from another
as to name, ritual, form and origin are, however, similar due to the analogy of their aim and chief
principles. Indeed, they are identical to freemasonry which is, for them all, the central point from
which they proceed and toward which they converge."
Further, in his letter to the Italian people dated December 8, 1892, Pope Leo XIII writes:
"Let us remember that CHRISTIANITY and freemasonry are essentially incompatible, to such an extent,
that to become united with one means being divorced from the other. Let us, therefore, expose freemasonry
as the enemy of God, of the Church and of our Motherland."
At the present moment (1930) it is a fact that St. Augustine's two cities, the CITY OF GOOD and THE CITY OF EVIL
are separate, each seeking to rule in the world. The CITY OF EVIL ruled by SATAN is named JUDEO-masonry;
insistently it proclaims to all, Catholics, protestants (My note: heretics), orthodox (My note: heretics), to freethinkers
(My note: apostates), communists (My note: "jews") and pagans (My note: apostates), in fact to the whole world that:
(masonic International Congress held in Brussels 1904, page 132 of the report.)
The City of Good and of Jesus Christ is the Catholic Church; for over 19 centuries, according to the teaching
of the Roman Pontiff, She repeats to the world Her immutable creed:
Such is the subject of my conference. From an over-all viewpoint, there should issue a solid appreciation
of the work of a number of Popes done on the subject of the sect of freemasonry from the time it made its
appearance in the 18th century. It showed its anti-religious and anti-social (My note: Against God's Catholic
order) activities as well as its
licentiousness and its aims which, from the very beginning, were susceptible of excommunication. It showed
also its prodigious development leading to the situation which I already sketched, namely, the duality of
forces: one, the forces of EVIL concentrating in Judeo-masonry and the other the forces of GOOD, concentrated
in one flock under the staff of the one shepherd; (representative of Jesus Christ) who, since 1738 has
constantly renewed the appeal for the defense of the Church against Her mortal enemy -- EVEN THOUGH IN MANY
INSTANCES THE APPEAL WAS USELESS. Surrounded by Ghettos and masonic Lodges, in the course of a fight which
has become universal, Popes have reiterated their appeal for defense and have clearly shown the place and
However, even if in our day we are witnessing the terrific confirmation of these truths, it is necessary to
remember that they were proclaimed by several Popes.
Pope Clement XII 1730-1740
Founded in 1717, modern speculative masonry took on its actual form following the publication by Anderson,
a clergyman, of the "CONSTITUTIONS" in 1723. Fifteen years later, on April 28, 1738, Pope Clement XII in
his Pontifical Constitution "In Eminenti" condemned freemasonry as being Counter-Church and Counter-State.
It was the Pontifical reply. Failure to heed it, whether partial or general, by the Church and the State
of those days, seems to us as the primordial cause of all our political and religious present day turmoil.
Thus said Pope Clement XII:
"Let US meditate upon the serious evils which are usually the result of those kinds of Societies or centers,
not only concerning the peace of temporal States, but still more as regards the salvation of souls. Those
Societies are not in agreement with the civil and economic laws of the States.
"In order to close the widely open road to iniquities which might be committed with impunity and also for
other reasons, just and reasonable, that have come to our knowledge . . . We have resolved and decreed to
condemn and forbid such Societies, assemblies, reunions, conventions, aggregations or meetings called either
freemasonic or known under some other denomination. WE CONDEMN AND FORBID THEM BY THIS, OUR PRESENT
However, not only is the condemnation by Pope Clement XII extended to masonic Sects, but it applies also to
all the laymen who, although they are not members of Societies called freemasonic, favor them, in any manner,
The Constitution "In Eminenti" was extended throughout all the Papal States by Cardinal Ferrao's Edict of
January 14th, 1739.
Pope Benedict XIV 1740-1758
Pope Benedict XIV, on March 16, 1751 published the Constitution "Providas" in which he inserted in full
In Eminenti, the Bull which had been written by his predecessor, Clement XII, in order to make it very evident
that the condemnation of freemasonry was IRREVOCABLE and was to be applied to the FUTURE as well as to the PRESENT.
As a matter of fact, Benedict XIV, had already denounced masonry as being Counter-Morality in connection
with the ORDER OF FELICITY of Avignon, a Secret Society of debauchers; among themselves the members of this
Society spoke only in a kind of slangy language usually used by sailors. The Pope mentions it twice in his
correspondence. I am here transcribing a few lines from his letter of March 25th, 1744, addressed to the
Cardinal de Tencin, who was the Pontifical Ambassador at the Court of King Louis XV:
"We have received from Avignon the news that in Nimes and also at Montpellier the freemasons gave a great
entertainment in order to gain proselytes. Women and men from the Avignon Society went to it, and, doubtless,
upon their return they will organize a freemasonic Lodge as they once had already attempted to do under the
name of Society of Felicity; they might have succeeded had it not been for the zeal of the Archbishop. We wish
you to protest, in Our name, to His most Christian Majesty. so that He Will not authorize in His States, the
Sect of freemasons which other Princes have extirpated from their own country." (From the correspondence of
Pope Benedict XIV by Gmile de Heckeren.)
Furthermore, in his Constitution, "Providas," Benedict XIV enumerates six reasons which drove Pope Clement XII
to strike Secret Societies; they are 1) the Interconfessonalism (or Interfaith) of freemasons; 2) their secret;
3) their oath; 4) their opposition to Church and State; 5) the interdiction pronounced against them in several
States by the Heads of such countries; and, 6) their immorality which the Pope characterizes thus:
"Those Societies, according to men who are prudent and honest, are ill-famed, and to become a member thereof,
would lead to evil and perversion."
From the outset, before the 18th century, under the efforts of masonry which sank us into the horrors of
the "French Revolution" (My note: The "French Revolution" was not a revolution of the French against
God's Catholic order, is was simply a jew-mason inspired murderous bloodbath), the Sect had been
unmasked by the Popes and exposed before the eyes of the Catholics
with its odious triple shame of Counter-Morality, Counter-State, and above all, Counter-Church. Let a freemason,
F. Limousin, in his first number of the masonic Review called "L'ACACIA," of October, 1902, using the pen-name
of Hiram, gives the following characteristic definition:
"freemasonry is an association . . . an institution . . . so it is said . . . but it is not that at all. Let
us lift up all the veils, risking even to evoke numberless protestations. freemasonry IS A CHURCH: It is the
Counter-Church, Counter-Catholicism: It is the other church -- the church of HERESY, of Freethought;
"The Catholic Church is considered as the arch-type church, the first church, church of dogmatism and of
orthodoxy." (My note: Only the Catholic Church is a Church, heretic meeting halls "lutheran", "baptist",
etc. are not "churches" they are meeting halls.)
Pope Clement XIII 1758-1769
I wish to add that during the 18th century Pope Clement XIII condemned highly placed masons in an ordinance
of January, 1759, against the work of Helvetius and this Pope published on Sept. 3rd, 1759, his constitution
"Ut Primum" directed against the "ENCYCLOPEDIE" of Diderot and d'Alembert.
Finally, in his Encyclical of November 25th, 1766, "Christianae Republicae Salus," Pope Clement XIII denounced
the peril incurred by Church and State through the published works of so-called philosophers. It meant that
all Voltairian and masonic works were being anathemized in the following terms:
"The enemy of all Good," said the Pope, "has sown the evil seed in the field of the Lord and the evil grain has
grown rapidly, to such an extent, that it threatens to destroy the harvest. It is time to cut it down."
"In our days nothing is free from the attacks of those who are impious. GOD HIMSELF becomes the object of
their insolent audacity, they represent HIM as a BEING who is mute, inert, devoid of a sense of providence
or justice; they lower HIM down to the level of animals. As far as they are concerned, matter is all or at
least dominates everything. Even those among them who are opposed to such gross errors, but too frequently
in our days, are not afraid, in their pride, to scrutinize our mysteries and to submit everything to nothing
but their own reasoning power."
Clement XIII exposes all the sores of masonry which at the time of the "French Revolution" (My note: i.e. jew-mason
killing frenzy) had reached the state
of gangrene, such as Materialism, Nationalism, Deism and even Atheism which is most imperfectly veiled by the
"Grand Architect of the Universe," a notion which, after all, is only the spontaneous evolution of the
UNIVERSAL RELIGION promised in the "Constitutions" of Anderson.
In a last but anxious appeal the Pope entreats all the Bishops in the Catholic world to link their efforts
with his own and to beseech all Christian Princes to take in hand the defense of the Sorrowing Church,
"GEMENTIS ECCLESIAE CAUSAM EXPOSCITE." Listen attentively, 23 years before 1789 (year of the "French Revolution" (the jew-mason
killing spree inside the borders of France,this time))
the Church was in tears, due to the threats held out by freemasonry; who can vouch for the assumption that 23
years remain to us before the Judeo-masonry of the 20th century will add to the tears being shed by the
Church -- blood tears similar to those shed during 1793? But this time it will not be in France only,
BUT THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE WORLD. Is this not the time to speak again of the Sorrowing Church?
Pope Pius VI 1795-1799
During the last quarter of this 18th century during which masonry had spent 72 years to prepare for 1789
and the bloodshed which was to last many years, Peter's Seat had been occupied by Pius VI, who was
destined to die in exile. His first Encyclical of December 25, 1775, is the acknowledgment of the tears
he has shed, "Nostrarum Vim Pacrymarum Exquirit," those tears caused by the so-called philosophers,
fanatical enemies of the Church, professors of lies. "Magistros Mendacissimos," leaders of SECTS OF PERDITION
who, with their erroneous beliefs, penetrate into the seats of the Academies, in the houses of the notables,
in the Courts of Kings, and what is still more horrible, even penetrate in the LORD'S SANCTUARY, "Etiam in
sanctuarium insinuant."
Alas! Those "SECTS OF PERDITION" at the hour of the Revolution (My note: jew-mason bloodbath) dragged along too many members of the regular
and secular Clergy whose names appear on the lists of masonic lodges: "Corruptio optimi pessima." WHAT OF THE
Pope Pius VII 1800-1823
Let us now enter into the 19th century. The wars of the "French Revolution" and of the Empire spread and favored
the creation of masonic lodges (mostly Military lodges ) and the rapid European expansion of masonic subversive
Pope Pius VII became one of its glorious victims. It was therefore, in full knowledge of the subject, that on
September, 1821, in his Encyclical "Ecclesiam a Jesu-Cristo the Pope applied to the Carbonari the following
Pope reiterated against the freemasons the condemnations pronounced by Clement XII and Benedict XIV because
they propagandize "RELIGIOUS INDIFFERENCE WHICH IS, OF ALL, THE MOST PERNICIOUS"; They also grant to everyone
full liberty to inaugurate for himself his own religion according to his ideas and inclinations; to also profane
and sully Our Savior's Passion in some of their odious ceremonies; to hold in contempt the Sacraments of the
Church to which in a horrible sacrilegious manner they substitute sacraments of their own invention and they
treat with derision the Mysteries of the Catholic Religion. Lastly, urged by a particular hatred toward the
Apostolic See, because of its supremacy, freemasons form conspiracies of the darkest and most sinister kind,
in order to overthrow it.
To what does Pope Pius VII refer when he makes use of the words "they hold in contempt the Sacraments of the
Church"; if not to the masonic 18° degree of the Rose Croix, which is an odious parody of the Sacrament of the
Eucharist? What is it that the Pontiff stigmatises when he alludes to the substitution of masonic sacraments
to those of the Church and its ensuing horrible sacrileges if not to the "BLACK MASS" and the THEFT OF
CONSECRATED HOSTS which masons of the highest grades carry on their person as "Sacred Deposit" during the
ceremony which precedes the orgy in the course of which they will profane It in the lowest, voluptuous ignominy?
Why should we thus administer such blows to this "Anti Papism"? It is because it is the unbroken chain of
freemasonry and because the Pope is, on earth, the representative of Jesus Christ whose Cross is trampled
upon by masons, and because in the course of their rites, at the 30° initiation grade, they throw upside down
the Pope's tiara and figuratively pierce his heart. Such things occur at the initiation of the degree of Knight
Pope Leo XII 1823-1829
Soon after his election as Pope on March 13, 1825, Leo XII published his Encyclical "Quo Graviora"
condemning the Society called freemasonry, as well as all other Secret Societies. In this Encyclical he
first of all, republished the Constitutions of Popes Clement XII, Benedict XIV and Pius VII. Their appeal
had remained fruitless as far as the various governments were concerned and Pope Leo XII wrote:
"We have endeavored to discover the state, number and influence of secret societies and We easily have
been able to acknowledge that, if only due to the number of new sects which have joined them, their audacity
has increased. The Sect known under the name of "L'universitaire" has especially drawn Our attention: It has
established a center in several Universities where young men, instead of receiving the correct teaching are
perverted by a few teachers who are initiates of certain Mysteries which might be called Mysteries of Iniquity
and are trained to commit crimes."
Let us note that Pope Leo XII was afraid of the masonic PENETRATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHING and seemed
to foresee the devastation that the "One School" would rapidly inflict upon both the Church and society
at large.
Leo XII, in summing up the harm caused by clandestine sects, so evident in works written by their
members, wrote:
"They have dared publish works on Religion and Affairs of State, they have exposed their contempt for
authority, their hatred of Sovereignty, their attacks against the Divinity of Jesus Christ and the very
existence of God: They openly vaunt their materialism as well as their codes and statutes which explain
their plans and efforts in order to overthrow the legitimate Heads of State and completely destroy
the Church.
"What is definitely ascertained is that those different sects, despite the diversity of their names, are
all united and linked by the similarity of their infamous plans."
Thus speaking, Pope Leo XII, considered he was accomplishing his duty as Supreme Pontiff and he wrote
further, this page, which thoroughly throws light on our actual situation:
"Let us use the words of our predecessor, Pope Clement XIII, in his Encyclical Letter of September 14, 1758,
addressed to all Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops and Bishops of the Catholic Church, in which he said:
'I entreat you to become penetrated of the Strength of the Spirit of God, His Intelligence and His Virtue,
in order to escape being likened to the MUTE DOGS who, unable to bark, leave Our flocks exposed to the
voracity of beasts roaming the fields. Let nothing stop Us, in the fulfillment of Our duty which enjoins
Us to suffer all kinds of combats for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls. Let Us constantly keep
before Our eyes the picture of HIM who, during HIS lifetime, was also exposed to the opposition of sinners.
Leo XII ends this magnificent Encyclical anathematizing freemasons and writing:
"Those men are like those to whom, according to Saint John, the Apostle, HOSPITALITY AND GREETINGS SHOULD
BE DENIED. (Second Epistle of St. John, V. 10). They are the SAME MEN whom our Fathers, without hesitation,
Pope Pius VIII 1829-1830
Successor of Leo XII, Pope Pius VIII, in his Encyclical "Traditi", published at the time of his advent
on May 21, 1829 renewed all the condemnations of his predecessors, repeating as I showed above, that all
masonic Sects are issued from the "WELL OF PERDITION." It was under his short reign as Pontiff that a new
Lodge of "ALTA VENDITA" was discovered in Rome, having been formed in 1828 and headed by Joseph Picilli
as Grand Master. Following Leo XII, Pius VIII most particularly mentions the Sect called "Unitsersitaire,"
and he applies to masons those words of Saint Leo the Great:
Pope Gregory XVI 1831-1846
On August 15, 1832, Gregory XVI, addressing all the Episcopal Hierarchy of the Catholic world, in his
Encyclical: "Mirari Vos" wrote:
"Truly indeed we can say that this is the hour granted to the power of darkness to grind the
elect as wheat."
"EVIL comes out of Secret Societies, bottomless abyss of misery, which those conspiring societies have dug
and in which heresies and sects have, as may be said, vomited as in a privy all they hold of licentiousness,
sacrilege and blasphemy.
Just 18 days before his death, on may 13, 1846, Pope Gregory XVI put in the hands of Cretineau Joly, the
documents of the Italian ALTA VENDITA which this author published in 1858 in his book: "L'Eglise Romaine
en face de la Revolution" ( the Roman Church facing the Revolution). It would indeed be of the highest kind
of interest to have a faithful and complete copy of those manuscripts which are, doubtless, in the Vatican.
Pope Pius IX 1848-1878
Let us proceed further. The chief work of Judeo-masonry planned by Cavour, Mazzini and Garibaldi was
reaching its goal under the Pontificate of Pope Pius IX, with the downfall of Papal temporal power. According
to the theories of those sectarians of masonry, SUCH A LOSS WAS SURE TO ENTAIL ALSO THAT OF SPIRITUAL POWER;
accordingly the new Pope fixed the responsibility for the conspiracy upon the Secret Societies when, in the
Encyclical following his advent, he wrote on November 9, 1846:
"Venerable Brethren, you also are fully aware of the monstrous errors and devices employed by the children
of this century to pursue a merciless war against the Catholic Religion, the Divine Authority of the Church
and its laws in order to trample upon the rights of both the Ecclesiastical and Civil power: SUCH IS THE AIM
of the guilty machinations against Saint Peter's Roman See, upon which Christ established the inexpugnable
foundation of HIS CHURCH. SUCH IS THE AIM of those Secret Societies issuing from darkness for the eventual
ruin of Religion and States, and which, on several occasions, have already been anathemized by preceding
Roman Pontiffs in their Apostolical Letters. We confirm the importance of such Letters and wish them to be
followed with great care."
Moreover, from Gaete, the place of his exile, in his allocution: "Quibus Quantisque" addressed to the Consistory
of April, 1849, Pope Pius IX renewed the identical condemnation in the following terms:
"THOSE ABOMINABLE SECTS OF PERDITION which are as fatally destructive of the salvation of souls as of the
welfare and peace of secular society have been condemned by Roman Pontiffs, Our predecessors; We have also
personally condemned them Ourselves in Our Encyclical Letter of November 9, 1846, addressed to all the
Bishops of the Catholic Church, yet today in virtue of Our Supreme Catholic Authority - WE, ONCE AGAIN,
The Constitution against freemasonry and the Secret Societies of which Pope Pius IX speaks are those of
Popes Clement XII, Benedict XIV, Leo XII and Pius VIII; he adds his own of November 9, 1846 (Qui Pluribus)
in his letter to Monseigneur Darboy, October 26, 1865, concerning the funeral service of Marshall Magnan,
Supreme Master of the Order of freemasons; he adds also, his communication to the Bishop of Olinda (Brazil)
of May 29, 1873.
The renewed sentences of anathema by Pope Pius IX strike most particularly the SATANISM OF SECRET SOCIETIES.
In his Encyclical of November 2l, 1873, the Pope writes of them as the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN, and addressing
its members he had already castigated them (Consistory of December 9, 1854) using to this effect, the words
of Christ:
What are those works? Satan is a liar and a murderer from the beginning of the world, Our Lord tells us.
Pope Pius IX denounced the great lie of the so-called WHITE freemasonry, in his Allocution of
September 15, 1865 "Multiplices inter" when he says:
"And now, in order to satisfy the desire and solicitude of Our Fatherly Heart, there remains for US only
to warn and exhort the Faithful who might have associated themselves to Sects of this kind to obey wiser
inspirations and to leave those evil assemblies so as to avoid being dragged in the ABYSS OF ETERNAL RUIN.
"As to all the other faithful, being full of solicitude for their souls, WE strongly exhort them to beware
of the perfidious discourses of sectarians who, under a disguise of honesty, are inflamed by an ardent
hatred of the Religion of Christ and of all legitimate authority: they have but one thought with the
sole aim of exterminating, all Divine and human rights. Let them all be fully conscious of the fact
that the affiliates of such sects are as the wolves who, as Our Lord predicted, come disguised with
sheeps hide to devour the whole flock: Let the faithful know that such affiliates must be numbered among
those with whom the Apostle forbade us to associate, telling us also to even avoid greeting them."
Pope Pius IX equally denounced the satanic homicide of RED masonry in a letter to the Bishop of Olinda
(Brazil) in the following words:
"The Satanic spirit of the Sect was particularly evidenced, in the past century, during the course of the
Revolutions of France (My note: i.e. jew-mason bloodbath) which shook the entire world. Such upheavals proved that the total dissolution of
human society could be expected unless the forces of this ultra criminal Sect were crushed."
That letter was dated May 29, 1873; the latest masonic and Satanic Revolution at that time was that
which in Italy had resulted in making Pope Pius IX "the prisoner of the Vatican." It seems as though
the Holy Pontiff was foreseeing such an issue when he uttered his complaint concerning the dual failure
of the previous Pontifical condemnations of masonry. (September 15, 1865).
First he referred to the failure of the anti-masonic endeavor thus:
"However, the Apostolic See's efforts have not been crowned with the success that might have been
expected. The masonic Sect of which we speak has been neither defeated nor overthrown: JUST THE REVERSE,
the Sect has developed to such an extent that, in these days of great difficulty, it shows itself
everywhere and with impunity and raises a more audacious countenance."
Secondly, the Pope outlined the failure of the Catholic side, thus:
"Venerable Brethren, We feel deep sorrow and bitterness, when We see that when, according to the
Constitutions of Our Predecessors, action is necessary to condemn this masonic Sect, many of those whose
functions and sacerdotal duty should make them ultra vigilant and ardent over such an important cause
have, alas! shown themselves INDIFFERENT and as though ASLEEP. If some among them believe that the
Apsotolic Constitutions, published under sentence of anathema against the Occult Sects and their
adepts and initiates carry no strength in those countries where civil authorities tolerate them,
they are most assuredly laboring under a serious mistake."
"As you well know, Venerable Brethren, We have prohibited and We again today prohibit and condemn this false
evil doctrine. In fact let Us ask whether the Sovereign power 'TO FEED AND LEAD THE UNIVERSAL FLOCK' which
was vested in Saint Peter by Jesus and through which the Roman Pontiffs received the Supreme Authority that
they must exercise in the Church depends from civil power -- can such civil power constrain and restrain
them in anything whatever? Due to those circumstances and fearing that injudicious people and above all,
youth, might be led astray, and in order that silence on Our part might induce anyone to lend protection
to error, We have resolved, Venerable Brethren, to raise Our Apostolic Voice -- therefore, We hereby
confirm before you the Constitutions of Our Predecessors and in virtue of Our Apostolic Authority We hold
up to reprobation and We condemn this masonic Society and ALL OTHER SOCIETIES of the SAME ORDER which,
although different in appearance, but pursuing the same aim against the Church or legitimate Civil Power
are constantly being formed. It is Our order that all Christians (My note: only Catholics are Christians)
of any standing whatsoever, of any rank
or high appointment and OVER ALL THE EARTH should be informed that the said Societies are forbidden and
reproved by US, and incur the same sentences and condemnations as those that are specified in the former
CONSTITUTIONS of our Predecessors."
Among the reproved societies must be included such Leagues as: the League of Human Rights (Ligue des Droits
de L'homme) and the League for Education (Ligue de l'Enseistnement).
Pope Leo XIII 1878-1903
Pope Leo XIII, successor of Pius IX, upon instructions from the Holy Office, dealt, first of all, with
the Brazilian masonic (My note: i.e. jew-heretic) question on July 2nd, 1878. Then later, addressing the whole Church,
on April 20, 1884,
Pope Leo XIII published his magnificent Encyclical "Humanum Genus." Taking up once again Saint Augustine's
pages concerning the two cities which, on earth, constitute the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan,
the Pontiff reviews the considerable development which freemasonry (My note: i.e. jew-heretic) has taken and writes:
"Today evil doers all seem allied in a tremendous effort inspired by and with the help of a society
powerfully organized and widely spread over the world, it is the Society of freemasons. In fact those
people no longer even try to dissimulate their intentions, but they actually challenge each other's
audacity in order to assail God's August Majesty.
"It is now publicly and overtly that they undertake to ruin the Holy Church, so as to succeed, if it is
possible, in the complete dispossession of Christian nations of all the gifts they owe to
Our Savior Jesus Christ.
"As a result, in the space of a century and a half, the sect of the freemasons has made incredible progress.
Making use at the same time of audacity and cunning, masonry has invaded all the ranks of social hierarchy,
and in the modern States it has begun to seize a power which is almost equivalent to Sovereignty.
In order to strengthen those enlightened observations, Leo XIII refers to his predecessors and writes:
"This peril was denounced for the first time by Pope Clement XII in 1738, and the Constitution promulgated
by that Pope was renewed and confirmed by Benedict XIV; Pius VII followed in the footsteps of those Pontiffs,
and Pope Leo XII including in his Apostolical Constitution 'Quo Graviora' all the deeds and decrees of the
preceding Popes on that subject, RATIFIED AND CONFIRMED THEM FOR EVER. Popes Pius VIII, Gregory XVI and on
several occasions Pope Pius IX spoke in the same manner."
Whereas he approved and confirmed all the Pontifical condemnations issued against freemasonry from those of
Clement XII in 1738, Leo XIII moreover more amply exposed the reason for such actions and gives as his motive
for acting thus:
"It is because of the fundamental aim and spirit of the masonic sect which has been exposed in full light
through the evident manifestation of its deeds, the acquired knowledge of its principles, its rules, its
rites and its commentaries to which have been added the testimonies of its own adepts ...
"It is exceedingly important to bring to the notice of all peoples to what extent events confirmed the
wisdom of our predecessors. Their foresight and paternal soticitude did not always attain the desired success.
This failure must be ascribed on the one hand either to the dissimulation and cunning of men members of this
pernicious sect or, on the other hand, to the imprudent lightness of character of those who should, however,
have been highly interested in watching it attentively."
Leo XIII refers frequently to the HYPOCRISY which is the basis of "WHITE freemasonry" and mentions the fatal
evolution of its revolutionary aims which turns it into "RED masonry."
Upon being attentively studied this Encyclical most strikingly reveals the triple masonic character, namely
that its aims are:
1. Counter-Morality
2. Counter-State
3. Counter-Church
1. Counter Morality
The Pope defines the masonic point of view on morality thus:
"The only thing which has found grace before the members of the masonic sect and in which they request that
youth should receive the proper teaching is what they call 'CIVIC MORALITY', independent morality, FREE MORALITY,
in other words a morality in which religious beliefs find no room. This morality is insufficient and its effects
are its own condemnation.
"Furthermore there have been found in freemasonry several sectarians who have maintained that all means are
to be systematically used, in order, to saturate the multitudes with licentiousness and vices; because in
their opinion peoples would naturally fall into their hands and become the instruments needed for the
accomplishment of their most audacious evil projects. Such counter-morality is that of civil marriage,
of divorce, of free love and of irreligious education for youth.
"It aims at the complete destruction of the main foundations of justice and honesty. In this way freemasons
make themselves the auxiliaries of those who wish that, like an animal, man had no other rule of conduct than
his own desires -- Such a scheme can only dishonor human kind and ignominiously cast him into perdition.
(My note: i.e. Hell)"
2. Counter State
On this subject Pope Leo XIII foresaw that freemasonry, "the power which is almost equivalent to sovereignty,"
and which already occupied the place of "State within the State," would soon form the Super State. It is from
such a situation that there was issued the masonic dogma of separation of Church and State; thence, issued also
the anti-religious laws which Brother Bethmont, member of Parliament of the department of Charente Inf'erieure
and former President of the Cour Des Comptes, in 1878 was explaining to Monseigneur Pie, Bishop of Poitiers.
The prelate then said to him: "Sir, I believe you want to inaugurate anew the fight against the Church; have
you any hope of succeeding there, where Nero, Julian the Apostate and your great ancestors of the 1793 "French
Revolution" (My note: jew-heretic inspired bloodbath inside France this time) failed? -- He replied:
"Your Eminence, at the risk of seeming too bold, I will say that those ,you have mentioned did not quite know
how to act. We shall do much better. Violence against the Church leads nowhere, we shall use other means. We
shall organize a persecution which shall be both clever and legal; we shall surround the Church with a network
of laws, decrees and ordinances which will stifle it without shedding one drop of blood."
Who, may I ask, is making those closely woven nets of laws, decrees and ordinances? The State, of course,
but it is a masonic State, an irreligious State under the power of a Super State which at the present moment
is the Ruler of the World.
When Leo XIII adjures his Venerable Brethren to unite their zeal to his own efforts in order, "to ANNIHILATE
INFECTION," it is with a feeling of fear that one brings to mind the death sentence pronounced against
humanity in the "PROTOCOLS of the ELDERS OF ZION."
"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent
a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness --BLOODPOISONING. All that remains is to await the end
of their death agony."
Thus, while States are gravitating toward a Universal Republic, the Super-State becomes an infrangible dictature,
which according to its will grinds them down or else thoroughly infects them; that Super State is called
JUDEO-masonry. (My note: Grinds them down into immorality, which causes their souls to be blinded, and makes
them incapable of defending the morality and truths of the Kingdom of God, the Catholic Church.)
3. Counter Church
Hence the supreme aim of the Sect, as it has been pointed out by the Popes, is none other than the complete
destruction of the Church and the Papacy. Pope Leo XIII persistently underscores this rigorous consequence
and says:
"Since the proper and very special mission of the Catholic Church consists in the safeguarding of the
incorruptible purity of the doctrines revealed by God, as well as that of established authority for their
teaching and other God given help for the salvation of mankind; it is inevitable that the major antagonism
and most violent attacks of the Sect should be directed against the Church . . . Therefore, even at the
cost of a lengthy and opinionated labor the Sect's purpose is to reduce to naught the teaching, and
authority of the Church among the civilian population ...
"The enmity of the sectarians against the Apostolic See of the Roman Pontiff has increased its intensity ...
until now the evil doers have reached the aim which had, for a long time that of their evil designs, namely,
their proclamation that the moment has come to suppress the Roman Pontiff's sacred power and to completely
destroy this Papacy which was divinely instituted."
Lastly, Leo XIII concludes in unmasking the Satanism of Judeo-masonry:
"The facts which we have reviewed throw sufficient light upon inner constitution of freemasons and show clearly
the road they are following in order to reach their goal. Their chief dogmas are so completely and manifestly
opposed to sane reason that it is difficult to imagine deeper perversion. In reality is it not the peak of
madness and of the most audacious impiety to be so presumptuous as to want to destroy the religion and the
Church created by God Himself: and assured of His perpetual protection; and after 18 centuries to want to
replace it with the customs and institutions of pagans?
"Still no less horrible nor easy to bear to witness the repudiation of those gifts which, in His mercy,
Jesus Christ bestowed first on individuals, then to human beings grouped both in families and in nations.
Even the enemies of Christianism (My note: Christianism is the Catholic Church) acknowledge the supreme
value of those gifts.
"There is no denying that in this foolish and criminal plan it is easy to understand the implacable hatred
and passion for revenge which animate Satan toward Jesus Christ. We refuse to follow the dictates of such
iniquitous masters that bear the names of Satan and of all evil passions." (My note: Unfortunatley the
un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews and the heretics are blinded of soul so that they work fervently for Satan
(who is only a creature) instead of for God (the Catholic Jesus Christ) who is their creator.)
Pope Pius X 1903-1914
Pope Pius X, successor of Pope Leo XIII, gave his greater attention to SILLONISME and to MODERNISM, but,
nevertheless he did not forget the destructive work of freemasonry. He requested the Polish people to
abstain from joining any conspiracy schemed by the malevolent Sects.
Later he extended words of consolation to the faithful of France in the following words:
"And now it is to you, Catholics of France, that We speak; may Our words reach you as a testimony
of the tender feeling of Our love for your country and as a consolation in the midst of the terrible
calamities through which you must pass. You are well aware of the self-assigned aim of the impious
sectarians who have subjugated you under their yoke. With cynic audacity they themselves proclaimed
their aim which was 'UPROOT CATHOLICISM IN FRANCE.' They want to extirpate from your hearts, namely
its last root, the FAITH which covered your ancestors with glory; the FAITH which brought prosperity
and greatness to your Fatherland amidst all other nations; the FAITH which will be your support in the
hours of your tribulation, which maintains calm and peace in your homes and opens for you the way toward
Lastly, Pius X loudly affirms that as he has lifted his voice:
"It is not the Church who first raised the standard, she did so only because war had been
declared against her.
"For the last 25 years she has only had to bear the struggle. Such is the Truth. Declarations, a
thousand times published and republished in the Press, in congresses, in masonic conventions, in
the very halls of Parliament, are proof in themselves that attacks against the Church have been led
progressively and systematically. Such facts cannot be denied and against them mere words cannot
prevail . . ." (From letter of Pope Pius X to France, January 6, 1907.)
Fundamentally just as did his predecessors, Pius X denounces the maneuvers of the Counter-Church, moreover
in his Letter of condemnation of the SILLON, he deliberately designates the masonic lodges in the
following terms:
"We all but too well know the dens of darkness wherein those pernicious doctrines are elaborated . . . Clear
minds should not be seduced by them." (From letter of Pius X to the French Episcopate August 25, 1910.)
~ ~ ~ ~
Advice and Wisdom of the Fathers and Doctors of the Christian Church (i.e. the Catholic Church) down through
the centuries:
Saint Jerome, died 420 A.D. >
"The truth has set bounds. But evil and falsehood multiplies without end; and the more these (evils)
are pursued, the more errors they produce."
Pope Felix III, died 492 A.D. >
"Not to oppose error, is to approve of it, and not to defend truth is to suppress it, and indeed to
neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them."
Saint Gregory >
"He who can correct any evil, and neglects to do it, makes himself accessory to the same."
Pope Leo I, died 440 A.D. >
"He that sees another in error, and endeavors not to correct it, testifies himself to be in error."
Saint Gregory the Great, died 604 A.D. >
"It is better that scandal arise than that truth be concealed."
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Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ Our Lady of Good Remedy ~ Our Lady of La Salette ~
Immaculate Heart of Mary