< < Section 105 ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary. Many souls consult this site without any Index page review. > >
It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell ...
for rejecting the Catholic Dogma ...
Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >
1. The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men. 2. God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.
We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply: 3.Warning 1: A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).
[Section 12, 13] 4.Warning 2:No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.
[Section 13.2] 5.Warning 3: Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates. [Section 13.2.2] 6.Warning 4:All those dressed up like Catholic bishops and priests are ... automatically excommunicated heretics against the Catholic Dogmas.
[Section 13.6] Vatican-2-ists: You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church … Abjuration of heresy > Section 19.1
7. One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water
[Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin.
[Section 10.1] 8. All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world through the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did.
[Section 4, 4.4] 9a. The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C. Jesus Christ was not a jew. [Section 39.1, 39.4] 9b. The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist. Mohammed and "islam" contradict 4,000 years of previous prophets. [Section 113] 10.All heretics are excommunicated from Christianity ... and are headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).
[Section 7.2, 8]
Translate (traduire, übersetzen, tradurre, trasladar, 번역) this Section ... now (maintenant, jetzt, ora, ahora, 지금) ... to your language ...
(1) You must have Adobe Flash Player installed. (2) Chinese, Korean, or Japanese characters not displaying ... see Appendix E.
* Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * Romans 2:13 > "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified." James 2:20 > "Know ... that faith without works is dead."
(Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works) Please e-mail here ... if you see a website that you believe is Catholic ... besides this site.
You may copy this entire site ... to your computer ... see Item # 1 on Appendix A-1.
This cult ... like the vatican-2 cult is completely non-Catholic ... and causes the loss of your soul
The "sspx" cult (like the vatican-2 cult) ... has all it's people headed for Hell
(in a very Catholic looking way, of course)
This Section also applies fully ... to the "sspv" hoax ... since the "sspv" is a spinoff of the "sspx" hoax.
The "cmri" hoax is addressed on Section 131 ... other similar hoaxes addressed on Section 87.1.
Catholic writing of 2 Corinthians 6:15
"And what concord hath Christ with Belial ?"
Catholic writing of Saint Mark 7:7
"And in vain do they worship Me, teaching doctrines and precepts of men."
(Heresies (of men) of the "sspx" listed below)
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 21:27
"The sacrifices of the wicked are abominable, because they are offered of wickedness."
~ ~ ~
1. The "sspx" sends people into Hell with a very Catholic looking outward appearance ... since they are in violation of a host of Catholic Dogmas. They say a lot of Catholic words, use a lot of Catholic artwork, dress like Catholic priests and bishops, and do a lot of Catholic looking actions (all stolen from the Catholic Church) ... to bring about your eternal damnation.
2. Sub-part G-1 below identifies why Lefebvre was not ordained a priest by Achille Lienart on 21 September 1929. Automatically excommunicated anti-Pope "Pius XI" did not have the capability to grant Lienart Catholic Jurisdiction of the Diocese of Lille France on 6 October 1928 ... to ordain or consecrate anyone. See Section 20.1 of this site for selected heresies of anti-Pope "Pius XI"
3. If you illicitly reject the fact that Lefebvre was never ordained a priest ... Sub-part G-2 identifies why Lefebvre could not have ordained or consecrated anyone after 8 December 1965, since Lefebvre was automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church for approving the mountain of heresy in the "vatican-2 council" documents. Lefebvre re-confirmed his automatic excommunication for physically participating in the vatican-2 heretic cult (founded on 8 December 1965).
For the next points ... set aside for a moment that the "sspx" has zero priests and has never had a bishop ...
4. The "sspx" is in heresy against the Catholic Jurisdiction and Governance Dogma ... promoting the heresy of "supplied jurisdiction" which they must push for their very existence. Epikeia cannot be used against Catholic Dogma, it can only be used against man-made law and discipline, see Sub-part D below. (The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult is not a source of Catholic Jurisdiction or governance, see Sections 12 and 13 and sub-sections)
5. The "sspx" is in heresy against the Catholic Dogma on Water Baptism (Sub-part B below) ... and because of this they also violate the Catholic Salvation Dogma, see Sections 1, 2, 3 of this site.
6. The "sspx" is in heresy against the Catholic Dogma on Automatic Excommunication for heresy, see Sub-part I ... as they do their preposterous luciferian tap dance with the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult which was founded in 1965 at the Vatican. This is two heretic cults "negotiating" ... it's all completely ludicrous. The January 2009 "lifting of the excommunications" means nothing ... all it does is start a re-joining of the heretic "sspx" to the vatican-2 heretic cult where the "sspx" started in 1970 -- see Section 105.4.
7. The "sspx" , because of their violation of Dogma ... is (another) non-Catholic illusion ... they "sacrifice" to a non-Catholic "god" (see Section 88), in a very Catholic looking manner.
8. Since the "sspx" is a non-Catholic entity it, by definition, sends all of its participants into Hell forever. Section 19.1 provides instructions for how to re-enter the Catholic Church via Formal Abjuration after physical participation in a heretical entity such as the vatican-2 cult or the "sspx" .
9. If you are mixed up with "the society" please review this Section carefully and ask the Blessed Virgin for the grace to let you see the fact that the "sspx" (like the vatican-2 cult) is a heretical society ... no matter how "Catholic" they look.
10. Since the "sspx" started as a sub-group of the vatican-2 heretic cult in 1970 they have been a non-Catholic cult since the day Lefebvre founded them. Marcel Lefebvre died as a heretic and descended into Hell forever in 1991 ... Lefebvre maintained tradition in practices, but did not maintain traditional in Faith (the Dogmas) which cost him his immortal soul.
11. Lefebvre simply started a mop-up operation to manage the expected "opposition" to the vatican-2 revolt, thereby keeping them a physical part of the vatican-2 heretic cult ... thus maintaining their state as automatically excommunicated for physically participating in a heresy.
~ ~ ~
This Section includes ...
Sub-part A-1: The "sspx" has ... zero Catholic lineage for Consecrations and Ordinations ... and never has had any Catholic lineage.
Sub-part A-2: The "sspx" is in continuous heresy against the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
Sub-part B: The "canon law" hoax is being pushed by the "sspx" to put on their stage shows that look like "Mass". The Catholic Church does not have "canon law". Automatically excommunicated heretics "benedict-15" and "john paul 2" cannot legislate for the Catholic Church that they are not even in.
Sub-part C: The "sspx" is in heresy against the Water Baptism Dogma, grinding it under their heels.
Sub-part D: The "sspx" continuously promotes the heresy of "supplied jurisdiction" ... they must push this lie for their very existence.
Sub-part E: The "sspx" is lying about Epikeia (Canonical Equity). Epikeia can only be used against man-made law, it cannot be used against Divine Law (the Dogma) on Jurisdiction and Governance.
Sub-part F: God does not command impossibilities regarding the Sacraments ... the Catholic Necessity Doctrine ... Necessity of Means and Necessity Precept regarding the Sacraments.
Sub-part G: World-wide (General) Councils ... have condemned "baptism of desire" and other baptism heresies ... seven times.
Sub-part H-1: Marcel Lefebvre was not ordained a priest on 21 September 1929 and was not consecrated a bishop on 18 September 1947. Heretic anti-Pope "Pius XI" was incapable of granting Catholic jurisdiction to Achille Lienart to ordain Lefebvre or anyone else ... since "Pius XI" was automatically excommunicated for heresy and outside of the Catholic Church. Selected heresies of "Pius XI" on Section 20.1 of this site. If you illicitly reject this, Sub-part E-2 also proves that Lefebvre never ordained any priests after 8 December 1965 for the "sspx" or the vatican-2 heretic cult.
Sub-part H-2: Marcel Lefebvre was automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church on 8 December 1965 for approving the vatican-2 heresy. After this date Lefebvre did not ordain any Catholic priests or consecrate any Catholic bishops. He was simply installing people into positions of a secular organization.
Sub-part I: Instances in past centuries when there were interregnums (the Papacy being vacant) or when anti-Popes were in place ... do not apply to the current situation (the 100% vatican-2 apostasy) ... because during these past times the bishops around the world had previously received jurisdiction from a Pope.
Sub-part J: The "sspx" is in heresy against the Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.
Sub-part K: The "sspx" rejects the scriptures that address ... automatic excommunication for heresy.
Sub-part L: The hoax called ... "canon law" cannot override the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
Sub-part M: The overlapping Chronology of the vatican-2 heretic cult ... and it's sub-group the "sspx" .
Sub-part N: The "Lifting of the Excommunications" in 2009 ... by the non-Catholic vatican-2 cult means absolutely nothing ... it only starts the re-joining of the "sspx" to the vatican-2 heretic cult where the "sspx" started in 1970.
Sub-part O: The "sspx" is lying that the Mass comes before the Dogmas of the Faith. The Faith comes before the Mass. The "Mass" of the "sspx" is offered to a non-Catholic idol.
Sub-part P: The "sspx" is in heresy against the Catholic Salvation Dogma.
Sub-part Q: The "sspx" is in heresy regarding the Dogma that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites is over. They amazingly think that the un-baptized who call themselves jews have something to do with the Old Testament.
Sub-part R: The "sspx" says that Bergoglio is the Pope ... and that the vatican-2 cult participants are in the Catholic Church ... but yet the "sspx" stays separate from them.
Sub-part S:Street signs used ... in St. Marys Kansas ... one of the top three hotbeds of the "sspx" hoax in North America. Gets the Dogma into souls ... to counter the "sspx" soul damning lies put into those same souls. Brought 220 hits onto the website from northeast Kansas in just over five (5) weeks.
Sub-part T: Summary and required Catholic remedy ... after involvement in the "sspx" cult.
S u b - p a r t A-1
The "sspx" has ... zero Catholic lineage for Consecrations and Ordinations ... and never has had any lineage.
~ ~ ~
Lefebvre was automatically excommunicated ... for heresy on 8 December 1965 when he approved the "vatican-2 council" documents. Many say ... that Lefebvre recanted his v-2 council approval ... but this is immaterial and irrelevant because there was no one to reinstate Lefebvre with Catholic Jurisdiction since there was no Pope to do so.
Automatic Excommunication for heresy Dogma ... listed on Section 13.2
Automatic Excommunication for physical participation in heretic groups (like "sspx") ... listed on Section 13.2.2
The "sspx" lineage hoax ...
Lefebvre (automatically excommunicated for heresy) > various fake priests, starting 29 June 1976
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Lefebvre (automatically excommunicated for heresy) > Fellay (fake bishop, 1988)
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Lefebvre (automatically excommunicated for heresy) > Williamson (fake bishop, 1988)
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Lefebvre (automatically excommunicated for heresy) > Tissier de Mallerais (fake bishop, 1988)
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Lefebvre (automatically excommunicated for heresy) > Galarreta (fake bishop, 1988)
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Fellay (fake bishop, 1988) > various fake priests
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Williamson (fake bishop, 1988) > various fake priests
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Tissier (fake bishop, 1988) > various fake priests
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Galarreta (fake bishop, 1988) > various fake priests
(Note: No Catholic lineage here)
Facts relating to the "sspx lineage" hoax >
1. Lefebvre did not have ... an Apostolic letter from a Pope granting him Catholic Jurisdiction ... to Ordain or Consecrate anyone (see No. 2). Levebvre fell automatically excommunicated for heresy on 8 December 1965, non-Catholic apostate "paul-vi" was not a Catholic Pope so he could not grant Lefebvre Catholic jurisdiction to Ordain Priests or Consecrate Bishops.
2. The last Pope who could grant Catholic jurisdiction was Pope Pius X (died 1914) ... fully proven on Sections 20, 20.1, 20.2, and 20.
3. Fake "lineages" ... those without Papal granted jurisdiction ... offer nothing but pagan idol worship (even though it looks Catholic).
4. Pagan idol worship ... like the "sspx" stage shows ... causes your automatic excommunication, proven by Dogma listed on Section 13.2.2.
5. Participation in Catholic looking proceedings (that do not have jurisdiction) ... are First Commandment mortal sins.
S u b - p a r t A-2
The "sspx" is in continuous heresy against the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
~ ~ ~
1. For any group to be a Catholic entity it must satisfy the below listed Dogmatic citations from the Council of Florence and the Vatican Council of 1870 which address Jurisdiction and Governance.
2. God knew that the Catholic Church was going to lose its buildings in 1965 at the close of the "council" of apostasy to the vatican-2 cult ... this is a test of Faith that we don't go running off to non-Jurisdictional entities who also sacrifice to idols (like the vatican-2 cult) and in which there is no absolution of sins. The loss of the continual sacrifice was foretold five times see > Daniel 8:11, Daniel 8:12, Daniel 8:13, Daniel 9:27, and Daniel 11:31 ... this started on 8 December 1965 when the vatican-2 cult began sacrificing to the vatican-2 god.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 11:31 >
"And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall defile the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the continual sacrifice, and they shall place there the abomination unto desolation."
3. The vatican-2 jew-heretic cult is not a source of Catholic Jurisdiction, since they are not Catholic in Faith (see Sections 12 and 13). The vatican-2 cult can use the word "Pope" to identify its leader but this is a lie since only the Catholic Church has the Office of the Papacy. See Sections 13.4, 13.5, and 13.6 regarding the Papacy and Catholic Jurisdiction.
4. Dogmatic citations that there is one and only one possible source of Catholic Jurisdiction and governance in the world are listed here in Sub-part A.
5. The only possible source of Catholic Jurisdiction and governance is hierarchically under the See of Peter for the entire Church around the whole world ... but since all Catholic Bishops were automatically excommunicated on 8 December 1965, and the See of Peter not having a bishop ... by dogmatic definition, Catholic Jurisdiction and governance disappeared from the world on 8 December 1965 and does not exist in the world at this time. See Section 13.2 of this site for the Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy which is operative against all vatican-2 cult personnel (who are dressed like Catholic bishops and priests and who reside in our formerly Catholic buildings).
6. Re-instituting the Catholic Papacy and priesthood is not possible since Divine public revelation ended in 99 A.D. with the death of Saint John. The Dogma states that when Christ returns it will be only for the judgement ... not for re-instituting the priesthood.
7. The "sspx" is lying about "supplied jurisdiction" there is no such thing as "supplied jurisdiction" it is complete heresy. This heresy states that jurisdiction can be "supplied by the people" in "times of emergency" (this heresy is covered in Sub-part C below and on Section 99 of this site).
8. The fact that the single possible source of Catholic Jurisdiction and governance has fallen vacant by heresy ... does not mean you cannot get to Heaven. You can still be fully Catholic and get to Heaven, it simply means that God has allowed the Mass and sacramental confession to be taken away ... see Sections 7.4 and 10.2 which address necessity of means and times when confession is not available.
The Dogma of the Catholic God ... that the "sspx" is continually rejecting by their very existence:
~ ~ ~
Dogmatic Council of Florence, Laetentur Coeli (Decree of Union), 6 July 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We likewise define that the holy Apostolic See, and the Roman Pontiff, hold the primacy throughout the entire world; and that the Roman Pontiff himself is the successor of blessed Peter, the chief of the Apostles, and the true vicar of Christ, and that he is the head of the entire Church, and the father and teacher of all Christians; and that full power was given to him in blessed Peter by our Lord Jesus Christ, to feed, rule, and govern the universal Church."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
There is no physical group in the world who can meet this dogmatic definition. The vatican-2 cult does not meet this definition because they are a non-Catholic heretical society ... and neither do any of the "independents" ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they would have to be in the single governance which is throughout the entire world, under the head of the entire Church under the See of Peter (not in place at this time, it has been lost via heresy).
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 2 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Wherefore we teach and declare that, by Divine ordinance, the Roman Church possesses a pre-eminence of ordinary power over every other church, and that this Jurisdictional power of the Roman Pontiff is both episcopal and immediate. Both clergy and faithful, of whatever rite and dignity, both singly and collectively, are bound to submit to this power by the duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, and this not only in matters concerning faith and morals, but also in those which regard the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society ... and neither do any of the "independents" ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be under the government and in a hierarchical subordination ... of a single group which is throughout the world under the immediate Jurisdictional power of the office of the Roman Pontiff (not in place at this time, lost through heresy).
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 9 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"So, then, if anyone says that the Roman pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of Jurisdiction over the whole Church, and this not only in matters of faith and morals, but also in those which concern the discipline and government of the Church dispersed throughout the whole world; or that he has only the principal part, but not the absolute fullness, of this supreme power; or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the churches and over all and each of the pastors and faithful: let him be anathema."
Application of this citation:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society ... and neither do any of the "independents" ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be in the Jurisdiction over the whole Church including matters of government ... in a group which is throughout the whole world under the office of the Roman Pontiff (not in place at this time, lost through heresy).
This Source of Dogma has an anathema attached to it ... the anathema is part of this infallible decree, and because of this, the anathema is infallibly applied to all of the souls who are in violation of this dogmatic citation.
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 6 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Furthermore, it follows from that supreme power which the Roman Pontiff has in governing the whole Church, that he has the right, in the performance of this office of his, to communicate freely with the pastors and flocks of the entire Church, so that they may be taught and guided by him in the way of salvation."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society ... and neither do any of the "independents" ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be in the governing (of) the whole Church ... and part of the entire Church.
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 8 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since the Roman Pontiff, by the Divine right of the Apostolic primacy, governs the whole Church, we likewise teach and declare that he is the supreme judge of the faithful."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society ... and neither do any of the "independents" ("sspx" , "SSPV", "CMRI", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be in a single government of the whole Church under the Apostolic primacy (not in place at this time, lost through heresy).
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 1 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Apostolic see and the Roman Pontiff hold a world-wide primacy, and that ... To him, in Blessed Peter, full power has been given by our Lord Jesus Christ to tend, rule and govern the universal Church."
Application of this citation:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society ... and neither do any of the "independents" ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) that offers a Catholic looking liturgy, since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be governed within the universal Church under the full power given to Blessed Peter. The See of Peter has been lost in these times, with the rest of our formerly Catholic properties, when the vatican-2 heretic cult took over our properties in 1965 at the close of the "vatican-2 council".
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 1: On the institution of the Apostolic Primacy in Blessed Peter, Part 1 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We teach and declare that, according to the gospel evidence, a primacy of Jurisdiction over the whole Church of God was immediately and directly promised to the Blessed Apostle Peter and conferred on him by Christ the Lord."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society ... and neither do any of the "independents" ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) that offers a Catholic looking liturgy because this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must be part of the primacy of Jurisdiction over the whole Church under the successors of Blessed Apostle Peter.
There is no Apostolic Succession at this time (there are only vatican-2 cult heretic group leaders) but the Apostolic Faith (the Catholic Dogma) is still in the world, so the gates of Hell have not prevailed against the Church. The term "gates of Hell" was defined at the Second Council of Constantinople. The phrase "gates of Hell" is wrongly used when this phrase is used in reference to the Papacy ... as seen in this Source of Dogma:
Second Council of Constantinople, Pope Vigilius, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We bear in mind what was promised about the Holy Church and Him who said the gates of Hell will not prevail against it (by these we understand the death-dealing tongues of heretics)."
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 1: On the institution of the Apostolic Primacy in Blessed Peter, Part 6 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Therefore, if anyone says that Blessed Peter the Apostle was not appointed by Christ the Lord as prince of all the Apostles and visible head of the whole church militant; or that it was a primacy of honour only and not one of true and proper Jurisdiction that he directly and immediately received from our Lord Jesus Christ Himself: let him be anathema."
Application of this Source of Dogma:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult does not meet this Dogmatic definition because they are a heretical society ... and neither does any other group in the world ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) that offers a Catholic looking liturgy, since this Source of Dogma states that for a group to be a Catholic entity they must part of the whole church militant and under the true and proper Jurisdiction under the successors of Blessed Peter the Apostle (not in place at this time, lost through heresy).
Related Citations regarding Catholic Jurisdiction and Governance ... Rejected by the "sspx"
~ ~
Pope Pius IX, Quanta cura, 8 Dec 1864 >
"There is no one who does not see and understand clearly and openly how opposed this is to the Catholic Dogma of the plenary (complete in every respect; absolute) power divinely bestowed on the Roman Pontiff by Christ the Lord Himself of feeding, ruling, and governing the universal Church."
Application of this teaching:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult cannot be in accord with this instruction from Pope Pius IX because they are a heretical society, and other groups that offer Catholic looking liturgy ("sspx" , "SSPV", "CMRI", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) are not because they are in heresy against the Sources of Dogma which address Catholic Jurisdiction and Governance.
Pope Pius VI, Super Soliditate, 28 Nov 1786 >
"Are so many solemn decrees of the Popes and Councils repeated so many times to be called fanatic, by which those have been condemned who denied that in blessed Peter, the prince of the Apostles, his successor, the Roman Pontiff, was established by God as the visible head of the Church and the vicar of Jesus Christ, that to him has been transmitted full power of ruling the Church, and that true obedience is due him from all who are considered Christians; and that such is the power of the primacy, which he holds by divine right, that he is superior to other bishops not only by his rank of honor but by the plenitude of his supreme power?"
Application of this teaching:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult cannot be in accord with this instruction from Pope Pius VI because they are a heretical society, and other groups that offer Catholic looking liturgy ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) are not because they are in heresy against the Sources of Dogma which address Catholic Jurisdiction and Governance.
Pope Leo XIII, Testem Benevolentiae, 22 January 1899 >
"Now the history of all past ages is witness that this Apostolic See, to which not only the office of teaching, but also the supreme government of the whole Church were assigned, has indeed continually adhered 'to the same doctrine, in the same sense, and in the same mind'."
Application of this teaching:
The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult cannot be in accord with this instruction from Pope Pius XIII because they are a heretical society, and other groups that offer Catholic looking liturgy ("sspx" , "sspv", "cmri", "Thuc line", other "independents", etc.) are not because they are in heresy against the Sources of Dogma which address Catholic Jurisdiction and Governance.
Pope Pius IX, Graves Ac Diuturnae, Paragraph 4, 23 March 1875 >
"They (the faithful) should totally shun their religious celebrations, their buildings, and their chairs of pestilence which they have with impunity established (...) They should shun their writings and all contact with them. They should not have any dealings or meetings with usurping priests and apostates from the faith who dare to exercise the duties of an ecclesiastical minister without possessing a legitimate mission or any Jurisdiction. They should avoid them as strangers and thieves who come only to steal, slay, and destroy. For the Church's children should consider the proper action to preserve the most precious treasure of faith, without which it is impossible to please God."
Application of this teaching:
This citation applies to the vatican-2 heretic cult which was founded on 8 December 1965 at the Vatican and ... to every other group in the world who offers a Catholic looking liturgy because all of these other groups are in violation of the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
S u b - p a r t B
The "canon law" hoax is being pushed by the "sspx" to put on their stage shows that look like "Mass". The Catholic Church
does not have "canon law". Automatically excommunicated heretics "benedict-15" and "john paul 2" cannot
legislate for the Catholic Church that they are not even in.
~ ~ ~
Automatically excommunicated heretics ... "benedict-15" and "john paul 2" cannot legislate for the Catholic Church ...
Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion ... let such a person be condemned."
Note 1: Mandate to reject the ... "canon law" fraud writings of ... automatically excommunicated heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV").
Note 2: Mandate to reject the ... "canon law" fraud writings of ... automatically excommunicated heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II").
Note 3: The vatican-2 heretic cult (founded in 1965) ... is not the Catholic Church (founded in 33 A.D.). This also, of course, proves that the hoax "1983 code of canon law" is not a writing of the Catholic Church (see Section 12).
This Note 3 ... applies to all records in this Sub-part A.
Fourth Council of Constantinople, Canon 6, 870 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Therefore, to safeguard Church order, we anathematize ... everyone who henceforth acts deceitfully and fraudulently ... or composes books full of deceptions and explains them in favour of his own designs.
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") ... "composes books full of deceptions" ... the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma. We must ignore the hoax "1917 code" to save our souls.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") ... "composes books full of deceptions" ... the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma (see Note 3). We must ignore the hoax "1983 code" to save our souls.
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
Archbishop Purcell, address at the Vatican Council of 1870 >
"The question was also raised by a Cardinal, 'What is to be done with the Pope if he becomes a heretic?' From the moment he becomes a heretic he is not the head or even a member of the Church. The Church would not be, for a moment, obliged to listen to him when he begins to teach a doctrine the Church knows to be a false doctrine, and he would cease to be Pope, being deposed by God Himself."
Note 1: Mandate to reject the ... "canon law" fraud writings of ... automatically excommunicated heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV").
Note 2: Mandate to reject the ... "canon law" fraud writings of ... automatically excommunicated heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II").
Venerable Robert Bellarmine, Cardinal, De Romano Pontifice, II, 30 >
"A pope who is a manifest heretic automatically (per se (by itself, intrinsically, by its very nature)) ceases to be Pope and head, just as he ceases automatically to be a Christian and a member of the Church. Wherefore, he can be judged and punished by the Church. This is the teaching of all the ancient Fathers who teach that manifest heretics immediately lose all jurisdiction."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") ... could not promulgate the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... on behalf of the Catholic Church ... since della Chiesa was outside the Church for heresy.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") ... could not promulgate the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... on behalf of the Catholic Church ... since Wojtyla was outside the Church for heresy.
Note 3: Venerable Robert Bellarmine uses the word "manifest" in this quote ... so yes a manifest heretic is automatically excommunicated. At the same time ... someone’s heresy does not have to be public and manifest to cause his automatic excommunication as identified in the Sources of Dogma listed on Section 13.2.
Saint Irenaeus, Against Heresies, Book IV, Chapter 26, Paragraph 2, 185 A.D. >
"And the heretics, indeed, who bring strange fire to the altar of God - namely, strange doctrines - shall be burned up by the fire from Heaven, as were Nadab and Abiud. But such as rise up in opposition to the truth, and exhort others against the Church of God, (shall) remain among those in Hell."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") ... "brought strange doctrine" ... the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma. We must ignore the hoax "1917 code" to save our souls.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") ... "brought strange doctrine" ... the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma. We must ignore the hoax "1917 code" to save our souls (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 >
"The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") was ... "outside Catholic communion" ... so that the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") was ... "outside Catholic communion" ... so that the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
Saint Antoninus, died 1459 A.D., cited in Actes de Vatican I. V. Frond pub. >
"In the case in which the Pope would become a heretic, he would find himself, by that fact alone and without any other sentence, separated from the Church. A head separated from a body cannot, as long as it remains separated, be head of the same body from which it was cut off. A Pope who would be separated from the Church by heresy, therefore, would by that very fact itself cease to be head of the Church.
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") was ... ceased to be head of the Church by heresy ... so that the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") was ... "leader" of the vatican-2 heretic cult ... so that the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
St. Augustine, Doctor of the Church, died 430 A.D. >
"Therefore, we are right in censuring, anathematizing, abhorring, and abominating the perversity of heart shown by heretics."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") is to be ... "anathematized and abhorred" ... so that the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") is to be ... "anathematized and abhorred" ... so that the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, 1513 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") was against ... "the enlightened truth of the faith" on Jurisdiction (and many other subjects). So that the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... is to be a "wholly condemned" writing of this heretic.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") was against ... "the enlightened truth of the faith" on Jurisdiction with the "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" in the hoax called the "1983 code of canon law" (and many other subjects). So that the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... is to be a "wholly condemned" writing of this heretic.
Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church, 440-461 A.D. >
"The faith shall never vary in any age, for one is the faith which justifies the Just of all ages."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") ... "varied the faith" against the Jurisdiction Dogma. So that the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... is to be a rejected and ignored writing of a heretic.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") ... "varied the faith" against the Jurisdiction Dogma ... with the "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" in the hoax called the "1983 code of canon law". The Church instructs to reject the "1983 code" ... it is not a writing of the Catholic Church.
Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Holy Roman Church ... condemns, reproves, anathematizes and declares to be outside the body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") is held to be ... outside the Church ... so that the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") is held to be ... outside the Church ... so that the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma is to be ignored and rejected (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
Catholic writing of 2 St. Peter 2:1 >
"There shall be among you lying teachers who shall bring in sects of perdition and deny the Lord who bought them: bringing upon themselves swift destruction."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") was a ... lying "teacher" ... in the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") was a ... lying "teacher" ... in the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
Note 4: This scripture depicts ... the starting of "sects of perdition" (groups which send you into Hell) ... the lies in the "canon laws" work to establish sects of perdition like the ... "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", "Thuc line", etc.
Saint Hilary of Poitiers, Doctor of the Church, died 368 A.D. >
"The multitude of believers had only one heart and soul; but dissenters, and those who separate themselves from the Body of the Church, have no participation."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") was a "dissenter" ... "having no participation in the Church" ... while promulgating the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") was a "dissenter" ... "having no participation in the Church" ... while promulgating the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
Pope Pius VIII, 1829-1830 A.D. >
"The heretics have disseminated pestilential books everywhere, by which the teachings of the impious spread, much as a cancer. To counteract this most deadly pest, spare no labor."
Note 1: Heretic Giacomo della Chiesa (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") ... "disseminated pestilential books" ... while promulgating the fraud "1917 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma.
Note 2: Heretic Karol Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") ... "disseminated pestilential books" ... while promulgating the fraud "1983 code of canon law" ... which is against the Catholic Jurisdiction Dogma (see Note 3).
Note 3: The fraudulent "1983 code" has "necessity loopholes" in "canons 1323 and 1324" which ... unlawfully appears to permit ... ignoring the infallible Dogma on Jurisdiction listed on Section 87 of this site.
- - - - -
You get the idea ... automatically excommunicated heretics ("Benedict XV" and "John Paul II") ...
cannot legislate for the Catholic Church which they were not in ...
regarding the 1917 and 1983 "canon law" hoaxes.
~ ~ ~
Related ... heretics promulgate heresy. A few selected heresies from the "1917 code" hoax ... and "1983 code" hoax More ... soul damning "code" heresies ... listed on Section 105.1 Sub-parts B and C ... with more Catholic corrections
The heretical "canon 209" - of the "1917 code" :
"In common error or in positive or probable doubt about either law or fact, the Church supplies jurisdiction: for both the external and internal forum."
Catholic correction:
This is heresy against the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance listed in Section 87 of this site ... two such citations below.
Where is the "positive or probable doubt" in the below Sources of Dogma which clearly state that there is one and only one source of jurisdiction, the See of Peter (not operative at this time). The Church does supply jurisdiction ... in this single manner ... there is no "positive or probable doubt" where the Church amorphously (without definition) "supplies" ... the Dogmatic definitions are:
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 2 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Wherefore we teach and declare that, by Divine ordinance, the Roman Church possesses a pre-eminence of ordinary power over every other church, and that this jurisdictional power of the Roman Pontiff is both episcopal and immediate. Both clergy and faithful, of whatever rite and dignity, both singly and collectively, are bound to submit to this power by the duty of hierarchical subordination and true obedience, and this not only in matters concerning faith and morals, but also in those which regard the discipline and government of the Church throughout the world."
The heretical "canon 1239" - of the "1917 code" :
"Unbaptized persons may not receive ecclesiastical burial, with the exception of catechumens who, through no fault of theirs, die without having received baptism, and therefore to be regarded as among those baptized."
Catholic correction:
The Catholic Church teaches exactly the opposite of this "canon" as seen here:
Pope St. Leo the Great, Council of Chalcedon, 451 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For there are three who give testimony - Spirit and water and blood. And the three are one. In other words, the Spirit of Sanctification and the Blood of Redemption and the water of baptism. These three are one and remain indivisible. None of them is separable from its link with the others."
Note: Dogma that sanctification (justification) of the human soul cannot be separated from water baptism.
The heretical "canon 849" - of the "1983 code" :
"Baptism, the gateway to the sacraments and necessary for salvation by actual reception or at least by desire."
Catholic correction:
This is heresy against the Catholic Dogma on Water Baptism listed in Section 7.2 of this site ... three such citations below.
Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."
The heretical "canon 217" - of the "1983 Code" :
"Since they are called by baptism to lead a life in keeping with the teaching of the gospel."
Catholic correction:
The ... "teaching of the Gospel" ... is not the Catholic Faith which one must believe to get to Heaven. The Catholic Faith is the Sources of Dogma of the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world (proven on Section 3.3 of this site). If one is in heresy against any Dogma they are outside the Catholic Church.
Council of Florence, Session 2, 15 February 1432 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For the extirpation of heresies and errors, for the reformation of morals in head and members of the Church of God, and for the pacification of kings and kingdoms and other Christians in discord among themselves through the instigation of the author of discords, the Synod, legitimately assembled in the Holy Spirit, decrees, establishes, defines, declares and ordains as follows ..."
S u b - p a r t C
The "sspx" is in heresy against the Water Baptism Dogma, grinding it under their heels.
~ ~ ~
1. Once again the "sspx" proves themselves to be a non-Catholic cult. This time by rejecting the Dogma on water baptism.
2. Rejecting the Dogma on water baptism, just as the rejection of any Dogma, causes your automatic excommunication. Participation in a cult that rejects the water baptism Dogma causes your own automatic excommunication ... as physical participation in any heretical society does.
3. The "sspx" cult actually runs an entire semester course at their fake non-Catholic "seminary" to indoctrinate their fake non-Catholic "seminarians" into the "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" heresies.
Sources of Dogma which rule out "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" ... being rejected by the "sspx" non-Catholic cult:
(The below Dogma proves that there is one type of Baptism for remitting Original Sin ... not "three" (no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood")
~ ~ ~
Council of Chalcedon, Pope Saint Leo the Great, Letter to Flavian (martyr) section, 451 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For there are three who give testimony – Spirit and water and blood. And the three are one.
In other words, the Spirit of Sanctification and the Blood of Redemption and the water
of baptism. These three are one and remain indivisible. None of them is separable from its link with the others."
Note 1: The Spirit of Sanctification (Justification) is inseparable from water baptism (they are "one").
No one is justified without water baptism and so no one can enter Heaven without water baptism. The reference to Blood here is the Blood of the Passion which, now, gives the power to the water to remit Original Sin in a properly performed baptism.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Note 3: Saint Flavian was Bishop of Constantinople and a Catholic martyr, he died in 449 A.D. ... the Letter to Flavian was promulgated as part of the Council of Chalcedon text (thereby making it Dogmatic) two years after Saint Flavian was martyred.
Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."
Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution 1 - Profession of Faith, Paragraph 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"But the sacrament of baptism is consecrated in water at the invocation of the undivided Trinity -- namely Father, Son and
Holy Spirit -- and brings salvation to both children and adults when it is correctly carried out by anyone in the form laid down by
the Church. If someone falls into sin after having received baptism, he or she can always be restored through true penitence."
Note 1: If you believe baptism can be consecrated in "desire" or "blood" ... you're in a heretical state, automatically excommunicated, and headed for Hell.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Note 3: Regarding the text: "and brings salvation" ... after one is baptized into the Church he must remain in the Church by not falling into heresy. If one falls into heresy or participation in a heretic cult ("lutheran", "vatican-2", "methodist", "evangelical", etc.) after baptism ... he would make an Abjuration as seen on Section 19.1 of this site to re-enter the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church does not have any buildings at this time (see Sections 12 through 21).
Note 4: Please see Sections 10.1, 10.2, and 29 regarding penitence after falling into sin after baptism.
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree Concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 4, 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Even infants, who could not as yet commit any sin of themselves, are for this cause truly baptized for the remission of sins, that in them that may be cleansed away by regeneration, which they have contracted by generation. For, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."
Note 1: Again, regeneration from Original Sin, only through water baptism.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Note 3: This Source of Dogma highlights the "baptism of desire" fraud from another perspective. Infants cannot desire baptism, they must be baptized in water.
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree Concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 4, 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one denies, that infants, newly born from their mother's wombs ... has need of being expiated by the laver of regeneration for the obtaining (of) life everlasting ... let him be anathema."
Note 1: The "laver of regeneration" is water baptism ... for obtaining life everlasting.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Note 3: This Source of Dogma highlights the "baptism of desire" fraud from another perspective. Infants cannot desire baptism, they must be baptized in water.
Council of Trent, Session 7, Baptism Section, Canon 2, 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that true and natural water is not of necessity for baptism, and, on that account, wrests, to some sort of metaphor, those words of our Lord Jesus Christ; Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit; let him be anathema."
Note: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 14, Chapter 2, On the Most Holy Sacraments of Penance and Extreme Unction, 1551 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Seeing that the Church exercises judgment on no one who has not entered therein through the gate of baptism. For, what have I, saith the apostle, to do to judge them that are without? It is otherwise with those who are of the household of the faith, whom Christ our Lord has once, by the laver of baptism, made the members of His own body."
Note 1: The "laver of baptism" is water ... to be made members of His own body.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 21, Chapter 4, That little Children are not bound to sacramental Communion, 1562 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Finally, this same holy Synod teaches, that little children, who have not attained to the use of reason, are not by any necessity obliged to the sacramental communion of the Eucharist: forasmuch as, having been regenerated by the laver of baptism, and being incorporated with Christ, they cannot, at that age, lose the grace which they have already acquired of being the sons of God."
Note 1: The "laver of baptism" is water ... brings about regeneration and incorporation into Christ.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"With regard to children, since the danger of death is often present and the only remedy available to them is the sacrament of baptism by which they are snatched away from the dominion of the devil and adopted as children of God, it admonishes that sacred baptism is not to be deferred."
Note 1: The Sacrament of Baptism ... being identified as required for salvation (getting to Heaven).
Note 2: The Sacrament of Baptism ... includes form, matter, and intent. The matter for the Sacrament is water.
Note 3: This proves (again) that water is required to remit Original Sin and to get to Heaven.
Note 4: Certain "baptism of desire" heretics say ... that since this Source of Dogma states that ... the "only remedy" for infants is water baptism, it can be inferred that adults have "other remedies" such as "baptism of desire". This of course is proven to be false by the other Sources of Dogma on this Section.
Note 5: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, 18 Nov 1302 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"One is my dove, my perfect one ... which represents the one mystical body whose head is Christ, of Christ indeed, as God. And in this, 'one Lord, one faith, one baptism'."
Note 1: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
The Nicene Constantinople Creed, 381 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We confess one baptism for the remission of sins."
Note 1: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 3, Decree touching the Symbol of Faith, 4 Feb 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"I confess one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come."
Note 1: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 6, Decree on Justification, 1547 A.D., Chapters 5, 6, 7 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma > (5) "The Synod furthermore declares, that in adults, the beginning of the said Justification is to be derived from the prevenient grace of God, through Jesus Christ ... yet is he not able, by his own free will, without the grace of God, to move himself unto justice in His sight ..."
(6) "Now they (adults) ... are therefore moved against sins by a certain hatred and detestation, to wit, by that penitence which must be performed before baptism: lastly, when they purpose to receive baptism, to begin a new life, and to keep the commandments of God."
(7) "Of this Justification the causes are these:
The final cause indeed is the glory of God ...
The meritorious cause is His most beloved only-begotten, our Lord Jesus Christ ...
The instrumental cause is the sacrament of baptism, which is the sacrament of faith ..."
Note 1: Even though the person is moved to a hatred of sin and has the interior purpose to receive baptism in Paragraph (6) ... and has a penitence (remorse for sin) before baptism ... even so, in accordance with the Water Baptism Dogma he doesn't reach justification until the instrumental cause -- the sacrament of baptism as is seen in Paragraph 7.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 6, Canons on Justification, Canon 1, 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that man may be justified before God by his own works, whether done through the teaching of human nature, or that of the law, without the grace of God through Jesus Christ; let him be anathema."
Note 1: The interior dispostion or desire of the person -- "his own works" -- does not bring the soul to a justified state without the grace of Jesus Christ. The sanctifying grace, through Jesus Christ, to bring one to justification has been dogmatically defined as water baptism.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Pope Clement V, Council of Vienne, Decree 30, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since however there is for both regulars and seculars, for superiors and subjects, for exempt and non-exempt, one universal Church, outside of which there is no salvation, for all of whom there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism ..."
Note 1: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Pope Pius IV, Council of Trent, Iniunctum nobis, Profession of Faith, 13 Nov 1565 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"I confess one baptism for the remission of sins, and I await the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come."
Note 1: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"I confess one baptism for the remission of sins."
Note 1: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree Concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 3, 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one asserts, that this sin of Adam ... is taken away either by the powers of human nature, or by any other remedy than the merit of the one mediator, our Lord Jesus Christ ... or if he denies that the said merit of Jesus Christ is applied, both to adults and to infants, by the sacrament of baptism ... let him be anathema."
Note 1: Removal of Orignal Sin by the "powers of human nature" is specifically denied in this decree ... such as the human nature action of "desire".
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 6, Decrees on Justification, Chapter 4, 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And this translation, since the promulgation of the Gospel, cannot be effected, without the laver of regeneration, or the desire thereof, as it is written; unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."
Note 1: The Council of Trent, Session 6, Chapter 4 does not teach the heresy of "baptism of desire" as the non-Catholic vatican-2 cult claims. The Council was stating that neither the water nor the desire can be missing (the desire is actual grace).
Note 2: The heretics who that say Session 6, Chapter 4 teaches the heresy of "baptism of desire" actually reverse the words "the desire thereof" and add the word "baptism" to ... get their heresy of "baptism of desire" ... when the text says no such thing.
Note 3: At this time the Church was fighting against heresies on justification. There was heresy that people were justified only by receiving actual grace, which moves you away from sin, but actual grace doesn't on its own place you into a justified state. Only water baptism places you into a justified state. This is why the Council went out of its way to word Chapter 4 like it did ... to inform people that two things must take place (1) actual grace (the desire) and then (2) the Sacrament of water baptism -- neither one can be missing to place you into the justified state.
Note 4: Please see Section 7.3 of this site which addressed Session 6, Chapter 4 in more detail.
Note 5: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
Council of Trent, Session 6, Canons on Justification, Canon 9, 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that by faith alone the impious is justified; in such wise as to mean, that nothing else is required to co-operate in order to the obtaining the grace of Justification, and that it is not in any way necessary, that he be prepared and disposed by the movement of his own will; let him be anathema."
Note 1: One must cooperate with the actual graces received and take the only action which brings one to the state of justification ... which is brought about by the sanctifying grace of water baptism.
Note 2: Ex-Cathedra ... the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world ... at a worldwide General Council.
De Fide Catholic Dogma, Dogma Section IX, Dogma No. 2 >
"The materia remota for the Sacrament of Baptism is true and natural water."
Note 1: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Note 2: The phrase "materia remota" (remote material) is used here by the Church because the heretics were saying that if water (the proximate matter) is not available then you can use a remote matter as a substitute for water. By the Church using the phrase "materia remota" it is saying that the remote matter for baptism is also water -- thereby specifying water in all cases against the heretics.
De Fide Catholic Dogma, Dogma Section IX, Dogma No. 6 >
"Baptism by water (Baptismus fluminis) is, since the promulgation of the Gospel, necessary for all men without exception for salvation."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Council of Valence III, Canon 5, 855 A.D. >
"Likewise we believe that we must hold most firmly that all the multitude of the faithful, regenerated 'from the water and the Holy Spirit', and through this truly incorporated in the Church."
Note: Again, regeneration from Original Sin, only through water baptism.
Council of Toledo XI, 675 A.D. >
"We believe that the holy Catholic Church, purchased by the price of His blood, will reign with Him for eternity. Established in her bosom we believe in and confess one baptism for the remission of all sins."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Pope Saint Gregory II, 715-731 A.D. >
"And let that which the Apostle says be observed: One God, one faith, one baptism."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Pope St. Leo IX, Congratulamur Vehementer, 13 Apr 1053 >
"I believe that the one true Church is holy, Catholic and apostolic, in which is given one baptism and the true remission of all sins."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Pope Pius VI, Inscrutabile, Paragraph 8, 25 Dec 1775 >
"We exhort and advise you to be all of one mind and in harmony as you strive for the same object, just as the Church has one faith, one baptism, and one Spirit."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Pope Leo XII, Ubi Primum, Paragraph 14, 5 May 1824 >
"By it we are taught, and by divine faith we hold one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and that no other name under Heaven is given to men except the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth in which we must be saved. This is why we profess that there is no salvation outside the Church."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Pope Pius VIII, Traditi Humilitati, Paragraph 4, 24 May 1829 >
"Against these experienced sophists the people must be taught that the profession of the Catholic faith is uniquely true, as the apostle proclaims: one Lord, one faith, one baptism."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Pope Pius IX, Singular quadem, 9 Dec 1854 >
"Let us hold most firmly that, in accordance with Catholic teaching, there is 'one God, one faith, one baptism', it is unlawful to proceed further in inquiry."
Note: One baptism not three ... no "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood".
Warning: Given the above Sources of Dogma ... whoever says or believes that there is "baptism of desire" or "baptism of blood" ... or whoever participates in reprobate organizations that teach these heresies is ... most certainly automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
S u b - p a r t D
The "sspx" cult continuously promotes the heresy of "supplied jurisdiction" ... they must push this lie for their very existence.
~ ~ ~
As seen in Sub-part A above, there is one and only one source of Catholic Jurisdiction in the world. This one source of Jurisdiction is under the See of Peter (not in place or operative at this time), it is hierarchal, and it governs the entire Church around the whole world - these are Dogmatic facts which we must believe to get to Heaven.
So where did the man-made concept of "supplied jurisdiction" come from. Where did the notion come from that the people "supply Jurisdiction" to clerics in "times of emergency" or the Church somehow "supplies Jurisdiction" in a way which is in violation of the Jurisdiction and governance Dogma cited above? This is the question answered by the research below.
There is a complete absence of this fiction of "supplied jurisdiction" in the formal Catholic writings and in the Denzinger, Sources of Catholic Dogma
An electronic search (MS-word files) of Catholic Church Council writings and of the Denzinger Sources of Catholic Dogma revealed that the concept of "supplied jurisdiction" is absolutely nowhere in Council writings, and nowhere in the Denzinger Sources of Catholic Dogma ... there is not a single occurrence in any of the Church’s official (Dogmatic) teaching.
The writings of the Catholic world-wide Councils do not have a single instance of this ... non-Catholic fiction >
We placed the Catholic Council texts (20 Councils) into a single MS-word file which ran to 538 pages and proceeded to do searches on this subject in the following manner with the following results:
Searched on --> "supplied jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "supplies jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "Jurisdiction is supplied by the Church" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "the Church supplies jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "Church supplies jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
The Denzinger - Sources of Catholic Dogma doesn't have a single instance of this ... non-Catholic fiction >
The Denzinger is organized by numbered articles. There are 2333 (two thousand, three hundred, and thirty three) numbered articles in the Denzinger which documents writings and teachings of Catholic Councils, Popes, and Saints. We placed the entire Denzinger into a single MS-word file which ran to 408 pages and proceeded to do searches on this subject in the following manner with the following results:
Searched on --> "supplied jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "supplies jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "Jurisdiction is supplied by the Church" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "the Church supplies jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
Searched on --> "Church supplies jurisdiction" --> not a single occurance
Search Summary >
A total of 946 pages of the formal Catholic teachings were searched, with five different types of searches, so that 4,730 pages were checked using the above search criteria. If "supplied jurisdiction" was the teaching of the Catholic Church it most certainly would have to be addressed and its parameters defined in these Catholic writings -- at least once -- somewhere.
"Supplied jurisdiction" is nowhere in formal Catholic teaching, so where did it come from? It came from man-made Canon Law in 1917 -- which cannot be used to go against the Divine Law on Jurisdiction and Governance. Canon law can only support and defend the Divine Law. If a canon law goes against the Divine Law it must be regarded as heresy. There is a hierarchy of laws.
The above search result, and the fact that the whole concept of a "supplied jurisdiction" … is against the Catholic Sources of Dogma which address Jurisdiction and Governance, we can see clearly that "supplied jurisdiction" is a non-Catholic fiction and hoax. Since it isn’t Catholic it must, by definition, be from Hell for the damnation of human souls.
Since the "supplied jurisdiction" myth is completely opposed to the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance as seen in Part (2) ... and based on not finding "supplied jurisdiction" in the official writings of the Catholic Church, it is clear that any organization functioning via "supplied jurisdiction" is in heresy against the Jurisdiction Dogma, and cannot be a Catholic entity.
Since "supplied jurisdiction" is against the Dogma, any "canon law" that discusses or uses the concept of "supplied jurisdiction" is heresy and not Catholic teaching.
It must already have been conceded that the concept of "supplied jurisdiction" is heresy based on the Sources of Dogma cited in Part (2) of this packet, but just the same, it was instructive to run the above searches of the Catholic writings.
We are all aware of the instances where priests secretly went into England to bring the Sacraments to the English who had lost their local hierarchy to the "anglican" heresy. The Catholic priests who did this did have Jurisdiction through their bishops in France (who sent them) -- these bishops in turn had their Jurisdiction from the Pope. Similar situations have probably happened in Church history ... but situations like these cannot be used to justify setting up Catholic looking liturgies against the Jurisdiction and Governance Dogma.
We have to face the facts in the supernatural Order ... God has allowed the Mass to be taken away by the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult. If we insist on setting up fake "traditional" groups ("sspx", "sspv", "cmri", "independents", etc.) none of which have ordained priests ... we cause our automatic excommunication ... for participating in non-Catholic "worship" (Dogma listed on Section 13.2.2).
Pope Pius X started a commission to standardize the Church's Canon Law on 19 March 1904. Pius X died in 1914. If you take a look at the heresies in the encyclicals of "Benedict XV" (in Section 20) starting right away in 1914, you can understand why the heresy of "supplied jurisdiction" (and other heresies) are in the "1917 Code". Non-Catholic apostate "cardinal" Gasparri was the architect of the "1917 code". Gasparri produced a non-Catholic Code under the direction of his fellow heretic anti-Pope "Benedict XV" (1914-1922) -- both of these men are in Hell since they did not publically abjure of their publically promulgated heresy before they died. Privately held heresy also causes you automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church. Again, selected heresies of anti-Pope "Benedict XV" are listed on Section 20 of this site.
S u b - p a r t E
The "sspx" is lying about Epikeia (Canonical Equity). Epikeia can only be used against man-made law, it cannot be used against Divine Law (the Dogma) on Jurisdiction and Governance.
~ ~ ~
1. The term Epikeia (also referred to as "Canonical Equity") means to not keep to the letter of the law in "times of emergency" or not keeping to the letter of the law for the sake of justice.
2. Epikeia can only be used against man-made law and dicipline it cannot be used against the Divine Law (the Catholic Dogma) on any subject.
3. We cannot violate the Catholic Dogma at any time, including "times of emergency" and get to Heaven. There is no such thing as an emergency with God which "permits" us to go against the Divine Law (the Dogma) on Jurisdiction and Governance.
4. If God, in His perfect will, takes the Mass away, which He did in 1965 by allowing the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult to take over our Catholic properties, then we cannot declare "Epikeia!" and reject the Jurisdiction and Governance Dogma.
5. All of the definitions of epikeia in Catholic Dictionaries and as discussed by Catholic sources say that epikeia relates to and is applied to man-made laws not Divine Law.
6. The first definition shown below specifically states that epikeia cannot be used regarding Divine Law. Epikeia cannot excuse anyone from not keeping to the letter of the law when the subject at hand is addressed by Catholic Dogma.
7. The true definitions of epikeia are shown below so that you can see that the "sspx" is lying about this, also.
The True Definitions of Epikeia: (You can re-verify these definitions of epikeia yourself from your sources)
~ ~ ~
(1)Catholic Encyclopedia, compiled by Robert C. Broderick >
"Epikeia: This Greek term, meaning equity, is applied to the interpretation of a law. It is reasonably taken for granted that the lawgiver does not wish to bind in some particularly difficult case because the exercise of the law would work an unforeseen hardship; thus there is an examination of the law and a judgment of the intent of the lawgiver in the spirit of the law but against its rigor in application. Epikeia may not be used in the following cases: when the lawgiver may be approached directly for an interpretation or dispensation; ... in the case of Divine Law, positive or natural; or where the lawgiver could not oblige ..." (Page 190-191, Copyright 1976)
(2) "The History, Nature, & Use of Epikeia in Moral Theology" >
"The reasons for the existence of such a concept (epikeia) is to be found in the fact that laws are, of their very nature, universal. Lawmakers legislate for the general run of cases, and not for any particular concrete instance. But particular details and circumstance are almost limitless in number and nature; it is clear that no legislator in the act of framing of a law, can foresee all the variable circumstances which may arise. Taking into account what usually and ordinarily happens, he enacts his law." (Fr. Lawrence Joseph Riley, A.B. S.T.L , 7 May 1948)
(3)Concise Catholic Dictionary >
"An interpretation of a law whereby it is considered not to bind in a particular case because of some special circumstances; an interpretation of the law in a particular instance against the letter of the law but in keeping with its spirit; an interpretation of the mind of the lawmaker which reasons that he, knowing the conditions, would not wish his law to bind in this particular case." (Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, 1944 compiled by Robert Broderick)
(4)Saint Thomas Aquinas, regarding epikeia >
"When we were treating of laws, since human actions, with which laws are concerned, are composed of contingent singulars and are innumerable in their diversity, it was not possible to lay down rules of law that would apply to every single case. Legislators in framing laws attend to what commonly happens: although if the law be applied to certain cases it will frustrate the equality of justice and be injurious to the common good, which the law has in view." (Summa, 2nd Part of the 2nd Part, Question 120, Article 1, Answer)
(5)Catholic Encyclopedia >
"When the law of the legislator is not in harmony with the dictates of the natural law, equity (ćquitas, epikeia) demands that it be set aside or corrected. St. Thomas explains the lawfulness of this procedure. Because human actions, which are the subject of laws are individual and innumerable, it is not possible to establish any law that may not sometimes work out unjustly."
(6)New Catholic Dictionary, 1910 Version >
"An indulgent and benign interpretation of law, which regards a law as not applying in a particular case because of circumstances unforeseen by the lawmaker. The lawmaker cannot foresee all possible cases that may come under the law, and it is therefore reasonably presumed that were the present circumstances known to the legislator he would permit the act."
(7)St. Thomas Aquinas, regarding epikeia >
"No man is so wise as to be able to take account of every single case; wherefore he is not able sufficiently to express in words all those things that are suitable for the end he has in view."
(Summa, 1st Part of the 2nd Part, Question 96, Article 6, R.O. 3)
One can see from the definitions of epikeia, that it applies to human legislation and not the Divine Law, using phrases like:
"the lawgiver does not wish to bind"
"epikeia may not be used … in the case of Divine Law"
"not foreseen by the legislator"
"interprets the mind of the lawgiver"
"no legislator … can foresee all"
"taking into account what usually and ordinarily happens"
"no man has wisdom … all individual cases"
Epikeia has no application relative to the Divine Law (Catholic Dogma on Faith and Morals) which must be held with no exceptions, to save your soul.
It is clear that epikeia addresses not keeping to the letter of the law for man-made legislation … where unforeseen circumstances might introduce an injustice if one were to keep to the letter of the law. Also epikeia covers for exceptions since man-made legislation tries to address what commonly happens, man-made law cannot account for all occurrences because the legislation itself would be virtually endless and unworkable.
Epikeia has no application whatsoever regarding the Divine Law, the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
The vatican-2 cult founded in 1965 at the Vatican promotes well over 200 heresies in the vatican-2 documents and heresy in their many other writings, speeches, and actions. The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult clearly cannot provide Catholic Jurisdiction of any kind since they are not the Catholic Church. See Sections 12 through 21 of this website.
We are mandated by Catholic Dogma to physically leave this cult since it is a heretical society which strenuously enforces their heresy on our formerly Catholic properties ... the vatican-2 group leaders who are dressed like and play act as Catholic priests make sure that the Catholic Dogma is nowhere in site on our formerly Catholic properties.
Given the loss of our property to the vatican-2 cult, we still cannot have appeals to epikeia to establish Catholic looking liturgies (with valid but illicit and displeasing to God sacraments) which violate the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and governance … since this would cause the loss of our soul.
We had been going to "independent chapels" ourselves until we saw clearer, via the Dogma and proper understanding of epikeia, that we were committing sins against the Faith by going to them after we had left the vatican-2 cult. A Formal Abjuration for leaving the vatican-2 and "sspx" cults and re-entering the Catholic Church is on Section 19.1 of this website.
Given: The Divine Law regarding Jurisdiction and Governance, combined with the state of things (the takeover of our property by non-Catholics) at the Vatican and in the formerly Catholic diocese around the world ... it is clear that God has allowed the Mass, sacramental confession, and the priesthood to be taken away from us in these times.
S u b - p a r t F
God does not command impossibilities regarding the Sacraments ... the Catholic Necessity Doctrine ...
Necessity of Means and Necessity Precept regarding the Sacraments.
~ ~ ~
The Catholic Doctrine on ... Necessity of Means and Necessity of Precept ...
Necessity of Means:
Is a necessity that is said to be absolutely necessary when without it a certain end cannot possibly be reached ... i.e. getting to Heaven.
Necessity of Precept:
Is a necessity that is based on a positive precept, commanding something the omission of which, unless culpable, does not prevent the reaching of the end.
1. In terms of getting to Heaven, the Catholic Church teaches that all of the Sacraments of the Church are necessary by a Necessity of Precept except water baptism which is necessary by a Necessity of Means.
2. Of course ... believing the Catholic Sources of Dogma whole and inviolate ... is necessary by a Necessity of Means.
3. This means that if the sacraments (besides Water Baptism) are available to us we must receive them otherwise we are culpable for not doing so. As the definition states, omission of them because of non-availability does not prevent you from attaining the end (Heaven) unless you reject them when they are available.
4. God does not command impossibilities, He is fully aware of the fact that Mass and Sacramental Confession is not available in these times because there are no Priests. The Catholic Church lost it's personnel hierarchy and its buildings to the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult in 1965. The secular organizations around the world ... using the word "Catholic" are not sources of the sacraments ... they are all in violation of the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance ... among other heresies.
5. Does the non-availability of Mass and Confession mean we cannot be Catholic and we cannot get to Heaven? No it doesn’t.
6. Besides water baptism, the only other requirement which is necessary by a Necessity of Means (must have to get to Heaven) is believing all of the Catholic Sources of Dogma (including the Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance). Please see Section 7.4 of this site.
7. By the Church’s teaching on necessity, if you are Baptized in water and believe the Catholic Sources of Dogma you are in fact fully Catholic and have a chance of getting to Heaven when Mass and Sacramental Confession are not available ... if you are not in grave sin and have done sufficient charity.
S u b - p a r t G
World-wide (General) Councils ... have condemned "baptism of desire" and other baptism heresies ... seven times.
~ ~ ~
Instance 1 ... Where "baptism of desire" is defined as heresy along with other baptism heresies
~ ~
Council of Trent, Session 7, Water Baptism Source of Dogma ...
Council of Trent, Session 7, Baptism Section, Canon 2, 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that true and natural water is not of necessity for baptism, and, on that account, wrests, to some sort of metaphor, those words of our Lord Jesus Christ; Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit; let him be anathema."
Council of Trent, Session 7 Dogma below ... defines that the above Water Baptism Source of Dogma is to destroy baptism heresies ...
Council of Trent, Session 7, Decree on the Sacraments, 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"In order to destroy ... the heresies, which have appeared in these our days on the subject of the said most Holy Sacraments ... the sacred and holy, oecumenical and general Synod of Trent ... has thought fit that these present Canons be established and decreed."
Placing the above two Sources of Dogma into the context of this Section ...
Point 1: The combination of the two above Sources of Dogma ... condemn, identify, and define "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as heresies.
Point 2: The first Source of Dogma above (Session 7, Canon 2) mandates the use of water ... for the remission of Original Sin.
Point 3: The second citation above (Council of Trent, Session 7, Decree on the Sacraments) ... states that the above Water Baptism Canon is established and decreed ... for the destroying of all baptism heresies.
Point 4: This establishes the fact that "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" people are heretics ... and groups that promote "b.o.d." and "b.o.b." as heretic cults (such as "vatican-2", "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", etc.).
Instance 2 ... Where "baptism of desire" is defined as heresy along with other baptism heresies
~ ~
Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution section, Water Baptism Source of Dogma ...
Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution section - Profession of Faith, Paragraph 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"But the sacrament of baptism is consecrated in water at the invocation of the undivided Trinity -- namely Father, Son and
Holy Spirit -- and brings salvation to both children and adults when it is correctly carried out by anyone in the form laid down by
the Church. If someone falls into sin after having received baptism, he or she can always be restored through true penitence."
Fourth Lateran Council Dogma below ... specifies excommunication for heretics who reject the above Dogma from Fourth Lateran ...
Fourth Lateran Council, Constitution section, Paragraph 3, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We excommunicate and anathematize every heresy raising itself up against this holy, orthodox and Catholic faith which we have expounded above."
Placing the above two Sources of Dogma into the context of this Section ...
Point 1: The combination of the two above Sources of Dogma ... condemn, identify, and define "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as heresies.
Point 2: The first Source of Dogma above from the Fourth Lateran Council defines ... that Baptism is consecrated in water.
Point 3: The second Source of Dogma above from the Fourth Lateran Council ... in Paragraph 3 ... defines that "baptism of desire" and other baptism heresies cause your excommunication from the Catholic Church ... since these heresies are opposed to what the Council expounded above (the water baptism Source of Dogma).
Point 4: This is proof that "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" people are excommunicated ... and groups that promote "b.o.d." and "b.o.b." as heretic cults (such as "vatican-2", "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", etc.).
Instance 3 ... Where "baptism of desire" is defined as heresy along with other baptism heresies
~ ~
Council of Florence, Session 8, Water Baptism Source of Dogma ...
Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."
Council of Florence Dogma below ... identifies that the above Dogma must be accepted as a definition and doctrine ...
Council of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Accept, admit and embrace, just as your holiness affirms in the decree, this most salutary synodal decree with all its chapters, declarations, definitions, traditions, precepts and statutes and all the doctrine contained in it."
Placing the above two Sources of Dogma into the context of this Section ...
Point 1: The combination of the two above Sources of Dogma ... condemn, identify, and define "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as heresies.
Point 2: The first Source of Dogma above from the Council of Florence identifies and defines that ... one must be born again by water.
Point 3: The second Source of Dogma above from the Council of Florence Dogma of Session 8 ... defines we must accept, admit, and embrace the Dogma of Florence.
Point 4: This is proof that "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" people are heretics ... and groups that promote "b.o.d." and "b.o.b." as heretic cults (such as "vatican-2", "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", etc.).
Instance 4 ... Where "baptism of desire" is defined as heresy along with other baptism heresies
~ ~
Council of Florence, Session 8, Water Baptism Source of Dogma ...
Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"With regard to children, since the danger of death is often present and the only remedy available to them is the sacrament of baptism by which they are snatched away from the dominion of the devil and adopted as children of God, it admonishes that sacred baptism is not to be deferred."
Council of Florence Dogma below ... identifies that the above Water Baptism Dogma ... is for the extirpation of heresies.
Council of Florence, Session 2, 15 Feb 1432 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"To the praise of almighty God and the glory and honour of the blessed and undivided Trinity, for the extirpation of heresies and errors."
Placing the above two Sources of Dogma into the context of this Section ...
Point 1: The combination of the two above Sources of Dogma ... condemn, identify, and define "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as heresies.
Point 2: The first Source of Dogma above from the Council of Florence specifies the Sacrament of Baptism for the remission of Original Sin ... the matter for the Sacrament of Baptism is water.
Point 3: The second Source of Dogma above from the Council of Florence, shortly after opening (in Session 2) states that it’s purpose is for the extirpation of heresies and error.
Point 4: This defines "baptism of desire" as heresy ... one of the heresies which the Council seeks to extirpate, by the Water Baptism Dogma.
Point 5: This is proof that "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" people are heretics ... and groups that promote "b.o.d." and "b.o.b." as heretic cults (such as "vatican-2", "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", etc.).
Instance 5 ... Where "baptism of desire" is defined as heresy along with other baptism heresies
~ ~
Council of Trent, Water Baptism Source of Dogma, defines that Original Sin is only remitted by water baptism ...
Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree Concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 4, 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Even infants, who could not as yet commit any sin of themselves, are for this cause truly baptized for the remission of sins, that in them that may be cleansed away by regeneration, which they have contracted by generation. For, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."
Council of Trent Dogma below ... Dogma that the Council definitions are to anathematize heresies ...
Council of Trent, Session 25, 1563 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The calamitousness of the times, and the malignity of the increasing heresies demand, that nothing be left undone which may seem in any wise capable of tending to the edification of the people, and to the defence of the Catholic Faith. Wherefore the Holy Synod enjoins ... they publicly receive all and singular the things that have been defined and ordained by this Holy Synod ... (and) publicly express their detestation of and anathematize all the heresies that have been condemned by the Sacred Canons and General Councils."
Placing the above two Sources of Dogma into the context of this Section ...
Point 1: The combination of the two above Sources of Dogma ... condemn, identify, and define "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as heresies.
Point 2: The first Source of Dogma above from the Council of Trent, Session 5 citation above ... defines that Water Baptism is required to remit Original Sin.
Point 3: The second Source of Dogma above from the Council of Trent Source of Dogma above ... defines that the Council is for the anathematizing of heresies.
Point 4: This is proof that "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" people are heretics ... and groups that promote "b.o.d." and "b.o.b." as heretic cults (such as "vatican-2", "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", etc.).
Instance 6 ... Where "baptism of desire" is defined as heresy along with other baptism heresies
~ ~
Council of Chalcedon, Water Baptism Source of Dogma ...
Council of Chalcedon, Pope Saint Leo the Great, Letter to Flavian (martyr) section, 451 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For there are three who give testimony – Spirit and water and blood. And the three are one.
In other words, the Spirit of Sanctification and the Blood of Redemption and the water
of baptism. These three are one and remain indivisible. None of them is separable from its link with the others."
Council of Chalcedon Dogma below ... identifies that the above Dogma must be accepted by those who have turned to wickedness ...
Council of Chalcedon, Pope Saint Leo the Great, 451 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We trust that with God's help he who has fallen into error might condemn the wickedness of his own mind and find salvation."
Placing the above two Sources of Dogma into the context of this Section ...
Point 1: The combination of the two above Sources of Dogma ... condemn, identify, and define "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as heresies.
Point 2: The first Source of Dogma above from the Council of Chalcedon, defines that water and sanctification cannot be separated (also, the Blood may not be separated, since the Blood of Christ gives the redemptive power to the water).
Point 3: The second Source of Dogma above from the Council of Chalcedon condemns as ... in error and wicked ... those who reject the Church’s Dogma.
Point 4: This is proof that "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" people as fallen into error and in a wicked state ... and groups that promote "b.o.d." and "b.o.b." as heretic cults (such as "vatican-2", "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", etc.).
Instance 7 ... Where "baptism of desire" is defined as heresy along with other baptism heresies
~ ~
Council of Vienne, Water Baptism Source of Dogma, defines there is one Baptism not three ...
Council of Vienne, Pope Clement V, Decree 30, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since however there is for both regulars and seculars, for superiors and subjects, for exempt and non-exempt, one universal Church, outside of which there is no salvation, for all of whom there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism ..."
Council of Vienne Dogma below ... identifies that the above Dogma is to ensure the exclusion of error, so that the truth may be known, ...
Council of Vienne, Decree 1, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We, therefore, directing our Apostolic attention, to which alone it belongs to define these things (...) In order that all may know the truth of the faith in its purity and all error may be excluded ..."
Placing the above two Sources of Dogma into the context of this Section ...
Point 1: The combination of the two above Sources of Dogma ... condemn, identify, and define "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" as heresies.
Point 2: The first Source of Dogma above from the Council of Vienne, defines that there is one baptism not three.
Point 3: The second Source of Dogma above from the Council of Vienne, defines that the Council is for the exclusion of errors and so that all may know the truth.
Point 4: This is proof that "baptism of desire" and "baptism of blood" people are heretics ... and groups that promote "b.o.d." and "b.o.b." as heretic cults (such as "vatican-2", "sspx", "cmri", "sspv", etc.).
S u b - p a r t H-1
Marcel Lefebvre was not ordained a priest on 21 September 1929 and was not consecrated a bishop on 18 September 1947.
Heretic anti-Pope "Pius XI" was incapable of granting Catholic jurisdiction to Achille Lienart to ordain Lefebvre
or anyone else since "Pius XI" was automatically excommunicated for heresy.
~ ~ ~
There are two reasons that Marcel Lefebvre was never ordained or consecrated ... related to "Pius XI" being an excommunicated heretic.
Reason one ... that Lefebvre was not ordained on 21 September 1929:
1. On 21 September 1929 ... it looked like Achille Lienart was ordaining Marcel Lefebvre ... to be a Catholic priest, but Lienart was not doing so.
2. The reason Lienart did not ordain Lefebvre a priest ... is because on 6 October 1928, automatically excommunicated anti-Pope "Pius XI" did not have the capability of granting Lienart Catholic Jurisdiction of the Diocese of Lille France to Ordain or Consecrate anyone ... since "Pius XI" was outside of the Catholic Church for heresy (as is proven on Section 20.1 of this site).
3. This is the reason Lefebvre was never ordained a priest.
4. Since Lienart did not have jurisdiction for the Diocese of Lille (France) ... he did not have the capability of ordaining Lefebvre on 21 September 1929.
5. If you illicitly reject the above ... Sub-part E-2 below proves by another reason ... that Lefebvre did not ordain or consecrate anyone after 8 December 1965 (the close date of the "vatican-2 council".
Reason two ... that Lefebvre was not ordained on 21 September 1929:
1. The person who looked like he was making Achille Lienart a bishop (Charles Lecomte) ... was not granted Catholic Jurisdiction powers for the Diocese of Amiens France on 10 March 1921 by "Benedict XV" ... since "Benedict XV" was automatically excommunciated for heresy. Selected heresies of "Benedict XV" on Section 20 of this site.
2. On 8 December 1928 ... it looked like Charles-Albert-Joseph Lecomte ... was consecrating Lienart as a bishop ... but he wasn't since Lecomte could not be granted Jurisdiction of the Diocese of Amiens France ... by heretic "Benedict XV".
3. On 8 December 1928 ... it looked like there were two "co-consecrators" of Lienart ... but these two did not have Catholic Jurisiction either to consecrate bishops.
4.Apparent "co-consecrator" of Lienart ... Palmyre Jasoone was just a titular Bishop ... which have no geographic area of Jurisdiction or hierarchical jurisdictional power.
Apparent "co-consecrator" of Lienart ... Maurice Feltin was not granted Catholic Jurisdiction for the Diocese of Troyes in 19 December 1927 by heretic "Pius XI", since "Pius XI" was excommunicated for heresy (proven on Section 20.1).
5. So there is ... no possibility that Lienart was consecrated a bishop.
- - - -
The two above spiritual realities prove ... that Marcel Lefebvre was not ordained as a Catholic priest and (of course) was not a Catholic bishop.
God will not be mocked.
- - - - -
Related issue:
1. The fact that Lefebvre was never ordained ... and the reasons why ... could very well be the reason that some in the "sspx" hoax are so frantic to praise excommunicated anti-Pope "Pius XII" was a laudable Pope. See Section 20.2 for selected heresies of "Pius XII".
2. If the "sspx" liars can convince people that "Pius XII" was a Pope ... they would be less likely to investigate a couple decades earlier ... and see that Lefebvre was never ordained because of the inability of heretics "Benedict XV" and "Pius XI" to grant jurisdiction.
3. Also, by pushing "Pius XII" as a Pope ... people will be less likely to discover that "Benedict XV" was a lying heretic ... including "Benedict XV's" heresy of "supplied jurisdiction" ... promulgated in the "1917 code of canon law".
4. Of course ... if people cooperate with grace they'll discover these things ... which are all in broad daylight.
S u b - p a r t H-2
Marcel Lefebvre was automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church on 8 December 1965 for approving
the vatican-2 heresy. After this date Lefebvre did not ordain any Catholic priests or consecrate any
Catholic bishops. He was simply installing people into positions of a secular organization.
~ ~ ~
For the purposes of this Sub-part ... set aside for a moment the fact that Lefebvre was never ordained or consecrated as was proven in Sub-part E-1 above.
1. Lefebvre was automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church on 8 December 1965 when he approved of the fantastic heresy against Catholic Dogma which was in the "vatican-2 council" documents. Automatic excommunication for heresy Dogma are listed on Section 13.2. See Section 12, for fifty of the well over 200 heresies in the "council" documents.
2. Even if Lefebvre recanted of his approving the heresy in the "council" documents ... automatically excommunicated heretic "paul-6" was not in the Catholic Church ... to re-instate Lefebvre with Catholic jurisdiction. The Dogma that this re-instatement must be from a Pope is listed on Section 87. No Pope ... no jurisdiction assignment is possible.
3. After 8 December 1965, Lefebvre proceeded to be a group leader for the vatican-2 heretic cult (which was founded at the "council") ... his remaining as a group leader for the vatican-2 heresy reconfirmed his automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church for physical participation in a heretic cult. Dogma listing addressing... automatic excommunication for physical participation in a heretic cult is listed on Section 13.2.2.
4. One who is excommunicated from the Catholic Church cannot ordain priests for the Catholic Church ... or consecrate Catholic bishops for the Catholic Church ... since he has nothing to do with the Church.
The consequences of the above as applied to the "sspx" hoax is as follows ...
> Lefebvre did not ordain any priests for the Catholic Church after he started the "sspx" as a sub-group of the vatican-2 heretic cult in 1970 ... Lefebvre was simply installing group leaders for a secular organization in a way that looked Catholic. Since the vatican-2 heretic cult and the "sspx" reject Catholic Dogma ... the Lefebvre fake "ordinations" had/have nothing to do with the Catholic Church.
> Levebvre and Castro Mayer did not co-consecrate as Catholic bishops ... Fellay, Williamson, Tissier and Galarreta on 30 June 1988.
> Tissier was not ordained a Catholic priest by vatican-2 cult group leader Lefebvre on 29 June 1975.
> Williamson was not ordained a Catholic priest by vatican-2 cult group leader Lefebvre in 1976.
> Galarreta was not ordained a Catholic priest by vatican-2 cult group leader Lefebvre in August 1980.
Just like the ... vatican-2 heretic cult, in which they were founded in 1970, the "sspx" has no Catholic bishops or priests. The "sspx" is now (and has been) ... laughably "negotiating" to rejoin the satanic vatican-2 heretic cult in which they started in 1970, it's all a soul damning farce.
S u b - p a r t I
Instances in past centuries when there were interregnums (the Papacy being vacant) or when anti-Popes were in
place ... do not apply to the current situation (the 100% vatican-2 apostasy) ... because during these
past times the bishops around the world had previously received jurisdiction from a Pope.
~ ~ ~
1. Probably most of those in the "sspx" know enough about Church history to know that there have been around 40 anti-Popes and a number of instances where the Office of the Papacy was vacant between Popes for more than a short period of time.
2.During a long interregnum ... such as when Pope Clement IV died in November 1268 and Pope Gregory X was not elected until September 1271 (almost three years) ... the Catholic bishops around the world had been granted Catholic jurisdiction by Pope Clement IV or an earlier Pope. In the case of the vatican-2 apostasy, all bishops (with no exception) lost their Offices as Catholic bishops by heresy on 8 December 1965 ... so that Catholic jurisdiction around the world ceased on 8 December 1965.
3.In the times when anti-Popes were in place ...there were true Popes in place (who the anti-Popes were in opposition against) who provided Catholic Jurisdiction to the bishops around the world. For example ... anti-Pope "Clement III" was in opposition to true Pope Victor II (who was supplying Catholic jurisdiction) ... or anti-Pope "Benedict XIV" in opposition to true Pope Martin V (who was supplying Catholic jurisdiction).
4. So when the "sspx" or other non-jurisdictional groups claim ... that they can go off and run Catholic looking liturgies without Catholic jurisdiction ... citing the reasons outlined in numbers 2 and 3 above, they are simply lying. During the times described above Catholic jurisdiction from the Office of the Papacy was in place ... in accordance with the infallible Sources of Dogma on Jurisdiction shown on Section 87 of this site, which define the one prescribed way by which Catholic jurisdiction can be put in place.
S u b - p a r t J
The "sspx" is in heresy against the Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.
~ ~ ~
1. The Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy is clear, there are dozens of citations on this in Section 13.2 of this website.
2. The "sspx" is in heresy for rejecting this Dogma since they fraudulently state that heretic Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a. "Benedict XV") is a Catholic bishop ... and they falsely state that the other vatican-2 cult group leaders are Catholic bishops and priests ... almost nothing could be more preposterous.
3. The "sspx" is lying by saying that the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult is the Catholic Church, even though this cult has been pushing the heresy listed in Section 12 of this website going on five decades.
4. The "sspx" joke hierarchy claims that they are in "doctrinal discussions" with the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult about the vatican-2 documents. The only thing you are supposed to do regarding heretics like the vatican-2 cult is to denounce them and inform them that they are headed for Hell ... you don't "negotiate" with them like the "sspx" liars are claiming to do.
5. The "sspx" is clearly a branch of the vatican-2 cult (since they say that the vatican-2 cult is the Catholic Church) and are just a way to manage the "opposition" to vatican-2 while still securing the damnation of those in the "society". The "sspx" branch of vatican-2 also serves the purpose of making sure that the "sspx opposition" to vatican-2 does not do anything about getting the Catholic Dogma out to the world.
Selected Dogma and Citations regarding automatic excommunication for heresy ... being rejected by the "sspx" non-Catholic cult:
~ ~ ~
Second Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The heretic, even though he has not been condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy."
Note 1: This dogmatic Council declares that heretics bring anathema on themselves without a formal condemnation by another, they automatically cut themselves off from the way of truth, which is the Catholic Church.
Note 2: The Catholic teaching of automatic excommunication for heresy (here and elsewhere in Church teaching) is an absolute necessity because of the physical impossibility of excommunicating all heretics by a formal process.
Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The Holy Roman Church ... condemns, reproves, anathematizes and declares to be outside the body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views."
Note: God knows our very thoughts, if we hold to heresy such as the heresy that you can get to Heaven outside of the Catholic Church (you can't), the human soul is automatically removed from the Catholic Church without a formal process. You cannot be in the Church if you don't believe the teaching of the Church.
Catholic writing in Wisdom 1:3 >
"For perverse thoughts separate from God: and His power, when it is tried, reproveth the unwise." (Note: heresy is perverse thought)
Second Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"What reply can such people make to the Apostle when he writes: As for someone who is factious, after admonishing him once or twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is perverted and sinful; he is self-condemned."
Note 1: This Council citation states that the heretic is self-condemned for heresy without a formal process taking place.
Note 2: This citation also states that one should have nothing to do with him (the self-condemned heretic), which means that he cannot be described or identified as being a Catholic, otherwise we go against this statement of this dogmatic Council. Applying this ciation of Joseph Ratzinger, we cannot identify him as being a Catholic or we are in violation of this citation.
Note 3: The Catholic teaching of automatic excommunication for heresy (here and elsewhere in Church teaching) is a necessity because of the physical impossibility of excommunicating all heretics by a formal process.
Fifth Lateran Council, Pope Leo X, Session 8, 1513 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith."
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath, and I shall do my best to ensure that all others do the same. This is what I, the same Pius, promise, vow and swear."
Fourth Lateran Council, Canon 3 on Heresy, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Those who are only found suspect of heresy are to be struck with the sword of anathema, unless they prove their innocence by an appropriate purgation, having regard to the reasons for suspicion and the character of the person. Let such persons be avoided by all."
Note 1: Dogmatic Council Canon (must be believed to save your soul)
Note 2: Joseph Ratzinger is not only suspected of heresy he has been committing it in broad daylight for decades.
Second Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It is clear to all believers that when a problem about the faith comes up it is not only the heretical person who is condemned but also the person who is in a position to correct the heresy of others and fails to do so."
Note: This citation commands us to correct the heresy of others. Applying this to Joseph Ratzinger ... if we lie and play-act and make believe that public heretic Joseph Ratzinger is in the Catholic Church we violate this command of the Second Council of Constantinople ... anyone who does this is headed for Hell with the heretic he is covering up for.
Pope Pius IX, Ineffabilis Deus, 8 December 1854 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Hence, if anyone shall dare - which God forbid! - to think otherwise than as has been defined by us, let him know and understand that he is condemned by his own judgment; that he has suffered shipwreck in the faith; that he has separated from the unity of the Church ..."
Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned."
Pope Pius VI, Errors of the Synod of Pistoia, 1794 >
"Likewise, the proposition which teaches that it is necessary, according to the natural and divine laws, for either excommunication or for suspension, that a personal examination should precede, and that, therefore, sentences called 'ipso facto' have no other force than that of a serious threat without any actual effect, - false, rash, pernicious, injurious to the power of the Church."
The Papal Coronation Oath >
"I Vow: ... To guard the holy canons and decrees of the Popes, as likewise the Divine Ordinances of Heaven, because I am conscious of Thee, Whose place I take through the grace of God, Whose Vicarship I possess with Thy support, being subject to the severest accounting before Thy divine tribunal over all that I confess. (...) If I should undertake to act in anything of contrary sense, or should permit that it will be executed, Thou willst not be merciful to me on the dreadful day of Divine Justice. Accordingly, without exclusion, we subject to the severest excommunication anyone - be it ourself, or be it another - who would dare to undertake anything new in contradiction to this constituted evangelic tradition and the purity of the Orthodox Faith and the Christian Religion, or would seek to change anything by his opposing efforts, or would concur with those who undertake such blasphemous venture."
Note: The leaders of the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult (who call themselves "Popes") of course do not take the Papal Coronation Oath because they are not Catholic and are not Popes.
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, 29 June 1896, Para 9 >
"The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium."
Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, 29 June 1896, Para 9 >
"No one who merely disbelieves in all (these heresies) can for that reason regard himself as a Catholic or call himself one. For there may be or arise some other heresies, which are not set out in this work of ours, and, if any one holds to one single heresy he is not a Catholic.
S u b - p a r t K
The "sspx" rejects the scriptures that address ... automatic excommunication for heresy.
~ ~ ~
Catholic writing of 1 Timothy 4:1 >
"Some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to spirits of error, and doctrines of devils."
Note: Believing false "doctrine" ... removes you from Christianity.
Catholic writing of Saint James 2:10 >
"And whosoever shall keep the whole law, but offend in one point, is become guilty of all."
Note: Rejecting a point of the Dogma ... makes one guilty of rejecting all Faith.
Catholic writing of Titus 3:10-11 >
"A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that he ... is subverted and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment."
Note: Falling into heresy against Dogma ... places you outside of the way of Salvation (getting to Heaven) by being outside of Christianity.
Catholic writing of 2 Saint John 1:9 >
"Whosoever revolts, and continues not in the doctrine of Christ, has not God."
Note: Not continuing in the Doctrine ... removes you from Christianity.
Catholic writing of Saint Luke 11:23 >
"He that is not with me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth."
Catholic writing of 1 Timothy 1:19 >
"Having faith and a good conscience, which some rejecting have made shipwreck concerning the faith."
Note: Rejecting the Faith ... causes your (spiritual) shipwreck.
Catholic writing of Saint Luke 10:16 >
"He that heareth you, heareth Me; and he that despiseth you, despiseth Me; and he that despiseth Me, despiseth Him that sent Me."
Note: Not hearing the Church in it's Dogma ... causes a rejection of Christ ... and a placing of your soul outside of Christianity.
Catholic writing of 1 Saint John 2:19 >
"They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have remained with us."
Note: One goes out of Christianity ... not remaining with the faith of the Church.
Catholic writing of 2 Corinthians 6:15 >
"And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath the faithful with the unbeliever?"
Note: The unbeliever removes himself from the realm of the faithful (Christianity).
Catholic writing of 2 Saint Peter 2:1 >
"There shall be among you lying teachers who shall bring in sects of perdition and deny the Lord who bought them."
Note: Sects of perdition (damnation into Hell) ... are wrought by those lying against the Christian Faith (the Catholic Dogma).
Catholic writing of Saint Mark 16:16 >
"But he that believeth not shall be condemned."
Note: The unbeliever removes himself from the realm of the faithful (Christianity ... the Catholic Church which has no buildings in these times).
Catholic writing of Saint John 3:36 >
"He that believeth not the Son, shall not see light; but the wrath of God abideth on him."
Note: The unbeliever removes himself from the realm of the faithful (Christianity ... the Catholic Church which has no buildings in these times ).
Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 14:21 >
"Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith."
Note: Not continuing in the faith removes you from Christianity (the Catholic Church which has no buildings in these times).
Catholic writing of 2 Saint John 1:10 >
"If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house nor say to him, God speed you."
Catholic writing of Titus 2:10 >
"Not defrauding, but in all things shewing good fidelity, that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things."
Note: Not having fidelity to the faith ... removes you from the doctrine of God ... and thus removes you from Christianity (the Catholic Church which has no buildings in these times).
S u b - p a r t L
The hoax called ... "canon law" cannot override the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance
~ ~ ~
1. As we saw in Sub-part B ... the Catholic Church does not have "canon law". Automatically excommunicated heretics "benedict-15" and "john paul-2" could not promulgate legislation (in 1917 and 1983) for the Catholic Church ... which they were not even in.
2. Even if the Catholic Church had "canon law" (which it doesn't) ... "canon law" could not be used to violate the Divine Law (Sources of Dogma) on Jurisdiction and Governance (listed on Section 87).
3. The Catholic Faith (as proven in Section 3.3) ... is the Sources of Dogma of the Pope in union with the Bishops of the world (Offices currently vacant).
4. This Sub-part lists Catholic citations that ... one must keep to the Dogmas to be Catholic.
Selected Catholic Dogma and Citations that you must keep to the Dogmas to be Catholic (Please see Sections 5.1 and 9 of this website for many more related citations)
~ ~
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."
Vatican Council of 1870, Pope Pius IX, Session 2, Profession of Faith -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath, and I shall do my best to ensure that all others do the same. This is what I, the same Pius, promise, vow and swear."
Vatican Council of 1870, Pope Pius IX, Session 3, Chapter 3 On Faith, Paragraphs 8-9 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Wherefore, by Divine and Catholic Faith all those things are to be believed which are contained in the word of God as found in scripture and tradition, and which are proposed by the Church as matters to be believed as Divinely revealed (...) Since, then, without Faith it is impossible to please God and reach the fellowship of his sons and daughters, it follows that no one can ever achieve justification without it, neither can anyone attain eternal life unless he or she perseveres in it to the end."
Vatican Council of 1870, Pope Pius IX, Session 3, Chapter 3, Paragraph 1 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since human beings are totally dependent on God as their Creator and Lord, and created reason is completely subject to uncreated truth, we are obliged to yield to God the Revealer full submission of intellect and will by faith."
The beginning of the Athanasius Creed, c. 370 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly."
Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church >
"The faith shall never vary in any age, for one is the faith which justifies the Just of all ages. It is unlawful to
differ even by a single word from apostolic doctrine."
Pope Benedict XIV, Cum Religiosi (On Catechesis), Paragraph 4, 26 June 1754 >
"See to it that every minister performs carefully the measures laid down by the holy Council of Trent and by the statutes of your synods: that on fixed days school-masters and mistresses should teach Christian doctrine; that confessors should perform this part of their duty whenever anyone stands at their tribunal who does not know what he must by necessity of means know to be saved."
Pope Pius X, Acerbo Nimis, 15 April 1905, Paragraphs 2, 26 >
"And so Our Predecessor, Benedict XIV, had just cause to write: 'We declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect.' (...) These truths, indeed, far surpass the natural understanding of the people, yet must be known by all - the uneducated and the cultured - in order that they may arrive at eternal happiness."
Pope Pius IX, Qui Pluribus, 9 Nov 1846, paragraph 19 >
"You must also care for and defend the Catholic faith with episcopal strength and see that the flock entrusted to you stands to the end firm and unmoved in the faith. For unless one preserves the faith entire and uninjured, he will without doubt perish forever."
S u b - p a r t M
The overlapping Chronology of the vatican-2 heretic cult ... and it's sub-group the "sspx"
~ ~ ~
Note: The deceptions of the "sspx" are also easily illustrated by a simple chronology showing their relationship to the vatican-2 cult.
8 December 1965 (a): The vatican-2 jew-heretic cult is founded at the Vatican. It's founding documents are the documents of the "vatican-2 council" which contain over 200 heresies against prior defined Catholic Ex-Cathedra Dogma. This cult's heresies include salvation outside of the Catholic Church, salvation for un-baptized pagans, teaches that heretics are Christians, frantically promotes "religious liberty" to send people into Hell, etc. -- see Sections 12 and 13 and their sub-sections of this site.
8 December 1965 (b): The day that Catholic Jurisdiction and governance disappear from the face of the earth (hopefully temporarily) since a non-Catholic heretic cult such as the vatican-2 cult cannot supply Catholic Jurisdiction and governance. The vatican-2 heretic cult takes control of our formerly Catholic properties around the world and enforces their heresy in these formerly Catholic buildings. See Sections 13.6 and 87 of this site.
1 November 1970: The "sspx" is founded by Marcel Lefebvre as a sub-group of Satan's vatican-2 heretic cult.
1 November 1970 - 30 June 1988 (a): The "sspx" makes believe that the vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church as a mop-up operation to keep people as physical members of the vatican-2 cult so that they descend into Hell for being physical participants of a heretical society. The "sspx" aggressively propagandizes their people into believing that they are the "upholders of tradition" and "preserving the Faith" when in fact they are all excommunicated members of a heretical society that promotes the over 200 heresies that are in the "vatican-2 council" documents.
1 November 1970 - 30 June 1988 (b): Lefebvre, by stressing the opinion that we can't be "sedevacantist" ... contributes to the deception of the people in his group that the vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church. The mindless "we can't be sedevacantist" opinion is complete heresy because it rejects the Catholic Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.
30 June 1988: The non-Catholic vatican-2 heretic cult makes believe they excommunicate Lefebvre, Fellay, Tissier, Williamson, and Galarreta using words and actions employed by the Catholic Church ... after the automatically excommunicated vatican-2 group leader Lefebvre makes believe he is consecrating the other four as Catholic bishops. Lefebvre is simply installing these four into a different roles inside the vatican-2 cult using Catholic words and actions.
30 June 1988 - 24 January 2009 (a): The "sspx" continues to make believe that the vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church and that it's apostate leaders are Catholic bishops. They build heretic Lefebvre into a super-hero as part of their campaign to make people think that the "sspx" is the "upholder of tradition" when their heresy against the Catholic Dogma is identical to the heresy of the vatican-2 cult.
30 June 1988 - 24 January 2009 (b): The "sspx" keeps pictures of the leader of the vatican-2 cult (who people think is the Pope) in their meeting halls. They recite the name of the heretic leader of the vatican-2 cult in the Canon during their non-Catholic worship that people think is a Catholic Mass. There is no such thing as Catholic Mass outside of the Catholic Church. All of this deception by the "sspx" cries out: "We want to be fully united to the vatican-2 heretic cult again, please let us re-join your cult".
24 January 2009 (a): The vatican-2 heretic cult group leader Joseph Ratzinger, using words and actions of the Catholic Church, makes believe that he has "lifted the excommunications" of Fellay, Tissier, Williamson, and Galarreta (the current automatically excommunicated group leaders of the "sspx" ). These four are excommunicated for "teaching" that the vatican-2 cult is the Catholic Church, rejecting the Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy, rejecting the Water Baptism Dogma, rejecting the Dogma that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites is over, etc. -- see Sections 7.2, 13.2, and 39 of this site.
24 January 2009 (b): The "sspx" participants breath a "sigh of relief" that finally the vatican-2 heretic cult (that they incredibly think is the Catholic Church) has "seen the light" ... this deceptive ploy by Ratzinger and the "sspx" group leaders contributes to the deception of the "sspx" members that they are in the Catholic Church, when they are not. This charade of January 2009 makes the "sspx" people think they are moving toward full "reconciliation" with the Catholic Church ... when in reality they are simply being moved closer to the vatican-2 heretic cult which was founded in 1965 and which is engineering their eternal damnation.
24 January 2009 - To present date (a): The "sspx" continues to make believe that the vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church and that it's automatically excommunicated leaders are Catholic bishops. They now hang pictures of heretic Joseph Ratziner (a.k.a. "Benedict XVI") on the walls of their meeting halls and recite the name of heretic "Benedict XVI" in the Canon of their non-Catholic worship which they call Catholic Mass. The "sspx" keeps their people on the road to Hell by having them physically participate in a heretical society.
24 January 2009 - To present date (b): Heretic Bernard Fellay, current group of the "sspx" , laughably maintains "negotiations" with the anti-Christ vatican-2 heretic cult which was founded in 1965. This further contributes to the deception that the vatican-2 cult is the Catholic Church and makes the "sspx" people and others think that deference should be given to an anti-Christ cult like vatican-2.
24 January 2009 - To present date (c): There are two simultaneous deceptions surrounding the "sspx" regarding the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance since 24 January 2009 ...
Deception 1: The "sspx" makes believe that they are part of the Catholic Church by making believe that the vatican-2 heretic cult is the Catholic Church. The vatican-2 heretic cult cannot provide Jurisdiction and Governance to the "sspx" because they are outside of the Catholic Church.
Deception 2: The "sspx" , since they are not fully "reconciled" with the vatican-2 heretic cult, makes believe that they have "supplied jurisdiction" and that they can apply epikeia (canonical equity) with regard to their cult in order to violate the Catholic Jurisdiction and governance Dogma listed on Section 87. Epikeia cannot br used against Dogma it is only for making exceptions to man-made law and discipline -- see Section 16.1.
In either case of these two deceptions ... the "sspx" is in violation of the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance.
Previous sub-parts of this Section 105 provides much detail regarding ... Deception 2.
Please see Section 13.6 of this site regarding ... Deception 1.
S u b - p a r t N
The "Lifting of the Excommunications" in 2009 ... by the non-Catholic vatican-2 cult means absolutely nothing ... it only starts the re-joining of the "sspx" cult to the vatican-2 heretic cult.
~ ~ ~
On 8 December 1965 (the close date of the "council") a heretic cult was officially founded at the Vatican. One heresy against Catholic Dogma makes an organization into a non-Catholic entity.
There are over 200 heresies against prior defined Ex-Cathedra Catholic Dogma in the "vatican-2 council" documents. These documents are the founding documents of the vatican-2 cult … it is what they enforce, “teach”, and propagandize on our formerly Catholic properties around the world. See Section 12 of Immaculata-one.com and the 45 page print-out.
Does it matter, in any way, what a non-Catholic cult such as vatican-2 cult does while it is occupying our formerly Catholic properties? No, of course not.
The vatican-2 cult has no Catholic Jurisdiction or governance capacity to state whether someone or a group is excommunicated or that their "excommunication is lifted". Because they are all automatically excommunicated for physical participation in their own heretical society ... regardless of the fact that they are saying Catholic words inside what used to be Catholic buildings.
On the date that the SSPX was founded, 1 Nov 1970 ... the people who started the SSPX were already automatically excommunicated for their physical participation in the vatican-2 heretic cult. The non-Catholic vatican-2 cult had no Catholic Jurisdiction or governance power to authorize the creation of the SSPX because they themselves were outside of the Catholic Church.
In accordance with the Ex-Cathedra Dogma on Automatic Excommunication for participation in a heretic cult … the only thing that happened on 1 November 1970 was that Marcel Lefebvre started a heretical sub-group (the SSPX) under the umbrella of another heretical organization (the vatican-2 cult). See the Dogma on automatic excommunication on Section 13.2 of Immaculata-one.com.
On 30 June 1988 … the only thing that happened was that the already non-Catholic SSPX removed itself from the non-Catholic vatican-2 cult as the vatican-2 cult employed some Catholic words to declare that Lefebvre, Fellay, Tissier, Williamson, and Galarreta had incurred “excommunication”. These five individuals were now running their own heretic cult instead of being a part of the vatican-2 heretic cult.
Nothing changed on 30 June 1988 in terms of the hierarchy of the SSPX being headed for Hell as they were the day before. Lefebvre’s immortal soul descended into Hell forever on 25 March 1991.
On 24 January 2009, non-Catholic apostate Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a. "Benedict XVI") ... using Catholic words issued from a formerly Catholic building … a citation that the “excommunications” of Fellay, Tissier, Williamson, and Galarreta “were lifted”.
This citation from the non-Catholic vatican-2 cult means absolutely nothing ... in terms of the fact that the physical participants of the SSPX, just like the physical participants of the vatican-2 cult, are still headed for Hell for participation is heretical societies. See the specific heresies of the SSPX on Section 105 of Immaculata-one.com.
The preposterous "negotiations" between the SSPX cult and the vatican-2 cult for “full integration” of the SSPX cult into the vatican-2 cult are nothing but a diabolical smokescreen to get people to remain in the heretical "sspx" so that they descend into Hell a moment after they take their last breath … with the vatican-2-ists.
The "sspx" and their luciferian tap dance with the vatican-2 cult is simply a mop-up operation to damn the souls of those in the "sspx" … who laughably think they are the traditionalist heroes standing in the ramparts in the face of the vatican-2 cult ... who the SSPX-ers incredibly think is the Catholic Church.
The "sspx" is a classic and highly transparent operation to mis-direct the opposition ... oppositions are always expected when a revolution occurs, such as the vatican-2 revolution, and plans are made to mis-direct them. Many in the SSPX think they are standing in opposition to the Vatican-2 cult but they’re not since both groups are against the Catholic Kingdom of God by their heresy.
S u b - p a r t O
The "SSPX" is lying that the Mass comes before the Dogmas of the Faith. The Faith comes before the Mass. The "Mass" of the "sspx" is offered to a non-Catholic idol.
~ ~ ~
1. The Sacraments of the Catholic Church are governed in accordance with the Dogma, the Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance. If this were not the case anyone could set up Catholic looking activities based on schismatic "ordinations".
2. We are Catholic if we believe the Dogma and act in accordance with the Dogma ... including the Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance shown in Part (2). Keeping the entire Catholic Faith including acting in accordance with the Jurisdiction and Governance Dogma comes before the Mass ... otherwise we are not keeping the Catholic Faith, we lose our immortal souls and descend into Hell forever.
3. There have been / are many groups around the world for the last 2000 years who had / have valid sacraments but God through the Church has instructed us to avoid them if they are connected to heresy. Non-Jurisdictional groups that had / have valid sacraments also include the "anglican" heretics and the eastern schismatics who, like the SSPX, operate on a worldwide scale.
4. God has no regard for non-Catholic "worship" ... any group that does not worship Him in truth and justice (i.e. according to the Dogma).
Selected Catholic Citations that the Faith comes before the Mass (Sacrifice).
~ ~ ~
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Ecclesiasticus 34:21-23 >
"The offering of him that sacrificeth of a thing wrongfully gotten, is stained, and the mockeries of the unjust are not acceptable. The Lord is only for them that wait upon Him in the way of truth and justice. The most High approveth not the gifts of the wicked: neither hath He respect to the oblations of the unjust, nor will He be pacified for sins by the multitude of their sacrifices."
Note 1: The "mockeries of the unjust" applies to the "sspx" cult because they deny the Water Baptism Dogma, the Jurisdiction Dogma, the Salvation Dogma, and the Automatic Excommunication Dogma of the Catholic Church. God sees the "sacrifice" of the "sspx" as the "gifts of the wicked".
Note 2: By denial of Catholic Dogma, the "sspx" are not "waiting on God in the way of truth and justice", so God ignores them, their "prayers" are not accepted.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 49:5 >
"Gather ye together His saints to Him: who set His covenant before sacrifices."
Note 1: God's covenant, the truth that He has revealed to men, is the dogmas of the Catholic Church. The "sspx" cult is strenuously against Catholic Dogma so their "sacrifice" (in quotes because the "sspx" has zero priests) is not acceptable.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Osee 6:6 >
"I desired ... the knowledge of God more than holocausts."
Note: The knowledge of God, revealed to men to date, is the Catholic Dogmas. If you are in a building on Sunday which rejects the Catholic Dogma, you are doing something that is not pleasing to God.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Osee 3:4-5 >
"For the children of Israel shall sit many days without king, and without prince, and without sacrifice, and without altar, and without ephod, and without theraphim. And after this the children of Israel shall return … in the last days."
Note 1: The religion of the Old Testament Israelites was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled. The Catholic Church, unfulfilled, wrote the Old Testament and fulfilled wrote the New Testament. The "children of Israel" in this scripture are those who are properly baptized in water and who believe the Catholic dogmas.
Note 2: One can see from this scripture that the takeover of our Catholic buildings by the vatican-2 heretic cult in our time, is not the first time that the "children of Israel" have had to "sit without sacrifice".
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 25:4-5 >
"I have not sat with the council of vanity: neither will I go in with the doers of unjust things. I have hated the assembly of the malignant; and with the wicked I will not sit."
Note: God does not "go in with the doers of unjust things" and hates false assemblies of the "sspx" cult which rejects Catholic Dogmas.
Pope Saint Pius V, 1566-1572 >
"Moreover, the Church alone has the legitimate worship of Sacrifice, and the salutary use of the Sacraments, which are efficacious instruments of Divine grace, used by God to produce true holiness. Hence, to possess true holiness, we must belong to this Church. (...) All other societies arrogating to themselves the name of "church", must necessarily, because guided by the spirit of the devil, be sunk in the most pernicious errors, both doctrinal and moral. (...) In Jerusalem only was it lawful to offer sacrifice to God, and in the Church of God only are to be found the true worship and true Sacrifice which can at all be acceptable to God."
Note: Since the "sspx" is a non-Catholic entity for being in violation of a host of Catholic Dogma (which they violate while looking very Catholic) this citation by Pope Saint Pius V applies to them.
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 1:1 >
"Blessed is the man who hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the chair of pestilence."
Note: The "counsel of the ungodly" is the counsel of any heretic cult, including the "sspx" . The "chairs of pestilence" include the pews of the "sspx" heretic meeting halls. "Standing in the way of sinners" is standing with the "sspx" or any other heretic or apostate group.
Pope Pius IX, Graves Ac Diuturnae, Paragraph 4, 23 March 1875 >
"They (the faithful) should totally shun their "religious" celebrations, their buildings, and their chairs of pestilence which they have with impunity established to "transmit" the sacred teachings. They should shun their writings and all contact with them. They should not have any dealings or meetings with usurping priests and apostates from the faith who dare to exercise the duties of an ecclesiastical "minister" without possessing a legitimate mission or any Jurisdiction."
Note 1: The "sspx" heretic cult is hosting "chairs of pestilence" with a Catholic looking liturgy, which we are instructed here to shun.
Note 2: The "sspx" and other heretic groups lack "legitimate mission and Jurisdiction" because Christ only founded the Catholic Church.
Note 3: Heretics are not "transmitting the sacred teachings" (which is the Catholic dogmas) they are transmitting their man-made fables - various heresies against the Catholic truths such as the governance and Jurisdiction Dogma.
Note 4: There is no Catholic Jurisdiction or government in the world today, it simply does not exist.
Wings of Eagles >
"Before Campion and his associates began to preach, Catholics had often compromised with protestantism (heretics) ... Campion preached ... bold and uncompromising. Catholics could not attend the 'protestant' services and retain their faith."
Note: Blessed Edmond Campion stating to not go into (in our time) the vatican-2 heretic "services".
Saint Athanasius, Doctor of the Church, died 373 A.D. >
"Saint Anthony (Of the Desert) never held communion with the Meletian schismatic, knowing their wickedness and rebellion from the beginning, nor had friendly converse with the Manicheans, nor any other heretics, save only to warn them to return to their duty, believing and teaching that their friendship and society was a harm and ruin to the soul, still also he loathed the "arian" heresy and taught all neither to go near them nor partake in their ill-faith."
Note: The ill-faith, in our times not to attend, includes the "sspx" heretic meeting halls and any other heretic or apostate group.
Saint Ignatius of Antioch, died c. 107 A.D. >
"It is fitting, therefore, that you keep aloof from such persons, and neither in private nor in public speak to them. But flee from all abominable heresies and those who cause schism ... Brethren, do not be deceived. If any man follows him who separates from the truth, he shall not inherit the kingdom of God; and if any man does not stay away from the preacher of falsehood, he shall be condemned to Hell ... If anyone walks according to a foreign doctrine, he is not of Christ, nor a partaker of His passion. Have no fellowship with such a man, lest you perish along with him, even though he should be your father, your son, your brother, or a member of your family."
Note: In our time this would be a warning to avoid the "sspx" heretic meeting halls and any other heretic or apostate group.
Catholic writing of Romans 16:17 >
"Now I beseech you, brethren, to mark them who make dissensions and offences contrary to the doctrine which you have learned, and avoid them."
Note: Another clear warning to avoid the "sspx" heretic meeting halls which have relentless "dissensions and offences contrary" to the Catholic Dogma.
Catholic writing of 1 Corinthians 5:11 >
"But now I have written to you, not to keep company, if any man ... be ... a server of idols."
Note: Those in "sspx" meeting halls are servers of idols ... their "sspx" "god" is a man-made fable and idol (which rejects Catholic Dogma) was invented by the "sspx" .
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of 1 Kings 15:22-23 >
"And Samuel said: Doth the Lord desire holocausts and victims, and not rather that the voice of the Lord should be obeyed? For obedience is better than sacrifices: and to hearken rather than to offer the fat of rams. Because it is like the sin of witchcraft to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey."
Note 1: The "sspx" heretic cult clearly does not obey the voice of God as is specified in 1 Kings 15. They are strenuously rebelling against the Catholic Dogma to damn souls. If you doubt this, try to hand out a sheet with the Catholic Dogma regarding water baptism on it (such as is on Section 7.2 of this website) and see how fast you are stopped by the "sspx" heretic group leader who is dressed up like a Catholic priest.
Note 2: If you disagree with God’s teaching that Faith comes before sacrifice, please re-read 1 Kings 15:22-13.
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Basel, Session 20, 22 Jan 1435, Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"... nobody shall be obliged to abstain from communion with anyone in the administration and reception of sacraments or in any other sacred or profane matters, ... unless ... it is clear that someone has incurred a sentence of excommunication with such notoriety that it cannot be concealed or in any way excused in law."
Note: The "sspx" heretic cult is clearly notorious, obvious, and manifest in their heresies against the Catholic Dogma ... as is the vatican-2 cult which in 1965 took over our formerly Catholic properties.
S u b - p a r t P
The "sspx" is in heresy against the Catholic Salvation Dogma.
~ ~ ~
1. Water baptism is the only entrance to the Catholic Church, which is the only way to get to Heaven. By the "sspx" denying the Dogma on Water Baptism, they by definition deny the Salvation Dogma.
2. The vatican-2 cult denies and has denied the Salvation Dogma countless different ways since this cult was founded in 1965 at the Vatican. By the "sspx" saying that the vatican-2 cult is the Catholic Church, they by definition deny the Salvation Dogma.
3. By the "sspx" rejecting the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance, they are implying that there is Salvation outside of the Catholic Church. This is a rejection of the Salvation Dogma.
4. By the "sspx" denying the Catholic Dogma regarding automatic excommunication for heresy and heretics, they deny the Salvation Dogma by implying that automatically excommunicated heretics are still in the Catholic Church (which they are not).
S u b - p a r t Q
The "sspx" is in heresy regarding the Dogma that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites is over.
~ ~ ~
1. If you look through the apostate magazine that the "sspx" publishes which they call "The Angelus" (of course they use a Catholic name for their non-Catholic magazine) there is all manner of heresy against the Catholic Dogma that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites (the Catholic Faith unfulfilled) is over.
2. In the "Angelus" the "sspx" heretics write about the jews this and the jews that ... judaism this and judaism that ... in their various writings. They write about this particular group of un-baptized pagans as if they had something to do with the Old Testament Israelites ... which is complete lunacy.
3. In way of a brief review, God's covenant with the Old Testament Israelites is defined in the writings of covenant prophets. Some of these writings, which shouldn't be too hard for the "sspx" to figure out (if they try really hard):
-Daniel 9:26 > "Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His" -Proverbs 30:4 > "Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? ... and what is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?" -Micheas 5:2 > "And thou, Bethlehem ... of Juda: out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be the Ruler in Israel." -Genesis 18:1-2 > "And the Lord appeared to him in the vale of Mambre ... Three Men ... and (Abraham) adored down to the ground." -Genesis 1:26 > "Let Us make man to Our image and likeness." -Psalm 2:7-8 > "Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten thee ... I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance." (The Messiah as True God and True Man) -Isaias 7:14 > "The Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel."
(The Catholic Church unfulfilled wrote the Old Testament and fulfilled wrote the New Testament)
Do the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews subscribe to or agree with these writings of the Old Testament Israelites? Of course not, so how in the world is the "sspx" saying that this group has something to do with the Old Testament? Again, this is heretic lunacy.
4. The heretic "sspx" seems completely unaware of the fact that the apostasy of "talmudic judaism" started in about 200 B.C. when a group of the Israelites left God's covenant for a paganism which is based on the Babylonian talmud which was carried out of the Babylonian captivity in 538 B.C.
5. The Ex-Cathedra Dogma being rejected by the heretic "sspx" on this subject includes:
Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 Feb 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and teaches that the legal prescriptions of the Old Testament or the Mosaic law ... once our Lord Jesus Christ who was signified by them had come, came to an end and the Sacraments of the New Testament had their beginning."
Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 Feb 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) asserts that after the promulgation of the Gospel they (Mosaic laws) cannot be observed without loss of eternal salvation."
As the "sspx" writes about jew this and jew that in their apostate "Angelus" magazine do you see anywhere where the "Angelus" articles that informs the pagans who call themselves jews that they are all headed for Hell? It's some pretty vicious writing that "happens to" omit this spiritual fact.
6. The heretic "sspx" seems to be completely unaware of the fact that the people who did not persecute Christ and his Apostles and other followers ... were the Israelites who stayed with God's covenant by agreeing with the scriptures cited above and the many other prophetic writings regarding the Messiah. A couple of these covenant writings which foretold the future water baptism for the remission of Original Sin should also be easy for the "sspx" to figure out:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Numbers 19:20 >
"If any man be not expiated after this rite, his soul shall perish out of the midst of the church: because he hath profaned the sanctuary of the Lord, and was not sprinkled with the water of purification."
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Numbers 19:13 >
"Because he was not sprinkled with the water of expiation, he shall be unclean, and his uncleanness shall remain upon him."
The Israelites who followed through on writings such as these in the Book of Numbers (others in Section 7.2.1) were baptized in water and had Original Sin remitted from their immortal souls, those who didn't, after the First Pentecost, can be called "jews" since the Church needs a word to identify this particular group of un-baptized pagans. How the "sspx" can say that this group has something to do with the Old Testament is beyond comprehension.
7. See Section 39.1 which outlines the fraud by which the words "jew" and "jews" is in the Old Testament English versus the correct "Judean" and "Judeans".
8. One sees the hatred which the "sspx" has for immortal souls of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews ... because the "sspx" writes about this group as if it has some manner of spiritual validity when it has absolutely none of any kind. By writing as they do, the "sspx" is working for the eternal damnation of the jew-pagans ... literally shoving them toward Hell.
S u b - p a r t R
The "sspx" says that Bergoglio is the Pope ... and that the vatican-2 cult participants are in the
Catholic Church ... but yet the "sspx" stays separate from them
~ ~ ~
Sub-part Introduction:
1. The "sspx" hoax laughably says and promotes ... that Bergoglio a Catholic Bishop and Pope ... and that the vatican-2 heretic cult participants are in the Catholic Church. At the same time ... the "sspx" hoax refuses to submit to Bergoglio as Pope and the "sspx" as an organization stays separate from the vatican-2 sect.
2. The stunning hypocrisy and duplicity ... is self evident.
3. The Catholic citations listed below ... are those specifying that the Catholic Church is ... "one in Faith". Neither the "sspx" or the vatican-2 sect is Catholic.
4.But since ... the "sspx" says the vatican-2 cult is Catholic ... by the below Sources of Dogma the "sspx" should be joined to the vatican-2 heretic cult.
5. This illustrates again ... the fraud of the "sspx".
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, 19 December 1516 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
Insofar as we can with God's help, in the holy church of God, which by divine providence we preside over and which is indeed one, preaches and worships one God and firmly and sincerely professes one faith."
Council of Vienne, Decree 30, Pope Clement V, 1311-1312 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Since however there is for both regulars and seculars, for superiors and subjects, for exempt and non-exempt, one universal Church, outside of which there is no salvation, for all of whom there is one Lord, one faith, and one baptism ..."
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, Pope Leo X, 19 Dec 1516 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For, regulars and seculars, prelates and subjects, exempt and non-exempt, belong to the one universal Church, outside of which no one at all is saved, and they all have one Lord and one faith."
Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctum, 18 November 1302 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
Urged by faith, we are obliged to believe and to hold that there is One Holy Catholic and truly Apostolic Church. And this we firmly believe and simply confess: outside of Her, there is neither salvation, nor the remission of sins ... there is one Lord, one faith, one baptism."
S u b - p a r t S
Street signs used in ... St Mary's Kansas ... one of the top three hotbeds of the "sspx" hoax ... in North America
Approximately two-thirds of the 3,700 hundred person town ... are "sspx" apostates ... lured here under false pretenses from around the country ... that the "sspx" has
Catholic Priests and Catholic Mass (which they do not have)
~ ~ ~
1. The streets of St. Marys Kansas ... are filled with people who are currently believing the lies of the "sspx" hoax ... the lies identified in this Section 105.
2. I have talked to many who have seen through the anti-Christ sham ... and had already left the "sspx" apostasy.
3. The below pictured signs where used ... to get the truth into people's souls. The people need to see ... that what is being placed into their souls by the lies of their fake priests (none of them are Ordained) ... is costing them their souls.
4. The "sspx" cemeteries, like the vatican-2 cult cemeteries are gateways into Hell.
~ ~
In a little over five weeks ... these signs (and the handout) ... brought 220 hits on the website from northeast Kansas
(With a few hits from Wichita ... perhaps making the over two hour drive on occasion for the fake "Mass")
So there are people who know ... there is something way, way wrong ... with the "sspx" hoax.
(Nice BIG posterboard 40 x 32 inches ... can't miss it ... for when they come out of
the fake "Masses" on Sunday. And for the 200+ cars per hour down
St. Marys main street during the week)
S u b - p a r t T
Summary and required Catholic remedy ... after involvement in the "sspx" cult
~ ~ ~
This summary is also the summary for the related Sections 105.1 and 105.2
1. The "sspx" hoax has *zero* priests ... because Marcel Lafebvre was automatically excommunicated for heresy on 8 December 1965 when he signed his approval to the fantastic heresies in the "vatican-2 council" documents. Sections 12, 12.1.3, and 12.1.5 ... list over 100 ... of the 200+ heresies in the sixteen "council" documents.
2. The concept of canonical equity (also called epikeia) of not keeping to the letter of law, only applies to man-made law, epikeia cannot be used to go against the Divine Law (the Dogma) ... the Catholic definitions of epikeia themselves say this. Epikeia can be used when an injustice would seem to be introduced if the letter of the man-made law or discipline is maintained. Clearly there is no such thing as "unforeseen circumstances" regarding Divine Law.
3. The heresy and non-Catholic fraud of "supplied jurisdiction" has no application in the Catholic Kingdom of God. The heresy of "supplied jurisdiction" cannot have any application in violating the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance or obviously in any other "application" in the Catholic Church. The notion of "supplied jurisdiction" is nowhere in the writings of the Catholic general (worldwide) Councils and nowhere in the Denzinger, Sources of Catholic Dogma ... it is complete heresy against the Catholic Faith.
4. Man-made Canon Laws are being illicitly used and "explained" in ways which do not apply and cannot apply ... in order to violate the Divine Law, the Catholic Dogma on Jurisdiction and Governance. This is completely illicit no matter how many times the words "supplied jurisdiction" or "supplies jurisdiction" shows up in Canon Law paragraphs.
5. The architect of the "1917 Code" was "Cardinal" Gasparri (Cardinal is in quotes because Gasparri was automatically excommunicated for heresy because of the heresy he promoted in the code). Gasparri was shown by Mary Ball Martinez (liaison reporter at the Vatican for 15 years and author of "The Undermining of the Catholic Church") to be a subversive inside what used to be our Catholic buildings, working for anti-Pope "Benedict XV". Selected heresies of "Benedict XV" are listed on Section 20 of this site.
6. The heresies of "Benedict XV" in his "encyclicals" reveals the heretical state of his soul. "Benedict XV" is the one responsible for the heresy of "supplied jurisdiction" (and other heresies) sent out in the "1917 code".
7. Based on their violation of Catholic Dogma and the fact that they have no Catholic bishops or priests the "sspx" does not offer Catholic Sacrifice to the Catholic God ... they are not a Catholic entity.
8. Any "sacrifice" offered by a non-Catholic entity, such as the "sspx" is offered to a non-Catholic idol. Participation in such an act is highly displeasing to God and causes your automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church.
The Catholic Church’s Dogmatically defined remedy ... to correct what has been brought about by the above listed heresy and deception is simple ... and is as follows:
1. When we have knowingly or unknowingly been involved in a heretical society, or if we have fallen into heresy the Church has taught that we are to make a Formal Abjuration before two witnesses of ... the heresy or participation in a heretical society (or both). The Abjuration would normally be done before Catholic bishops or priests but since there aren’t any at this time we simply abjure before other witnesses since God does not command impossibilities.
2. Following the Abjuration, the Church instructs us to make a Catholic Profession of Faith.
3. Taking these two simple steps places your soul back into the Catholic Church.
4. There is an Abjuration for this purpose on Section 19.1 of Immaculata-one.com which covers all of the heresies and participation in heretical societies that people are most likely in during these times. The Abjuration (19 page ms-word file) includes the Profession of Faith from the Council of Trent and Catholic citations regarding this requirement.
5. Keep Sunday Holy by praying the Mass prayers and the Rosary, do not engage in profaning Sunday by participating in non-Catholic "worship" in a vatican-2 cult meeting hall or in the meeting halls of the non-Jurisdictional groups that offer Catholic looking liturgy which is valid, but illicit and thus displeasing to God.
Please also see: the other Section 105 decimal parts (105.1, 105.2, 105.3, etc) ... which address the "sspx" hoax.
Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ Our Lady of Good Remedy ~ Our Lady of La Salette ~
Immaculate Heart of Mary
~ Pray the Rosary for essential graces ... see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions ~
~ Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us ... as Our Lady of Mount Carmel ~
Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin - & - Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin. More > Section 4 and Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it."
Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain."
Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue."
St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation."
Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope."
St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria." (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness."
Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom."
Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified." (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky
Truth of the super-natural order: All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.
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Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links > Section 5.1 and
Section 5.1.1