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Question 1:
Do you believe that one can get to Heaven (thereby escaping the fires of Hell) outside of the Catholic Church?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 1:
The correct answer is B. Entering and remaining in the Catholic Church is the only way to get to Heaven after Original Sin closed Heaven for all men. In times like these when the Catholic Church does not have any physical buildings you are in the Church if you are properly baptized in water and believe the entire Catholic Faith. Please see the four steps for entering the Catholic Church on Section 2.1.
If you answered A, C, or D the lies and deceit of this world (and your acceptance of them) has placed your soul outside of the Catholic Church for heresy. Please see Sections 1, 2, 3, and 30 of this website.
Question 2:
Do you believe that there is Christianity outside of the Catholic Church?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 2:
The correct answer is B, there is no such thing as a non-Catholic Christian.
If you answered A, C, or D your soul is outside of the Catholic Church and you are headed for Hell for the sin of heresy, as you have bought the lies of the heretics and jews that heretics ("lutherans", "baptists", "vatican-2-ists", "methodists", etc) are Christians when they are not. Please see Section 8 of this website.
Question 3:
Do you believe that you can enter the Catholic Church without baptism in pure and natural water?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 3:
The correct answer is B. Without water baptism one cannot be a member of the the Catholic Church.
If you answered A, C, or D the rampant heresy from the heretics and jews has infected your soul and has you headed for Hell. For those of you who are in the vatican-2 heretic cult that was founded on 8 December 1965 at the Vatican ... you are headed for Hell. The heretic group leader that you think is a Catholic priest was never ordained ... since all (apparent) Bishops approved the amazing heresy in the "vatican-2 council" documents (over 200 heresies). Please see Sections 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.3, and 7.4 of this website ... for water Baptism Dogma/instructions.
Question 4:
Do you believe that one can get to Heaven without baptism in pure and natural water?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 4:
The correct answer is B.
If you answered A, C, or D you are incorrect because the un-baptized soul still retains the Original Sin of Adam which hits all souls of all generations (except the souls of Jesus and Maria). You are a heretic against the water baptism Dogma which means you are headed for Hell. Please see Sections 7, 7.1, 7.2, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, 7.3, and 7.4 of this website ... for water Baptism Dogma/instructions.
Question 5:
Do you believe that someone that is dressed up like an office holder in the Catholic Church (those dressed like priests and bishops in these times are actually group leaders for the vatican-2 cult which was founded on 8 December 1965) but nonetheless commits all manner of heresy is actually in the Catholic Church?
We illustrate this question:
Public Act of Heresy
Public Act of Heresy
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 5:
The correct answer is B.
If you answered A, C, or D you do not believe the Catholic Dogma, that one cannot be a heretic and be in the Catholic Church, and you are headed for Hell. Someone who commits heresy by actions (as seen above) is automatically excommunicated for heresy. Of course ... writing, speaking, and believing heresy against Catholic Dogma also places you outside of the Catholic Church. Automatic excommunication happens this way: One automatically (spiritually) tenders his resignation from the Church (and any office held) and that resignation is automatically accepted, without any outward process taking place. Please see Section 13.2 (primary) and Section 9 of this site ... for automatic excommunication Dogma.
Second Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
""The heretic, even though he has not been condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy." "
Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 February 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra >
"The Holy Roman Church ... condemns, reproves, anathematizes and declares to be outside the body of Christ, which is the Church, whoever holds opposing or contrary views."
Note: In other words if you say that Joseph Ratzinger (a.k.a. "Benedict XVI" pictured above) is in the Catholic Church, you are headed for Hell because you are against the Dogma which addresses automatic excommunication - again see Section 13.2 for this Dogma.
Question 6:
Do you believe that being in or remaining in ignorance of the Catholic Truth from Heaven is a loophole that may get anyone into Heaven?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 6:
The correct answer is B.
If you answered A, C, or D you are headed for Hell because you are rejecting infallible Dogma ...
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."
Vatican Council of 1870, Pope Pius IX, Session 2, Profession of Faith -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath, and I shall do my best to ensure that all others do the same. This is what I, the same Pius, promise, vow and swear."
God does not throw anyone into Hell with giving them a chance to get to Heaven. This chance which God gives to all is called actual grace which prompts the soul to move toward the Catholic truths and the sanctifying grace of water baptism. Only sanctifying grace justifies the soul so that you can have a chance of getting to Heaven if you stay free from grave sin and do sufficient works of charity. Sanctifying grace is the grace that was lost to Adam and Eve when they committed Original Sin. Adam and Eve were created sinless in a state of sanctifying grace.
Please see Sections 5, 5.1 (primary), 5.2, and 5.3 of this website.
Question 7:
Do you believe that The Blessed Virgin Maria incurred Original Sin?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 7:
The correct answer is B.
If you answered A, C, or D you are in a state of sin against the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception and are a heretic. Please see Section 4 of this website for the Dogma and Scriptures where the Catholic God has taught (through His Catholic Church) that the Blessed Virgin is free from all sin.
Catholic writing of Wisdom 7:25-26 >
"No defiled thing cometh into her ... For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Catholic writing of Hebrews 9:11 >
"But Christ, being come an high priest of the good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle."
Ineffabilis Deus, Pope Pius IX, 8 Dec 1854 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We declare, pronounce, and define that the doctrine which holds that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instance of her conception, by a
singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved
free from all stain of Original Sin, is a doctrine revealed by God and therefore to be believed firmly and constantly by all the faithful."
Question 8:
Do you believe it is permissible and profitable to venerate (to regard with reverential respect or with admiring deference) the Saints in Heaven, and to invoke their intercession?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 8:
The correct answer is A.
If you answered B, C, or D you reject the Doctrine of the Communion of Saints. God has given us instruction that Angels, Saints, and other men are mediators of grace which can help us get to Heaven. Please see Section 48 of this website.
Catholic writing of 1 Timothy 1, 3 >
"I desire therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men ...For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour."
Catholic writing of Apocalypse 8:4 >
"And the smoke of the incense of the prayers of the Saints ascended up before God from the hand of the Angel."
Question 9:
Do you believe, in times past when Catholic Mass was available, that the Body and Blood of Christ together with His Soul and Divinity and therefore, the whole Christ, are truly present in the Eucharist, at the point of consecration by a validly ordained Catholic priest, who uses the proper matter (unleavened bread), proper form (words), and proper intent (intends to do what the Church does)?
Note: Again, Catholic Mass is not available in these times, see Sections 12 through 21 of this site ... and the note below.
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 9:
The correct answer is A.
If you answered B, C, or D you are a heretic against the Dogma regarding the Holy Eucharist and are headed for Hell for sins against the Faith.
Council of Trent, Session 13, Canon 1 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one denieth, that, in the sacrament of the most holy Eucharist, are contained truly, really, and substantially, the body and blood together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and consequently the whole Christ; but saith that He is only therein as in a sign, or in figure, or virtue; let him be anathema."
Catholic Saint John 6:51-52 >
"I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give, is my flesh, for the life of the world."
Note 1: Mass is not available to us at this time. The vatican-2 jew-heretic cult "offers" the ritual of non-Catholic apostate "Paul VI" to the vatican-2 "god" in their vatican-2 meeting halls (which ceased being Catholic Churches on 8 December 1965, because they are not Catholic in Faith).
Note 2: There are many "independents" who look like they are conducting Catholic Mass but are not, first of all they are all in heresy against the Jurisdiction Dogma listed on Section 87 of this site. "Independents" such as the ... "sspx", "sspv", "cmri" claim to have Catholic priests ... but their heretics, who are dressed like priests, actually were not ordained because all the bishops of the world were automatically excommunicated for approving the heresy in the "vatican-2 council" documents. Marcel Lefebvre ("sspx"), Ngo Dinh Thuc ("cmri") and the others ceased being Catholic bishops on 8 December 1965, so they were incapable of ordaining Catholic priests after this date. Stay out of the heretic assemblies of the "sspx", "sspv", "Thuc line" meeting halls, "cmri", and other independents ... they send you into Hell. See Section 99 of this site which addresses the "supplied jurisdiction" fraud.
Question 10:
Do you believe that by the Catholic Church's absolution, sins are truly and immediately remitted by a sacramental confession by a validly ordained Catholic priest, who uses the proper form (words), and proper intent (intends to do what the Church does) when the confessor has a firm purpose of amendment of not committing the same sin?
Note: Sacramental confession is not available in these times, see Sections 12 through 21 of this site ... and the note below.
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 10:
The correct answer is A.
If you answered B, C, or D you are a heretic against the Dogmas concerning sacramental confession and are headed for Hell for sins against the Faith.
Council of Trent, Session 14, Canon 1 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that in the Catholic Church Penance is not truly and properly a sacrament, instituted by Christ our Lord for reconciling the faithful unto God, as often as they fall into sin after baptism; let him be anathema."
Catholic writing of Saint John 20:22-23 >
"He breathed on them; and he said to them: Receive ye the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them; and whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." (Jesus Christ speaking to the Catholic Apostles)
Note: Sacramental confession is not available to us at this time, since the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult has taken over our formerly Catholic properties. Please see Section 10.2 of this website for the Catholic instruction on placing souls back into a state of grace after falling into sin in these times. There is no forgiveness of sins in the vatican-2 heretic cult ... you must re-enter the Catholic Church (which has no buildings at this time) by making an Abjuration before confessing your sins in accordance with Dogma on Section 10.2. Section 10.1 has a comprehensive list of sins to aid you in this.
Question 11:
Do you believe that one's merit in Heaven depends on his good works while in the world?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 11:
The correct answer is A. Please see Sections 28 and 29 of this website.
If you answered B, C, or D you reject the Church's teaching that there is a meritocracy among those that are saved (those that get to Heaven).
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section XVI, The Last Things, De Fide Dogma 5 >
"The degree of perfection of the Beatific Vision granted to the just is proportioned to each one's merit."
Catholic writing of Apocalypse 20:12 >
"And I saw the dead, great and small ... and the dead were judged by those things which were written in the books, according to their works."
Catholic writing of Acts 26:20 >
"And to the Gentiles did I preach, that they should do penance, and turn to God, doing works worthy of penance."
Catholic writing of Philippians 2:12 >
"Wherefore, my dearly beloved ... with fear and trembling work out your salvation."
Catholic writing of Hebrews 6:10 >
"For God is not unjust, that He should forget your work, and the love which you have shown in His name, you who have ministered, and do minister to the Saints."
Question 12:
Do you believe that the bliss of Heaven and the punishment of Hell lasts forever?
A. Yes
B. No
C. I don't know
D. I don't care
Answer to question 12:
The correct answer is A.
If you answered B, C, or D you are a heretic against the Catholic teaching regarding salvation (getting to Heaven) and damnation.
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section XVI, The Last Things, De Fide Dogma 4 >
"The bliss of Heaven lasts for all eternity."
Catholic De Fide Dogma, Section XVI, The Last Things, De Fide Dogma 7 >
"The punishment of Hell lasts for all eternity."
Catholic writing of Saint Matthew 5:3 >
"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
Catholic writing of Saint Matthew 5:10 >
"Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake: for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."
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Immaculate Heart of Mary ~ Our Lady of Good Remedy ~ Our Lady of La Salette ~
Immaculate Heart of Mary