God's Catholic Dogma
< <  Section 30 ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary.    Many souls consult this site without any Index page review.  > >

It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell  ...   for rejecting the Catholic Dogma  ...   Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >

1.   The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men.
2.   God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.

                          We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply:
3.   Warning 1:  A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).        [Section 12, 13]
4.   Warning 2:  No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.     [Section 13.2]
5.   Warning 3:  Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates.    [Section 13.2.2]
6.   Warning 4:  Top level view ... why there is not a single Catholic Bishop or Priest in the world. God's Catholic Church is devastatingly small in numbers. [Section 13.6]
                          All vatican-2-ists:  You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.  You must Abjure your heresy.  * * Click * * >  Section 40

7.    One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water [Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin.    [Section 10.1]
8.    All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world ... by way of the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did.  [Section 4, 4.4]
9a.  The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C.  Jesus Christ was not a jew.  [Section 39.1, 39.4]
9b.  The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist.  The so called "allah god" makes countless errors in the "koran".        [Section 113]
10.  All baptized heretics are excommunicated from Christianity and headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).     [Section 7.2, 8]

* *  Return To Index  >  Click here  >  For more against the soul damning lies  * *
E-mail >    Slave_BVM@mail.com   --   Catholic-Dogma-Providers@mail.com   
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 * Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * 
Romans 2:13  >  "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified."

James 2:20  >  "Know ... that faith without works is dead."       (Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works)
Please e-mail here ... if you see a website that you believe is Catholic ... besides this site.
You may copy this entire site ... to your computer ... see Item # 1 on Appendix A-1.

<<< --- <<< --- <<< --- <<< ---  Start Section 30  --- >>> --- >>> --- >>> --- >>>

How Old is your Church ... or your Satan inspired heresy

Jesus Christ founded only the Catholic Church in 33 A.D. ... He
did not "help" start any of the heresies ... the heresies
are authored by demons and sinful men.  

~         ~         ~

No. Church ...
or anti-Christ
heretic group:
Founded by: Year
Church of the
New Testament
- or -
... Heretic Meeting Hall ?
N.A. Various heresies - Pre-1500s

Note: These fake "Jesus Christs"
do not exist
See Section 30.1 for ... many
pre-1500's heresies
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
1 "lutheran" heresy

Note: Fake "lutheran Jesus"
does not exist
Martin Luther
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
2 "anabaptist" heresy

Note: Fake "anabaptist Jesus"
does not exist
Conrad Grebel, Simon Stumpf, etc.
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
3 "anglican" heresy

Note: Fake "anglican Jesus"
does not exist
Henry Tudor ("Henry the 8th")
(serial mass murderer)
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
4 "calvinism" heresy
(later called "reformed")

Note: Fake "reformed Jesus"
does not exist
John Calvin
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
5 "presbyterian" heresy

Note: Fake "presbyterian Jesus"
does not exist
John Knox
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
6 "congregationalist" heresy

Note: Fake "congregationalist Jesus"
does not exist
Robert Brown
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
7 "baptist" heresy

Note: Fake "baptist Jesus"
does not exist
John Smith
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
8 "dutch reformed" heresy

Note: Fake "dutch reformed Jesus"
does not exist
Michaelis Jonce
New York
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
9 "mennonite" heresy

Note: Fake "mennonite Jesus"
does not exist
Menno Simons
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
10 "quaker" heresy

Note: Fake "quaker Jesus"
does not exist
George Fox
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
11 "amish" heresy

Note: Fake "amish Jesus"
does not exist
Jakob Ammann
Southern Germany
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
12 "methodist" heresy

Note: Fake "methodist Jesus"
does not exist
John Wesley
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
13 "unitarian" heresy

Note: Fake "unitarian Jesus"
does not exist
Theophilus Lindley
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
14 "episcopalian" heresy

Note: Fake "episcopalian Jesus"
does not exist
Samuel Seabury
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
15 "mormon" heresy
(now called "latter day saints" or "lds")

Note: Fake "mormon Jesus"
does not exist
Joseph Smith
Palmyra, NY
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
16 "church of Christ" heresy

Note: Fake "church of Christ Jesus"
does not exist
Barton Stone
Thomas Campbell
Kentucky and
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
17 "seventh day adventist" heresy

Note: Fake "seventh day Jesus"
does not exist
James White
Ellen White
Joseph Bates
Battle Creek, MI
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
18 "salvation army" heresy

Note: Fake "salvation army Jesus"
does not exist
William Booth
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
19 "jehovah's witnesses" heresy

Note: Fake "jehovah witness Jesus"
does not exist
Charles Taze Russell
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
20 "Christian scientist" heresy

Note: Fake "Christian scientist Jesus"
does not exist
Mary Eddy
New Hampshire
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
21 "evangelical" heresies -
"assembly of god",
"nazarene", etc.)

Note: Fake "evangelical Jesus Christs"
do not exist
Various men
Last 100 yrs
Various -
outside Jerusalem
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
22 Eastern Schism
Greek  "orthodox"
Russian  "orthdox", etc.

Note: Fake "orthodox Jesus"
does not exist
Michael Caerularius
(head of the eastern heretics)
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
23 vatican-2 heresy

Note: Fake "vatican-2 Jesus"
does not exist
Giovanni Montini (a.k.a. "paul-6")
with 2,500 heretics dressed up like
Catholic Bishops
Rome, at the Vatican
Never ending
Heretic meeting hall
(Wrong: year, place, & founder)
24 Catholic Church

Note: The Catholic Jesus Christ
does exist ... the only One that exists
Jesus Christ
if dying in a
state of grace
and doing
sufficient works
Church of the
New Testament
(Has no buildings
at this time)

Note 1:  The names of the above listed heresies are in "quotes" because these labels mean absolutely nothing. They are nothing in the eyes of God, as they are all anti-Christ heretic groups.

Note 2:  Since Jesus Christ did not help start any of the above listed heresies, people in these groups cannot possibly be Christians. Only Catholics are Christians, Christianity (the Catholic Church) has no physical buildings at this time and hasn't since 8 December 1965.

Note 3:  Since the teaching of Jesus Christ is the teaching of the Catholic Church He founded, those against the Catholic Dogmas are anti-Christs.

Note 4:  Heresies against God's Church, the Catholic Church, did not start in the 16th century with Luther as is popularly believed. They began in the 1st century (with different brand names, of course) ... see Section 30.1 of this site.

Catholic writing of Titus 3:10-11 in the 1st century >
"A man that is a heretic ... is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment."

Note 5:
Council of Trent, Session 6, On Justification, Canon 21 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that Christ Jesus was given of God to men, as a Redeemer in whom to trust, and not also as a Legislator whom to obey; let him be anathema."

Regarding Canon 21: The legislation of Christ is the Catholic De Fide Dogma listed on Section 3 and the Sources of Dogma of the Church.

Note 6:
Council of Trent, Seventh Session, Canon 7 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone saith, that those baptized are, by baptism itself, made debtors but to faith alone, and not to the observance of the whole law of Christ, let him be anathema." (that is, cursed)

Regarding Canon 7: This is a Dogmatic and infallible decree of God the Holy Spirit.

Regarding Canon 7: The anathema (or curse) is part of the infallible decree, which means if you reject this definition ... then the curse of this Canon 7 is infallibly applied to your immortal soul.

Note 7:
Council of Trent, Seventh Session, Canon 8 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If any one saith, that the baptized are freed from all the precepts, whether written or transmitted, of holy Church, in such wise that they are not bound to observe them, unless they have chosen of their own accord to submit themselves thereunto; let him be anathema."

Regarding Canon 8: If a Catholic calls heretics Christians, in clear violation of this infallible Canon of God the Holy Spirit, the curse (anathema) of this Canon is applied to the immortal soul of that individual.

Note 8:
Stand by for the following deception (a favorite of the automatically excommunicated vatican-2 jew-heretics):
There was a Fr. Feeney in the Boston area who defended the Catholic Dogma on Salvation (that you have to be Catholic to get to Heaven) starting in the late 1940s. Father Feeney began to be persecuted by (what he thought were) Church officials, but who were in reality automatically excommunicated heretics. Initially, this persecution was local in the Boston area and then it came from the Vatican ... see Section 17.3 of this site.

Fr. Feeney was summoned to go to Rome which he didn't do. He did well not to go to Rome since "Pius XII" was an automatically excommunicated heretic as is shown by the heresy in his "encyclicals" (see Section 20.2 of this website). Fr. Feeney may not have realized explicitly that the Papacy had fallen vacant by the work of the jews and heretics in 1914 - but clearly he knew something was wrong because of the rejection of the Dogma.

~ ~ ~ ~

<<< --- <<< --- <<< --- <<< ---  End Section 30  --- >>> --- >>> --- >>> --- >>>

Immaculate Heart of Mary    ~     Our Lady of Good Remedy    ~     Our Lady of La Salette    ~     Immaculate Heart of Mary

~  Pray the Rosary for essential graces  ...  see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions  ~
~  Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us  ...  as Our Lady of Mount Carmel  ~

Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin  - & -  Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin.    More >  Section 4  and  Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it." Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain." Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue." St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation." Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope." St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria."  (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness." Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom." Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified."  (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky

Truth of the super-natural order:
All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world
by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.

Click on counter for  >  Map location of visitors  ...  Visit details  ...  Sections visited  ...  Referrering sites, etc.

Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links  >  Section 5.1  and  Section 5.1.1