God's Catholic Dogma
< <  Section 30.1 ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary.    Many souls consult this site without any Index page review.  > >

It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell  ...   for rejecting the Catholic Dogma  ...   Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >

1.   The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men.
2.   God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.

                          We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply:
3.   Warning 1:  A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).        [Section 12, 13]
4.   Warning 2:  No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.     [Section 13.2]
5.   Warning 3:  Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates.    [Section 13.2.2]
6.   Warning 4:  Top level view ... why there is not a single Catholic Bishop or Priest in the world. God's Catholic Church is devastatingly small in numbers. [Section 13.6]
                          All vatican-2-ists:  You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.  You must Abjure your heresy.  * * Click * * >  Section 40

7.    One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water [Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin.    [Section 10.1]
8.    All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world ... by way of the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did.  [Section 4, 4.4]
9a.  The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C.  Jesus Christ was not a jew.  [Section 39.1, 39.4]
9b.  The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist.  The so called "allah god" makes countless errors in the "koran".        [Section 113]
10.  All baptized heretics are excommunicated from Christianity and headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).     [Section 7.2, 8]

* *  Return To Index  >  Click here  >  For more against the soul damning lies  * *
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 * Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * 
Romans 2:13  >  "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified."

James 2:20  >  "Know ... that faith without works is dead."       (Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works)
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History of Heresies ... List of groups masquerading as Christians

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The Catholic Church, founded by Jesus Christ in 33 A.D. is a single entity of  "One Lord, One Faith, and One Baptism"  (Catholic writing of Ephesians 4:5), it cannot be divided it can only increase and decrease in numbers depending on the number of people who are properly baptized in water and believe the Dogma of the Church.

The text describing these heresies below state that "the 'xxx' group believed: such and such" but these statements cannot be entirely accurate since the heretics change their false heretical "doctrines" on a regular basis, so that they can condemn the ones they had the day before. The other Sections of this website illustrate the absurdity and breaks with reality that these heretic groups are laboring under (if they still exist).

St. Hilary of Poitiers:
"Heretics are forever making up new creeds, and condemning old ones. They have their annual and monthly faiths, and as many faiths as they have people.
They concoct creeds merely to repent of them, and they formulate new ones in order to anathematize those who adhere to their old ones."

Saint Cyprian:
"The Church is One, and it is not possible to be both inside and outside what is One."

1.  Many of the heresies of the last 500 years say that they "believe" in the heretical definition of predestination ...

The heretic (i.e. false) definition of predestination is that one is predestined to Heaven or Hell and it doesn't matter what the person does, and grace has no place in the "predestination" picture.

The Catholic (i.e. true) definition of predestination is simply that God knows beforehand ... if a person is going to cooperate with the graces that he receives to help him get to Heaven, or whether the person is going to reject those graces.

2.  Many of the heresies speak of believing in two Sacraments, the Sacraments outside of the Catholic Church do not get anyone into Heaven. Any infant, before the age of reason (age 7) who is properly baptized is in the Catholic Church. After age 7 if they are part of a heretic cult they are automatically excommunicated by the Holy Spirit for physical participation in a heretical society.

3.  Many of these heresies say that the Bible is their sole source of truth ... but the Bible does not apply to anyone outside of the Catholic Church, it is a Catholic book written by the Catholic Church to help get Catholics into Heaven. See Section 6 of this website.

4.  These heresies parade the name of Christ, but Christ does not apply to them because they are all automatically excommunicated heretics.

5.  The Vatican-2 cult is included in the 20th Century section because this false (non-Catholic) cult was founded at the Vatican on 8 December 1965. The proof of this is in Section 12 of this website. The buildings with the Catholic signs out front are not Catholic Churches at this time, they are meeting halls for the Vatican-2 heresy.

We do not captialize the names of these heresies because they are just fictions wrought by demons to send men's souls into Hell.

First Century


Followers of Simon Magus, a magician of Apostolic times who claimed to be a sort of emanation of the Eternal. Since he was the first to oppose the teachings of the Apostles he is sometimes called "The Father of Heretics". According to St. Justin, Simon came from Gitta in the country of the Samaritans. He was baptized a Catholic, but his conversion was evidently not sincere as he attempted to purchase from the Apostles what he regarded as their magical power. Hence the word "simony" signifying traffic in sacred things. According to St. Ambrose, St. Augustin and others he one day aksed the devil to elevate him in the air; but St. Peter and St. Paul being present, and invoking the name of Jesus Christ, he was dropped and broke both his legs. He was carried away by his friends; but his corporeal and mental sufferings preyed so much on him, that, in despair, he cast himself out of a high window; and thus perished the first heretic who ever disturbed the Church of Christ.

The Simonians denied free-will; taught that the world was created by Angels; believed in the transmigration ("reincarnation") of souls, and denied the humanity of Jesus Christ.

Note: Commiting suicide causes your soul to be cast into Hell.


"Disciples" of Cerinthus, a contemporary of St. John against whose errors on the divinity of Christ the Apostle is said by some to have written the Fourth Gospel. According to Theodoret, Cerinthus was an Egyptian. In Asia he founded a school and gathered about him a number of "disciples". Of these we know almost nothing except that they spread their heresy in Asia and Galatia.

The "cerinthians" denied that God was the Creator of the world; asserted that the Law of Moses was necessary for salvation; held that after the Resurrection Jesus Christ would establish a terrestrial kingdom where the just would spend a thousand years in the enjoyment of sensual pleasure; and denied the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Second Century


So-called after Basilides, a native of Alexandria who spread their heresy under the Emperors Hadrian and Antonius Pius from about 120 to 140. Of his life we know nothing except that he had a son Isidore who followed in his heretical footsteps. One of the maxim of Basilides was: "Know others, but let no one know you".

The Basilidians held false views on the Deity; rejected Revelation and claimed the God of the Israelites to be only an Angel; held that Angels created the world; denied the humanity and miracles of Jesus; denied the resurrection of the body , and believed that Simon of Cyrene was crucified in place of Christ who returned to His Father unharmed.


Followers of Carpoerates, an Alexandrian "philosopher", who spread their heresy during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian (117-138). They are also called "gnostics", that is "learned or enlightened".

The Carpocratians held that everyone has two souls; believed in the transmigration ("reincarnation") of souls; maintained that the world was created by Angels; denied the divinity of Christ, and advocated the practice of immorality as a means of union with God.


A sect named after Valentine, an Egyptian, who separated himself from the Church because he was disappointed in not obtaining a bishopric. He came to Rome during the pontificate of Hyginus (136-140) and remained until the pontificate of Anicetus (155-166). At first he abjured his errors but again embraced them, and persevered in them until his death, which occurred in Cyprus about 160. The heretical system of Valentine was extremely comprehensive and the most widely diffused of all the forms of "gnosticism". His heresy was divided into two branches, the Oriental and the Italian. The former was spread its heresy through Egypt, Syria and Asia Minor; the latter spread its heresy in Rome, Italy and Southern Gaul.

Valentine invented an absurd genealogy of eons and gods; denied that Mary was the Mother of God; taught justification by faith alone; held matter to be eternal, and denied free-will and the resurrection of the body.


"Followers" of Marcion, the son of the Bishop of Sinope in Pontus, born about 110. For some fault not definitely known to history he was excommunicated by his father. At that time it appears that he was suffragan bishop to his father, to whom he appealed for re-admission into the Church. Reconciliation being refused him, he traveled to Rome where he united with Cerdo and began propagating heretical doctrines. Tertullian relates in 207 that Marcion professed penitence and accepted as condition for his readmission into the Church that he should bring back to the fold those whom he had led astray. But he died before he could carry out his good intentions.

Marcion taught the existence of two gods, the one good and the other evil; denied the Incarnation of Christ, and rejected the Old Testament.


"Disciples" of Cerdo, a Syrian, who came to Rome about the year 139 under the pontificate of Hyginus (136-140).

He taught that there were two gods, one good, the other evil; denied the resurrection of the body, and prohibited marriage, wine and the eating of flesh.


"Followers" of what modern critics hold to be a suppositious character know as "ebion". It is doubtful whether such a person ever existed.

The "ebionites" denied the divinity of Christ; rejected all the New Testament except the Gospel of St. Matthew, which they mutilated; taught that some men were created by good Angels, others by bad ones; considered St. Paul a heretic, and practiced "free-love".


According to Clement of Alexandria this heresy was started by one Julius Cassianus, about whom little is known except that he was a disciple of Valentine.

They practically denied the Incarnation of God in Christ. Some affirmed the body of Christ to have been a mere deceptive appearance, others only denied its fleshly character, but the object of all was to render the conceptions of Christ’s life on earth less material and more spiritual.


So-called after Montanus, a Phrygian who appears to have been a priest of "cybele" (a pagan nature goddess). He was converted about the year 150 and soon after began to fall into fits of ecstacy and to utter "prophecies". Expelled from the Church, Montanus set up for himself, organizing a body of lying "preachers" to be supported by the voluntary contributions of his followers. Eusebius says that he died miserably by hanging himself.

Montanus claimed to have received a new revelation from God, the Mosaic and Christian dispensations having failed. He prescribed at first two, and afterwards three, annual fasts of a week instead of one such fast; forbade all second marriages (the Catholic moral dogma on this is that if the spouse dies one can remarry); refused admittance to his heresy those who had been guilty of murder, adultery or idolatry; required the veiling of virgins in the assemblies of the Church.


A religious sect supported by Tatian, who was born in Assyria about 110. Later he went to Rome where he taught rhetoric. He enjoyed the friendship of Justin Martyr and was converted by him to the Catholic Church about 152. His work, "An Address to the Greek", is one of the earliest writings directed against the pagan "philosophers". After the death of Justin, about 167, Tatian returned to the East and adopted very strange ideas of the "gnostic" variety, identifying himself with the "encratites". One of his best known fellow heretics was Severus, of Gabala in Spain, who added strength to this heretical sect and differed from his "master" on certain matters of this heresy. Due to him the "encratites" are sometimes called "severians".

Their heresy "taught" that matter was uncreated and eternal; attributed creation of something to God, but only through the instrumentality of an inferior "eon"; denied the resurrection of the dead and free-will; rejected the Law of Moses; condemned matrimony, the use of flesh and wine and used only water in the Eucharistic rite. For this reason they are sometimes called "aquarii."


The members of this heresy rejected Saint John’s authorship of the Fourth Gospel and the Apocalypse, and in general all writings in which the Logos (Jesus Christ) is mentioned. Hence their name, which according to their enemies, also proclaimed them to be without reason. It is difficult to trace their origin to any one individual.


The heretical sect originally called "theodotians" after their leader, a leather-seller of Byzantium, who came to Rome under Pope Victor about 190-200, or earlier. In later years they have been called "adoptionists". The "adoptionists" denied the divinity of Christ and apparently made a distinction between Jesus and Christ.


A very immoral sect whose origin is traced to a certain Prodicus. They rejected the worship of an invisible God; practiced idolatry, condemned marriage, and believed their heretical sect to be Paradise.


An eastern heretical sect which has been so designated because they were opponents of Our Blessed Mother. It is difficult to trace their origin to any particular individual.

Third Century


A heretical sect that flourished in Carthage for 200 years after the death of Tertullian, whom they claimed as their founder. Tertullian was the most eminent Latin ecclesiastical writer of the early Church. He was born at Carthage about 160, was converted to the Catholic Church and later was ordained to the priesthood. His over-severe views and austerity caused him to break with the Catholic Church authorities and he fell into the errors of "montanism".

The errors of Tertullian were a belief that the Church could not absolve adulterers; that those who married a second time were adulterers,(Catholic dogmatic morality states one can remarry after the death of the spouse) and that it was not lawful to fly from persecution.


Named after Origen, one of the most learned and spirited men of his time, born at Alexandria in 185. His father was St. Leonidas, the martyr, who had him educated in every branch of sacred and profane literature. So great was the zeal of Origen for the Catholic Faith that he besought his mother to allow him to join his father when he was in prison during the persecution that he too might shed his blood for Christ. His earlier years were devoted to intensive study and successful teaching, and as time went on his fame for learning and wisdom grew so that all the priests and doctors consulted him in any difficult matter. He was one of the most voluminous writers the world has ever seen. He was ordained to the priesthood at Caesarea, but the Bishop of Alexandria, for some reason or other, refused to recognize him. During the persecution under Maximinus he fled to Cappadocia where he lived for two years.

Origen fell into heresies which included that the beginning of all rational creatures were pure spirits; taught that after the universal restoration, which was to be accomplished by a second crucifixion of Christ, all, even the damned in Hell, would be pure spirits; and believed that the blessed in Heaven could be expelled from that abode for faults committed there. There errors were condemned by Second Council of Constantinople in 553.


A schismatical sect which took its name from Novatus (Novatian), a Roman priest who fell into heresy and made himself anti-pope. He was a "learned" and eloquent man but of a melancholy temperament, and, according to St. Cyprian, was turbulent, seditious and avaricious. St. Cornelius states that Novatus was possessed by Satan for a season, apparently while a catechumen. He was baptized by aspersion as he lay on a bed of sickness, but apparently was never confirmed. How he became a priest is not clear. He was accused by Cornelius of cowardice during the persecution of Decius. At the beginning of 251 the persecution relaxed and St. Cornelius was elected Pope. Some days later Novatus set himself up as a rival pope and had himself consecrated bishop. A council of sixty bishops was assembled under Pope Cornelius before the end of 251 in which Novatus was excommunicated.

The "novatians'" heresies included that idolatry was an unpardonable sin, that confirmation was no sacrament, that mortal sins committed after baptism could not be forgiven; condemned second marriages,(Catholic dogmatic morality teaches that one can remarry after the death of the spouse.) and refused Communion to those who had contracted them, even at the time of death.


Follower of Manes (Mani), a Persian, born in 216 in the village of Mardinu in Babylonia. In 242 he stood before the people of his native village as a "religious teacher", but being unsuccessful there, he lived the life of a wanderer for forty years. Returning to Persia, he made at first a favorable impression upon the king, Ormuzd I. Ormuzd’s favor, however, was of little avail, as he occupied the Persian throne only a single year, and Bahram I, his successor, caused Manes to be crucified, had the corpse flayed, and the skin stuffed and hung up at the city gate as a terrifying spectacle to his followers, whom he persecuted with relentless severity. Manes’ death is fixed at about 276-277.

The "manicheans'" heresies included: a plurality of gods; rejected the Old Testament absolutely, and of the New they retained only what had been revised and redacted by Manes; they held that Christ had no real body; denied free-will; recognized no baptism or marriage; believed in the transmigration ("reincarnation") of souls, and held that each man had two souls.


Advocates of an old heresy that was revived by Nipos (Nepos), former Bishop of Egypt, who fell into this heresy during the third century. Dionysius, Bishop of Alexandria was able to minimize the damage done by this heresy.

The fundamental idea of "millenarianism" may be set forth as follows. At the end of time Christ will return in all His splendor to gather together the just, to annihilate hostile powers, and to found a glorious kingdom on earth for the enjoyment of the highest spiritual and material blessings. He Himself will reign as its King, and all the just, including the Saints recalled to life, will participate in it. At the close of this kingdom the Saints will enter Heaven with Christ, while the wicked, who have also been resuscitated, will be condemned to eternal damnation. The duration of this glorious reign of Christ with His Saints on earth is frequently given as 1000 years. Hence the name "millenarianism".

Fourth Century


Heretical followers of Donatus "the Great", a former African Bishop, who played a prominent part in the Donatist schism (named after another Donatus) of the fourth century, which preceded and paved the way for the heresy of the same name. Being a man of forceful character he gave a great impetus to the "donatist" movement on behalf of Satan. They held that the true "church" consisted only of the elect, and declared baptism to be invalid unless conferred by a "donatist".

Note: All infant baptism is baptism into the Catholic Church, if the baptism is done with the proper form, matter, and intent. If the infant who is baptized in a heretic meeting hall remains in that heresy past the age of reason, he then is automatically excommunicated from the Catholic Church. There is no such thing as baptism of adults into a heresy, an adult must be baptized into the Catholic truths for the baptism to be valid. If an adult does not believe the Catholic Dogma at the moment of baptism, he is in fact not baptized and he retains Original Sin on his soul.


A heresy that took its rise and name from Audaeus, a native of Mesopotamia, who was banished to Scythia in 338 and died about 370 in the country of the Goths. He incurred the enmity of the clergy by censuring their luxuries and vices. The "audaeans" held that God has a human form, and taught erroneous opinions concerning the administration of the Sacrament of Penance.


The strongest heretical sect with which the early Church had to contend, its leader was Arius. Arius was ordained deacon by Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, but was subsequently excommunicated by him for joining in with the "meletian" schism. He later repented and was restored, being advanced to the priesthood and given sole charge of a Church. After some time he was excommunicated again for his heretical views. He was a rigorous ascetic, a persuasive speaker and ardent propagandist. Tall, gloomy, fanatical, with down-cast eyes and tangled hair, he went about singing his heretical doctrines, which he had set to the music of the theater. The first ecumenical council, that of Nicea, was convened to condemn the "arian" heresy. Arius was banished to Illyria. Saint Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, was his chief opponent. The "arians" denied the divinity of Christ, and taught that God the Son was not eternal, Christ being made the partaker of the Divinity as a reward for the work of the redemption.

Arius’ death: Excerpted from "Our Glorious Popes" by Catherine Goddard Clark ...

The death of the heretic, who brought such storm and heartache and loss of souls to the Church, was a fitting contrast to the holy death of the blessed Athanasius. Arius died horribly, thirty-seven years before Saint Athanasius who fought him and against the "arian" scourge. Arius died with God's wrath clearly upon him, in the midst of his greatest "triumph" for Satan. Having overcome the doctrinal qualms of the worried Constantine, with the help of the fallen heretical former Bishop of Nicomedia, Eusebius, he was about to be received as a priest into the communion of the Church at Constantinople – on the orders of the Emperor to the holy man who at that time was Bishop of Constantinople, Saint Alexander, who in vain had pleaded with Constantine not to be deceived by the heretic.

Saint Alexander, grieved to the heart," the great Doctor, Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori, tells us, "went to the Church accompanied by only two persons, and prostrating himself on the floor, with tears in his eyes, prayed to the Lord: 'O my God, either take me out of the world, or take Arius, that he may not ruin your Church.' Thus Saint Alexander prayed, and on the same day, Saturday, at three o'clock, the "eusebians" were triumphantly conducting Arius through the city, and he went along, boasting of his reestablishment, but when he came to the great square the vengeance of God overtook him; he got a terrible spasm in the bowels, and was obliged to seek a place of retirement. A private place near the square was pointed out to him; he went in and left a servant at the door."

"He immediately burst open like Judas; his intestines, his spleen, and his liver all fell out. When he delayed too long, his friends came to the door, and on opening it, they found him stretched on the floor in a pool of blood in that horrible state. This event took place in the year 336."


The followers of heretic Macedonius, who was illicitly forced by "in control" "arians" into the "See of Constantinople", and enthroned by Constantius, who had for the second time expelled Paul, the Catholic Bishop. Macedonius is known in history for his most cruel persecution of the Catholics and "novatian" heretics. Subsequently he fell into disgrace. Constantius caused him to be deposed and succeeded by Eudoxius in 360. He died about 364. The "macedonians" denied the Divinity of the Holy Spirit.


A heresy founded by a native of Mesopotamia named Adelphus. They were a kind of vagrant quietest. Sacraments they held to be useless, though harmless, the only spiritual power being prayer, by which one drove out the evil spirit which baptism "had not expelled" (Note: baptism places the soul into the state of grace, justified), "received" the indwelling of the Holy Spirit (a delusion), and arrived at "union" with God (a delusion), becoming "so perfect" (a delusion) that the Passion ceased to trouble. They disregarded regulations in the matter of fasting; wandered from place to place, and in summer were accustomed to sleep in the streets. They engaged in no occupations.


Adherents of Aerius, a priest ordained by Eustathius, Bishop of Sebaste (355) and placed over the hospital or asylum in that city. He soon separated from the Church because of heresy. His heresies included that there was no sacred character distinguishing bishops and priests from laymen, "taught" that the observance of the feast of Easter was a "jewish" superstition; that it was wrong to prescribe fasts or abstinence by law, and held that it was useless to pray for the dead.


The heresy was started by Apollinaris, former Bishop of Laodicea. At first this prelate was highly esteemed by such men as St. Athanasius, St. Basil, and St. Jerome for his classical culture his biblical learning, his defense of the Catholic Faith and his loyalty to the Nicene Creed. But later, having fallen into heresy, he failed to submit to the solemn condemnation of his heretical doctrine by the Council of Constantinople in 381, and died in his heresy in about 392.

Apollinaris "taught" that Christ had a human body and a human sensitive soul, but no human rational mind, the Divine Logos taking the place of this last; held that there were three different degrees of dignity in the Trinity itself; and maintained erroneous views on the Incarnation, one of which was that the Divine Substance of the Word was converted into flesh.


A heresy originally founded by an Egyptian from Memphis by the name of Mark. One of his early fellow heretics was Priscillian, a man of noble birth, great riches, bold, restless, eloquent, learned and ready at debate and discussion, who soon became leader of the heresy which now bears his name. He was the subject of a mock ordaination to a false priesthood and appointed "bishop" of Avila by his heretical followers. About 383 he was condemned to death. His errors were condemned in the Council of Saragossa by St. Damasus.

The "priscillianists" held that Angels and the souls of men were severed from the substance of the Deity, that Christ only appeared to be a man and that His death was only apparent, rejected the narrative of creation in the Old Testament, and denied the Trinity.


Followers of Jovinianus, a monk for a while but subsequently an advocate of anti-ascetical tendencies. He subsequently fell into heresy. His views, promulgated mostly by writing, were condemned by Pope Siricius in a Council held at Rome in the year 390, and soon after in another Council held by St. Ambrose in Milan. In the end Jovinianus was exiled by the Emperor Theodosius, and after by Honorius, to Boas, a maritime town of Dalmatia, where he died in misery in the year 412.

His heresies included that a virgin, as such, is no better in the sight of God than a wife, held abstinence to be no better than the taking of food in the proper disposition, that all sins are equal, that there is but one grade of punishment and one of reward in the future state.


A heresy started by Vigilantius, a Gallie writer and former priest of the last years of the fourth century. He was born in Western Gaul and became an inn-keeper, but about 395, through the influence of Sulpicius Severus, was ordained to the priesthood. He went to visit St. Jerome and immediately quarreled with him on religious matters, accusing him of being a heretic. St. Jerome later refuted his errors.

Vigilantius condemned the veneration of images and relics, the invocation of the Saints, the celibacy of the clergy, monasticism, and held it useless to pray for the dead.

Fifth Century


Followers of the heretical doctrines of Pelagius, about whom little is known. He is spoken of by several of his contemporaries as a Briton. In 409, to avoid Alaric’s siege of Rome, he escaped with his convert and pupil, Caelestius, to Northern Africa, and had gone from there to Palestine before the meeting of the Council of Carthage in 411, which condemned Caelestius. Pelagius is not heard of after 418, but there is a tradition that he was 70 years of age when he died in some obscure town in Palestine. He appears to have been a very good man (St. Augustin called him "saintly"), of more than common moral strictness and purity, if not a man of any great spiritual depth or intellectual grasp. He fell into heresy through contact with a Syrian priest named Rufinus; not, however Rufinus of Aquilea who disputed with St. Jerome.

The heretical doctrines of Pelagius, condemned at the Council of Ephesus, 431, were: Adam would have died if he had not sinned, Adam’s sin injured himself only - not the race, children are born as pure as Adam was before he fell, men neither die because Adam fell, nor rise again in consequence of Christ’s resurrection; unbaptized as well as baptized infants are saved; the Mosaic Law is as good a guide to heaven as the Gospel; even before Christ’s advent there were sinless men.


A heresy traced to John Cassianus, former Abbot of the Monastery of St. Victor, who fell into heresy.

The errors of the "semipelagians" were condemned in the year 432 by Pope Celestine I; in 529 by Pope Felix IV, in the Synod of Orange and the Synod of Valence, both of which Councils were confirmed by Pope Boniface II. These errors were: the beginning faith depends on man’s free-will, while faith itself and its increase depend absolutely upon God; nature has a certain claim to grace, final perseverance is not a special gift of grace but depends upon man’s own strength, some children die before baptism, and others after on account of the foreknowledge God possesses of the good or evil they would have done if they had lived, some are predestined to Heaven, others to Hell.


Nestorius, the founder of this heresy, was born at Germanicia, Syria Euphoratensis. He was living as a priest and monk in the monastery of Euprepius near the walls, when he was chosen by the Emperor Theodosius II to be Patriarch of Constantinople. He enjoyed a great reputation for eloquence, and after his consecration in 428, displayed great zeal and energy in opposing heretics of his time. Towards the close of the same year his own heretical doctrine was protested against, and later condemned by a Council. He refused to abide by this decision and was thrust out of his See by the Emperor. He died there about 451.

The heretical doctrines of the "nestorians" were condemned at the Council of Ephesus in 431. They taught that there were two separate persons in Christ, one Divine and the other human; and claimed that Mary was the mother of the human person only, not of the Divine Person.

Note: Christ had two wills in His body, the Divine will, and the will associated with His human rational soul.


A heresy which was defended by Lucidas, a former priest of Gaul, who fell into heresy towards the middle of the fifth century. About his life in other respects, history is silent. The heresy was condemned in 475 in the Council of Lyons.

Lucidas taught that God absolutely and positively predestined some to eternal death and others to eternal life, in such a manner that the latter have not to do anything in order to secure salvation, divine grace of itself carrying them on to their destiny; that Christ did not die for the non-elect, since they are destined for Hell.


Sometimes called "eutychians", after Eutyches, their founder, who spread their heresy during the fifth century and gave his name to an opinion to which his teaching and influence contributed little or nothing. He was not a learned man but very much respected and had influence. In 448 Eutyches was 70 years of age, and had been for 30 years archimandrite of a monastery outside the walls of Constantinople, where he ruled over 300 monks. He was a bitter opponent of "nestorianism" and the other heresies. At a synod convened by St. Flavian, Bishop of Constantinople about 448, he accused Eusebius, Bishop of Dorylaeum, of teaching false doctrine, and the accused answered by launching a counter-charge of heresy against Eutyches. Not being able to answer satisfactorily he was condemned and exiled in 450.

The heretical doctrines of the "monophysites", was condemned at the Council of Chalcedon in the year 451 ... the Council "stands opposed to those who imagine a mixture or confusion between the two natures of Christ." Christ has two distinct and separate wills, the Divine Will and the human will (of a Divine person) joined by the Hypostatic Union. The two natures of Christ are not joined in a moral or accidental union (Nestorius), nor commingled (Eutyches).

Groups in the "monophysite" heresy also self-identify as ... "oriental orthodox", "old oriental", "miaphysite", or "non-Chalcedonian churches" (as they reject the Council of Chalcedon (451 A.D.) which condemned their heresy.

Seventh Century


An heretical sect that owed its origin to Sergius, the fallen into heresy, former Patriarch of Constantinople.

The heresies of the "monothelites", who held that in Christ there were two natures ... but only one will, the Divine Will in Christ, was condemned by the Council of Lateran in the year 680. Pope Saint Martin I, who fought this heresy, was the last Pope martyred for the Faith.

The Catholic Dogma on this is simple. The faculty of having free will ... is an integral part of human nature: therefore, our Lord had a human will, since He took a perfect human nature. His Divine will on the other hand is numerically one with that of the Father and the Holy Spirit. It is therefore necessary to acknowledge two wills in Christ.


Constantine of Mananalis, calling himself Silvanus, founded what appears to have been the first Paulician community at Kibossa, near Colonia in Armenia. He began to teach about 657. He wrote no books and taught that the New Testament, as he presented it, should be the only text used by his followers. After preaching for 27 years and having spread his heresy into the Western part of Asia Minor, he was arrested by the Imperial authorities, tried for heresy and stoned to death.

The "paulicians" held the heresies of a plurality of Gods, held all matter to be bad, rejected the Old Testament, denied the Incarnation, held Christ to be an Angel, taught that faith in Christ saves from judgment, denied the sacraments and apparently believed in the transmigration ("reincarnation") of souls, condemned all exterior forms of religion and refused to honor the Cross since they maintained that Christ had not been crucified.

Eighth Century


A heresy stirred up and supported by Leo the Isaurian who used his influence and power as Emperor to wage a bitter war against the veneration of sacred images of all kinds. This outbreak commenced about the year 723 and led to much violence.

The Iconoclasts held that the veneration of sacred images was idolatry. This error was condemned by the Second Council of Nice in the year 787.

Note: Sacred images are not idols, sacred images reflect the Catholic eternal realities of the True God. A graven image is an image that is used for idol worship, an inanimate object which is wrongly "worshipped". Veneration is not worship, it is an act of respect for Saints for what they have done/merited to help us get to Heaven. Veneration is also given to sacred images related to Christ such as a Crucifix.


A heresy whose origin is attributed to Elipandus, a fallen into heresy, Archbishop of Toledo, Spain.

They held a double sonship in Christ; one by generation and nature, and the other by adoption and grace. Christ as God is indeed the Son of God by generation and nature, but Christ as man is Son of God only by adoption and grace. Hence they maintained "The Man Christ" to be the adoptive, and not the natural, Son of God.

Note: Christ was Son of God, as a Divine Person, by the power of the Holy Spirit ... so He is True Son of God (as God) and true Son of God (as Divine Person).

Ninth Century


This heresy is the result of what is known in history as the "Greek Schism". Its origin dates from the time of Photius, a high official in the civil service of the Byzantine government, distinguished for his learning and literary taste. In 858, on the deposition of Ignatius, he was hurried through all the ecclesiastical degrees and installed by the Emperor Michael III as Patriarch of Constantinople. Pope Nicholas I objected to the irregularities of Photius’ elevation, and convoked a council at Rome which deposed and excommunicated him. Photius then gave the conflict a doctrinal turn and brought about conditions that paved the way for the Schism between the Eastern and Western Churches (when the Eastern went into schism in 1054 they ceased being churches and were now heretic meeting halls). Photius was deposed and sent into exile several times, the last being in 886 and a few years later he died. The schism commenced by him, although suppressed several times, continues to the present day.

The Greek schismatics are in heresy in that they say that Holy Spirit proceeds only from the Father and not from the Father and the Son, they are in heresy regarding the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, they viciously promote divorce and "re-marriage" (which sends souls into Hell), they are in heresy regarding the Dogma related to the Papacy (there is no Pope at this time, the Chair is vacant - see Sections 12 and 13 of this website).

Eleventh Century


An heretical sect started by Basil, who gathered about him twelve other heretics and made his presence felt at Constantinople about the year 1118. The Emperor Alexis I, having received a frank exposition of the heretical doctrine of this sect, demanded that they should retract their errors. Some who would not comply were thrown into prison, but Basil was condemned to death (1118) and burned.

Their heresies included that God the Father was incorporeal but had a human appearance, that He had two sons (one of whom had creative power), that man has two creators, rejected the Old Testament in parts, did away with baptism by water, denied the Real Presence (there is no Mass available at this time), condemned marriage, rejected images, and prohibited the eating of meat.


Followers of Berengarius, who was born at Tours about 999. He received a good education, became distinguished for learning and intelligence, and soon had a considerable following. Later he became Archdeacon of Angers. Errors crept into his doctrine which were condemned by the Church in numerous Councils, and Berengarius himself was for a while imprisoned. He retracted these, however, before his retirement to St. Cosme, near Tours, where he died in union with the Church in the year 1088.

Berengarius taught that the Body and Blood of Christ were really present in the Holy Eucharist, but only by a spiritual or intellectual presence; that the substance of bread and the substance of wine remain unchanged in their nature, but by consecration become spiritually the very Body and Blood of Christ.

Note: There are no Catholic Masses at this time, this has been taken away as a punishment. The Vatican-2 jew-heretic cult is in control of our former Catholic properties which cannot be entered since it would be participation in a heretical society - which causes automatic excommunication. The Mass was invalidated by the automatically excommunicated jew apostate who called himself "Paul VI".

Twelfth Century


Followers of a monk who fell into heresy, Peter de Bruis, who, tired of the restraint of the cloister, apostatized, and fled to the province of Arles, where, about 1118, he began to spread his heresies. Twenty years later the populace of St. Gilles, near Nimes, exasperated by his burning of a Cross, cast him into the flames.

He rejected the baptism of infants, condemned altars and Churches, prohibited the veneration of the Cross, rejected the Mass and Holy Eucharist, and denied the utility of prayers for the dead. These errors were all condemned by the Second Council of the Lateran in 1139.


So-called after Henry of Lausanne, a cluniac monk who fell into heresy - who left his monastery and began to preach to the people. He joined in with the "petrobrosians" in Provence, was arrested and confined to a cell as a heretic. Subsequently released, he was again arrested and died in prison in 1149.

His heresy mainly insisted upon personal responsibility as opposed to authority in religious matters and the rejection of the rites and authority of the Church.

Note: We accept the authority of the Church in teaching the Dogma because the Church is the deposit of the Faith which She receives from God. The Church then provides us with the truth (the Dogma) because truth does not originate from our created souls (which didn't exist 100 years ago), by right reason (and by Dogma) the truth has to come in from the outside.


Heresy started by Peter Waldo, a wealthy merchant of Lyons, who carried out literally the counsel of Christ: "If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast and give to the poor". In 1176 he completed the distribution of all his earthly possessions and took a vow of poverty shortly afterwards. This action of his created a great stir in Lyons and he soon had imitators, many of whom began to preach in the streets. They soon fell into error and were condemned as heretics by numerous synods and councils, but especially by the Third Council of the Lateran in 1179.

Their heresies were: the Catholic Church erred in accepting temporal property, they condemned tithes, believed in only two sacraments (Baptism and the Eucharist), held that layman could absolve from sin, held that a sinful priest could not absolve from sin, rejected indulgences, rejected fasts and all the ceremonies of the Church, made no distinction between mortal and venial sins, claimed the veneration of sacred images to be idolatry, and condemned all oaths to be unlawful.

Thirteenth Century


Traced to one Constantine of Samosata and so-called because they first spread themselves in the city of Albi, or that part of Gaul called Albigensum, and subsequently in the Province of Toulouse. The errors of all other heresies were joined in this one sect. They were condemned in numerous synods, and especially by the Third Council of the Lateran in 1179.

Their heresies were that they "beleived" in two Gods, held only the New Testament to be inspired, reject infant baptism, declared marriage sinful, that it was wrong to obey and support the clergy, held that everyone has the power to forgive sins, denied the Trinity, denied the Incarnation, denied the Redemption and the Sacraments, declared all penance useless, and held that an unworthy priest lost the power of consecrating the Holy Eucharist.

Note: This heresy seems more like an apostasy (complete rejection of the whole Faith).

  (Google translator is capitalizing the name of this cult, in some languages, for some reason)

One sect by this name may be traced to Gherardo Segarelli, a laboring man of Parma, who organized his fellow heretics, and made considerable problems via this heresy in upper Italy, from 1260 to 1307. Another such sect was started by two apostate former Franciscan Friars, Peter of Macerata and Peter of Fossombrone.

In general these heretics held that there were two "churches", one carnal, the other spiritual, that only the spiritual "church" has the true Scriptures and divine power, and that in them alone was the Gospel of Jesus Christ fulfilled. They were condemned in 1318 by a Bull of Pope John XXII.


A sect which was the offspring of an ill-judged piety and cannot be traced to any one individual.

They advocated excessive self-flagellation, confessed sins to laymen, believed that penance helped the damned, denied the Sacraments, and taught that one month’s penance was necessary for the forgiveness of sins. They were formally condemned as heretics by Pope Clement VI (1342-1352).

Fourteenth Century


The name applied to the followers of John Whclif, who was born at Ipreswel (now Hispwell) near Richmond, Yorkshire, England, probably some years earlier than 1324. He studied at Oxford and in 1356 began to publish his works. His heretical doctrines were condemned in 1382 by a synod of twelve theologians, and two years later Wyclif died. He was formally declared a heretic by the Council of Constance (1414-1418).

The Lollards held that the universe and God are one, that creation was an emanation of God, believed in predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), denied the Real Presence, held the veneration of sacred images to be unlawful, and rejected the episcopacy of the Church.

Fifteenth Century


Heretic followers of heretic John Huss. Huss began to be influenced by the writings of heretic Wyclif and soon became infected.

Their heresies include: that the Church consisted of the predestined only, that Saint Peter was never the head of the Church, denied that the clergy received authority from Christ, and held that mortal sin deprives every ruler of jurisdiction.

Note: The last heresy listed is a common one. Only heresy and apostasy causes loss of jurisdiction because they cause automatic excommunication from the Catholic Church. Falls related to morality, sins against the body, etc., do not cause automatic excommunication, they cause a fall from grace (the person is no longer in a sanctified (or justified) state, but their soul is still in the Church.


Nicholas Stork, a weaver (d. 1525), and Thomas Munzer, a "lutheran" (c. 1490-1525), made, at the time of the heretic revolt, the first attacks on infant baptism, and thus started the devil's "anabaptist" movement.

They denied the validity of infant baptism; practiced communism and polygamy; and condemned oaths and warfare as unlawful.


Heretic followers of a German heretic, Andreas Osiander, who was born Dec. 19, 1498, at Gunzenhausen, near Nuremberg. His real name was Hosemann. He was educated at Ingolstadt and Wittenberg and was conspicuously active in introducing the heretic revolt of his time.

His heresy was that Christ was the Justifier of mankind, not according to the human, but according to the Divine Nature.


Heretic followers of Ulric Zwingli, a contemporary of Luther, born at Wildhaus, Canton of St. Gall, Jan. 1 1484. In 1506 he became parish priest at Glarus, and later fell into heresy and out of the Church. In 1524 he married. He was killed in 1531 in the religious strife he had helped to stir up.

The Zwinglians "believed in" predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), that marriage was suited to all, that it was presumption to take a vow of chastity, denied the authority of the Pope, free-will, the Sacraments, value of good works, purgatory, and the forgiveness of sin.


Started by heretic John Knox, who was born at Gifford, East Lothian, Scotland, in 1505. He was ordained to the priesthood in 1530. In 1542 he became subverted and sided with the heretic movement, and thereafter, until his death at Edinburgh in 1572, was most active in attacking the Catholic Church.

The "presbyterian" heretics "teach" predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), deny the authority of the Pope, free-will, the Sacraments, purgatory, value of good works and the forgiveness of sin.


The name of the heretical sect founded by Martin Luther, who was born at Eisleben, Germany, Nov. 10, 1483; attended a Catholic Latin school at Mansfeld, and in 1497, when fourteen years old, entered another Catholic University of Erfurt in Thuringia, in 1501, where he became a Master of Philosophy at the age of twenty. On July 17, 1505 he entered the Augustinian monastery at Erfurt, and in 1507 was ordained a Catholic priest. In 1508 he was made professor of philosophy at the new Catholic University of Wittenberg, visited Rome in 1510 or 1511 on business of his Order, and sometime after his return began to lecture on the Scriptures. On Oct. 31, 1517 he nailed his 95 theses against indulgences to the door of the Church in Wittenberg. On Sept. 21, 1520 he was excommunicated by Pope Leo X. Later he married an ex-nun, Catherine von Bora, he died in 1546.

The heresies of Luther include the divine authority of the Papacy, that Councils were infallible, the denial of Tradition, denied that original justice was a supernatural gift, that human nature remained essentially the same in its powers after the fall of Adam; that man, after the fall, can produce any good works. He held that man sins in whatever he does, that the sins of the just are covered by faith and not done away with, maintained that all works of sinners are sins, denied free-will, all the Sacraments except Baptism and the Eucharist, transubstantiation, the Sacrifice of the Mass, purgatory and the utility of praying to the Saints, he maintained that vows are made to the devil, that concupiscence is invincible, that the sensual instincts are irrepressible, and held that the gratification of sexual propensities is as natural and inexorable as the performance of any of the physiological necessities of our being.

"Lutheranism" in general and all the heretical sects that developed from it were condemned by the Council of Trent (1545-1563).


The heresy started by Andreas Karlstadt, whose real name was Andreas Rudolf Bodenstein, at first a friend, but later an opponent of Luther. He was born at Karlstadt, Franconia, about 1480. After a stormy career, during which he was driven out of Saxony several times, and after much wandering about "preaching" various heresies, he died in 1541.

The "sacramentarians" rejected the doctrine of a corporal presence in the Holy Eucharist, but admitted the spiritual presence of Christ.


The heresy started by Menno Simons, who was born in 1492, at Witmarsum in Friesland, and ordained to the Catholic priesthood in 1516. He fell into heresy and "became" an "anabaptist" "elder" in 1536, and during the rest of his life "devoted" himself to the heretical sect that now bears his name. He died in 1559 at Wustenfelde in Hostein.

The "mennonites" condemn infant baptism, oaths in law suits, civil office holding, the bearing of arms, the Sacraments, and held the heresy of non-resistance to violence.


Members of the "church" of England, which was sinfully started by Henry VIII and established as the national "church" of that country in 1534 by an act of Parliament. Henry decided to establish his own "church" because the Catholic Church would not allow him to divorce his wife and remarry.

The "anglican" heretics "teach" the heresies of justification by faith alone, hold that the Bible is sufficient for salvation (Note: the Bible only applies to Catholics) and that it is to be interpreted privately, deny the supremacy of the Pope and hold the King supreme in spiritual matters, deny the doctrine of Transubstantiation, purgatory, and condemn the Veneration of the Saints. The truths of the Catholic Faith which they now deny, they did believe prior to 1534.


Followers of heretic John Calvin, who was born at Noyor in Picardy, France, on July 10, 1509. He was undoubtedly the most active, and thus the most sinister, of the heretic group leaders of his time. He preached and taught his heretical doctrines until he died at Geneva, May 27, 1564. Calvin is burning in Hell.

Calvin held the heretical doctrine of predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), denied the supremacy of the Pope, denied free-will, the value of good works, purgatory, the Sacraments; and the forgiveness of sin.


Martin Cellarius is commonly regarded as the first writer of the "unitarian" heresy. He died in 1564.

The "unitarians" deny the divinity of Christ, accept or reject the Bible according to private judgement, deny the doctrine of Atonement and Original Sin, reject all but two of the Sacraments, and deny the grace conferring power and necessity of the Sacraments.


A heresy which was started by Laelius and Faustus Socinus. Laelius, born in 1525, was forced to flee to Poland at one time, but appears to have spent most of his life at Zurich. He died in 1562. Faustus, born in 1539, was a nephew of Laelius, and it is because of him that this heresy bears the "socinians" name. After his uncle’s death he succeeded in reuniting and reorganizing the "socinians" who had scattered. He died in 1604.

The "socinians" insisted on "private judgment" and the free use of reason, rejected authority, and some went so far as to reject all natural religion, discarded mysteries, set aside the doctrine of Original Sin; admitted only two sacraments, rejected baptism, and denied the existence of Hell, holding the wicked to be annihilated.


The name commonly given to the French heretics who owe their origin to a great extent to William Farel. This man was born of a noble family at Fareaux, near Gap, Dauphine, in the year 1489. He studied in Paris, and later became a Professor in the College Le Moine, and was distinguished for his zeal for the Catholic Church. Contact with the Waldenses infected him with heresy, and he was soon involved in the heretic movement of his time. He died at Neuchatel, Sept. 13, 1565.

The "huguenots" held the heretical doctrine of predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), denied the supremacy of the Pope, denied free-will, denied value of good works, purgatory, the Sacraments, and forgiveness of sin.

"reformed Dutch"

Guido de Bres, a Dutch heretic of Brabant, together with others, wrote in 1561 the statement of heresy (which they call the "statement of faith"), called the Belgic "confession", which formed the heretic foundation of the "reformed Dutch".

These heretics believed in predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), denied the supremacy of the Pope, deny free-will, the Sacraments, value of good works, purgatory, the forgiveness of sin, and falsely consider the Scriptures the only rule of faith. (Note: The Catholic authored Bible does not even apply to heretics.)


Heresy started by Robert Browne, who was born of a good family in Rutlandshire, England, in 1550. He studied at Cambridge, and in 1580 began propaganda against the "anglican" heresy, which brought him many followers but compelled him to migrate to Holland.

The "congregationalists" hold the heretical doctrine of predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), deny free-will, value of good works, purgatory, the Sacraments, and forgiveness of sin.

Seventeenth Century


Heresy started by John Smith, one time heretic leader of a heretic meeting hall at Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England, that had separated from the "anglican" heresy. About 1606, to escape persecution, he and his "flock" emigrated to Amsterdam. Smith died in 1612, he's in Hell.

Smith's heresies include: taught only baptism of immersion to be valid, predestination (thereby disregarding the effects of grace), denies free-will, denies value of good works, denies existance of purgatory, denies the Sacraments, and denies the forgiveness of sin.


Heresy started from the writings of Cornelius Jansenius who was born Oct. 28, 1585, of a Catholic family in the village of Accoi (near Leerdam), Holland. He made most of his studies at Louvain, and later occupied the chair of exegesis at the same institution of learning, where he acquired considerable renown. In 1635 he was appointed Bishop of Ypres. It was from his writings, published after his death, that his heresy was discovered and from which "jansenism" took its rise.

The "jansenists" deny free-will and the possiblity of resisting grace.


The earliest exponent of the heretical doctrine of "universalism" was probably Samuel Gorton, a New England heretic, who aired his "views" as early as 1636. The belief did not receive definite organization, however until 1750, when James Relly organized a "universalist church" in London, to which he "ministered" (e.g. lied to) until his death, some thirty years later.

They deny the divinity of Christ, believe in the universal salvation of all, deny the Sacraments, deny free-will, deny value of good works, and the doctrine of the Trinity.


Heresy started by John Reeve (1608-1658) and Lodowicke Muggleton (1609-1698), obscure journeymen tailors, who claimed to have the "spirit of prophecy" (Note: it was the spirit of demons), propagated their views in London about the year 1651, and launched this heresy.

The "muggletonians" denied the Trinity; claimed the devil became incarnate in Eve, and humanized the Deity.


Heresy started by George Fox, the son of a well-to-do weaver, born at Fenny Drayton, in Leicestershire, England, in July, 1624. He was apprenticed to a shoe-maker at an early age and received very little education. Disgusted with the vanity of the world, he cut himself off from it, brooded for years, and while in this melancholy state conceived "new revelations", which he began to preach in 1647.

The "quaker" heresies include that every man has an "inner light" which is his only guide, rejected almost everything external in religion; condemned oaths, art, music, the drama, the bearing of arms, etc.

Eighteenth Century


This heresy was started by Nikolaus Ludwig, Count von Zinaindorn (1700-1760). Born at Dresden, this heretic was a group leader for the "lutheran" cult, he purchased an estate in Berthelsdorf, Germany and built up a quietistic community. Later he began travelling about establishing communities and instilling into them "moravian" heresies.

The "moravian" heretics consider the Scriptures the only rule of faith, shun discussion on the Trinity, the Fall, Original Sin, although they admit these doctrines; hold to the heresy of "total depravity", and admit only two sacraments.


Heresy started by John Wesley, who was born at Epworth, Lincolnshire, England, June 17, 1703. He was made a heretic group leader of the "anglican" heresy in 1728, and in 1736, when he visited Savannah in Georgia, he came into contact with "moravian" heresies. He organized the first "methodist" group in 1739.

The "methodist" heresies are taken from the "anglicans" and "calvinists". Their heresies include that Scripture to be the sole and sufficient rule of belief and practice, teach justification by faith alone, (although the practice of good works is commended), condemn works of supererogation, admit only two sacraments, condemn the invocation of the Saints and the veneration of sacred images and relics, and deny purgatory.


Heresy started by Jane Wardley, with the "help" of her brother James, they organized this sect in England in the year 1747.

The "shakers" deny Christ in worship and substitute in His place "The highest good, wherever it may be found", believe in a continuous revelation (i.e.: delusion), and practice communism.


Heresy started by Emmanuel Swedenborg, who was born at Stockholm, Jan. 29, 1688. Up to 1745 he was an engineer, skilled in mathematics and the physical sciences. He was endowed with extraordinary talents, and claimed to have received "new revelations" (i.e.: delusions). He died in London, March 29,1772.

The "swedenborgian" heresies including holding that the Christian religion succeeded the "jewish", so the "swedenborgian" supplements the Christian, deny the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, deny Original Sin; reject monasticism, deny the resurrection of the body, and claim the Last Judgment was held in 1757 in Swedenborg’s presence, believe Angels and devils to be former members of the human race.

Note: Regarding the first listed heresy, the religion of the Old Testament Israelites (they weren't jews) was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled. The Catholic Church unfulfilled wrote the Old Testament, and fulfilled wrote the New Testament. The "jew" / "judaism" man-made fable started in about 200 B.C. by people who left God's covenant with the Israelites and fell into talmudic judaism, a pagan cult that exists to this day.


Heresy started by John M. Hahn, a "swabian theosophist", who was born at Altdorf in 1758, had "visions" at 17, 20 and 22 years of age, and then began to proclaim his beliefs. He died in 1819.

Their heresies include: a double fall of man - that the work of Christ is not merely for, but within man, denied Hell, and "believed" in the final salvation of all.

Nineteenth Century

"german reformed"

The "reformed" heresies in general are those that began with the heretical doctrine of Luther, then embraced those of Zwingli, and finally swerved towards Calvin's heresies. As a result they are infected with the heresies of all these dead heretics.

"disciples of Christ"

These heretics, sometimes called "campbellites" after Thomas Campbell, of Bethany, Va., who with his son, Alexander, started this group in 1809. He had been a "presbyterian" and then a "baptist" before starting his own heresy.

This heresy includes that the Bible was the only rule of faith, that the Old Testament was binding only on the "jews", and denied the Eucharist. Campbell's son, Alexander, unfortunatley took up his father's "work". In the 1820s he began an association with a like-minded heretic named Barton Stone. In 1832 the heresies associated with these two men merged to form what they called the "Christian church" ("disciples of Christ") - in reality they are disciples of Satan.

Note: The un-baptized pagans who call themselves "jews" have nothing to do with the Old Testament since they left God's covenant with the Israelites in about 200 B.C. and started the anti-Messiah talmudic "judaism".

"true reformed dutch"

A heresy started by Sol Froeligh, a Dutch heretic, who led a secession movement in the "reformed Dutch" heresy in 1822.

He held that the "reformed Dutch" had become erroneous in "doctrine", corrupt in "practice", and lax in "discipline". (Note: There is no such thing as "doctrine", "practice", or "discipline" in the heretic groups.)


Heresy started by Elias Hicks (1748-1830), heretic group leader for the "society of friends" ("quakers"). He became "leader" of a faction in the "society" in 1817, and "broke away" from his former heresy into his new heresy in 1828.

Heresies included the denial of the Divinity of Christ, the Atonement, and the Trinity.


A heresy started by Joseph Smith, the son of a Vermont farmer, and born in that state Dec. 23, 1805. He claimed to have received a "new revelation" (i.e.: a delusion) in 1827, which resulted in the "book of mormon", published at Palmyra, N.Y., in March 1830. Smith was killed by a mob in Carthage, Ill., on June 27, 1844, and Brigham Young succeeded him as leader of this heresy.

Heresies of the "mormons" include having a wrong conception of the fall of man (apparently holding Adam’s sin to have been one of lust), hold matter to have existed spiritually before creation, the bond of marriage to be eternal, deny that the Sin of Adam is applied to all souls (except Jesus and Mary), and believe in a happy millennium on this earth, believe that the "book of mormon" is from God, "worshipping" according to the dictates of our conscience, men may worship how, where, or what they may, etc.

"catholic apostolical"

This heresy is sometimes called the "irvingites" after their heresiarch Edward Irving, born in 1792. At one time he was a "presbyterian" group leader, but was ejected for "heresy" from this heresy. He started the "irvingites" in 1831 and he died at Glasgow in 1834.

The "irvingite" heresy includes the denial of Transubstantiation, hold that by a new out-pouring of God through the Holy Spirit the prophetic and apostolic offices have been re-established (in other words God failed the first time He founded the Church, the Catholic Church).


Heresy started by John H. Noyes, who was born at Brattleboro, Vt. in 1811. At one time he was a group leader for the "congregationalist" heresy, but organized his own heresy in 1845. Being forced to flee to Canada to escape prosecution on account of his "marriage" system, he died there in 1886.


Started from a number of related heretic groups that stress the heretical doctrine of the imminent second coming of Christ. The "adventism" heresy did its most damage to souls under the anti-Christ efforts of "baptist" heretic group leader, William Miller.

Miller and his fellow heretics, known initially as "millerites", proclaimed that the second coming would occur between March 21, 1843 and March 21, 1844. The failure of this prediction was called the "first disappointment", and many left the movement. Following this, a second date - Oct. 22, 1844 - was set, and many "adventists" disposed of their property in anticipation of the event. The movement was widely ridiculed after the day passed uneventfully. Thereafter many "adventists" returned to their former heresies. Those remaining split into four groups, which still continue to send people into Hell, the "seventh-day adventists" are still at work for the devil.

"seventh-day adventists"

The largest group of "adventist" heretics is the "seventh-day adventists", with more than 3.3 million members headed for Hell worldwide, in 1980. This group originated between 1844 and 1855 and was started by "millerites", Joseph Bates (1792–1872) and James (1821–81) and Ellen White (1827–1915), but was not formally organized until 1863.

Their heresies include: the observance of Saturday as the "sabbath", the bible as their sole religious authority (Note: The Bible doesn't apply to heretics), that grace alone is sufficient for salvation (Note: Faith, grace and works save souls).

"salvation army"

A heresy started by William Booth (1829-1912), born in Nottingham, England. At first a "methodist" heretic, in 1865 he organized a quasi-military society to promote his heresy among the masses.

"christian scientists"

The popular name of the "church of Christ" Scientist" heresy, which was founded in 1876 at Boston, Mass., by the late Mrs. Mary Baker Glover Patterson Eddy.

This heresy denies the Blessed Trinity, the Divinity of Christ, the creation of man, the maternity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the future resurrection of all men as well as the Resurrection of Christ, they brand Original Sin, death and Hell as delusions, and consider Angels to be, not spirits, but only divine messengers.

"old catholics"

This heresy was organized in German speaking countries to combat the Dogma of Papal Infallibility. Its rise may be traced from the excommunication of Ignatz von Dollinger, historian, priest and theologian, on Apr. 18, 1871, for refusing to accept the Dogma of Infallibility.

Note: Papal infallibility applies when the Pope formally defines a Dogma via an Ex-Cathedra Decree or infallible teaching in a Church Council. Vatican-2 was not a council of the Catholic Church, it was a three year meeting of the Vatican-2 jew-heretic cult which was held at the Vatican from 1962-1965. See Section 12 of this website. See Sections 12, 13, 20 and subsections which describe why there is no Pope at this time.


An heretical movement of modern times that attempted to explain the faith by rationalizing it. The errors of this attempt were condemned by Pope Pius X. The system of the "modernists" embraces the errors of all preceding heresies. Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies. See Section 93 of this website.


The heresy started by John Alexander Dowie, who was born in Edinburgh in 1847. At one time he was a group leader for the "congregationalist" heresy in South Australia. In 1882 he established a heresy in Melbourne, and took up "faith healing". He came to the United States in 1888, and in 1896 organized a heresy, which in 1906 suspended him for fraud and tyranny. (Note: all heresies are fraud in themselves and are tyranical because they cause a captivity of the soul in the heresy.)

This heresy denies the efficacy of Baptism as well as its necessity, and believe that it is sinful to have recourse to a physician in time of sickness (relying on faith-cures).

"jehovah's witnesses"

The heresy started in 1872 by Charles Taze Russell, a former group leader of the "congregationalist" heresy, he was succeeded by Judge Rutherford, a Missouri lawyer in 1916.

This heresy denies the doctrine of the Trinity, the Divinity of Christ, and the Immortality of the Human Soul.

"church of God in Christ"

A heretic "holiness" group organized by two "baptist" heretics, C. P. Jones (1865–1949) and C. H. Mason (1866–1961), in Arkansas in 1895 and incorporated in 1897. They can be considered as "part of" the "pentecostal" heretic movement. They are in the "bible alone" heresy, hold the "rapture of the church" heresy, they corrupt the Dogma regarding baptism by their heresy of "baptism of the Holy Spirit" (i.e. Not water Baptism).

"church of Christ"

This heretic group can be any of several "pentecostal" groups that developed in the U.S. south from the late 19th and early 20th century "latter rain revival".

This heresy is based on a "belief" that a "second rain" of the "gifts of the Holy Spirit" would occur similar to that of the first Pentecost (Note: which was Catholic). This heresy was started by heretics R.G. Spurling and his son, who were "baptist" group leaders, and W.F. Bryant, a "methodist" heretic in 1886. Members of the "revival" were organized into a union, and changed their name to the "holiness church" (1902) and later to the "church of God" (1907). In 1909 heretic A.J. Tomlinson was elected general overseer. Splits began to occur in 1917, when the Chattanooga group seceded and took the name of the original "church of God". Other divisions followed and numerous independent groups were formed.

"holiness churches"

These heresies were bodies that developed from "methodism" and hold as their distinguishing feature the heretical doctrine that "holiness", or "sanctification" of the individual, occurs by a second "act of grace" that follows "justification" and is supplementary to it. (Note: Original justification is by water baptism (for and infant) and water baptism at the moment of believing the Catholic Dogma (for post age of reason, 7 years) The experience of "holiness" is also referred to as the second "blessing". The National "holiness" movement came into being shortly after the American Civil War. Originally a protest movement within "methodism", it opposed the "methodist" falling away from the emphasis on "sanctification" that heretic John Wesley, the founder of "methodism". The major representatives of the heretical "holiness" movement are the "church of the Nazarene" and the "church of God".

"church of God"

Name of more than 200 independent bodies in the U.S. The majority of them are "adventist", "holiness", or "pentecostal" denominations originated about 1880 as a movement within existing heresies to promote "unity".

Their heresies include that justification, regeneration, and the new birth are wrought by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ (instead of by water baptism), in the air gathering (rapture) of living persons, sanctification subsequent to the "new birth" through faith in the blood of Christ (instead of attaining and remaining in the justified state by believing the Catholic Dogma), etc.

Twentieth Century


The heretical "pentecostalism" movement grew out of the late 19th century "holiness" movement in the United States. The "holiness" preacher Charles Fox Parham began his public lying in 1901 to his Topeka heretic group that "speaking in tongues" was objective evidence of "baptism in the Spirit" (Note: This is blasphemy against the true re-birth of the human soul which is by water baptism only (for infants) and water baptism while believing the Catholic Dogma (for post age of reason persons (7 years)). After the Los Angeles "mission" (e.g.: lie fest) of Parham's "apostolic faith" sect became the center of a great revival (1906) the movement tragically spread around the world. Over the next two decades this spiritual tragedy split along racial lines and by diverging heretical "beliefs".

Note: True speaking in tongues is speaking real, recognizable languages (Spanish, German, ect.) it is not the wordless babble of the "pentacostals".

"united unitarian universalist association"

Heretic group started in the United States formed in 1961 by the merger of the American "unitarian" association and the "unitarian universalist church of America". The principal purpose of the merger was to link the two headquarters organizations and to enable them to speak as one on social and political questions. As of 1991 they were sending about 141,000 people into Hell (their members).

"vatican-2 jew-heretic cult""

Founded in 1965 at the Vatican, this devil cult "teaches" that you can get to Heaven without water baptism, that heretics may be getting to Heaven, that un-baptized pagans may be getting to Heaven. It teaches that the Church is divided (it isn't). This cult "teaches" that there is Christianity outside of the Catholic Church (there isn't). It teaches the evil of "natural family planning" and endorses the illicit breakup of marriage, which they call "annulments".

See Section 12 of this site which lists 50 of the heresies of this cult which were promulgated in the documents of the "Vatican-2 council". Section 12 includes the Catholic corrections to these jew-heretic lies.

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Immaculate Heart of Mary    ~     Our Lady of Good Remedy    ~     Our Lady of La Salette    ~     Immaculate Heart of Mary

~  Pray the Rosary for essential graces  ...  see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions  ~
~  Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us  ...  as Our Lady of Mount Carmel  ~

Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin  - & -  Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin.    More >  Section 4  and  Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it." Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain." Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue." St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation." Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope." St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria."  (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness." Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom." Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified."  (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky

Truth of the super-natural order:
All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world
by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.

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Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links  >  Section 5.1  and  Section 5.1.1