God's Catholic Dogma
< <  Section 12.6 ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary.    Many souls consult this site without any Index page review.  > >

It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell  ...   for rejecting the Catholic Dogma  ...   Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >

1.   The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men.
2.   God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.

                          We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply:
3.   Warning 1:  A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).        [Section 12, 13]
4.   Warning 2:  No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.     [Section 13.2]
5.   Warning 3:  Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates.    [Section 13.2.2]
6.   Warning 4:  Top level view ... why there is not a single Catholic Bishop or Priest in the world. God's Catholic Church is devastatingly small in numbers. [Section 13.6]
                          All vatican-2-ists:  You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.  You must Abjure your heresy.  * * Click * * >  Section 40

7.    One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water [Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin.    [Section 10.1]
8.    All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world ... by way of the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did.  [Section 4, 4.4]
9a.  The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C.  Jesus Christ was not a jew.  [Section 39.1, 39.4]
9b.  The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist.  The so called "allah god" makes countless errors in the "koran".        [Section 113]
10.  All baptized heretics are excommunicated from Christianity and headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).     [Section 7.2, 8]

* *  Return To Index  >  Click here  >  For more against the soul damning lies  * *
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 * Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * 
Romans 2:13  >  "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified."

James 2:20  >  "Know ... that faith without works is dead."       (Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works)
Please e-mail here ... if you see a website that you believe is Catholic ... besides this site.
You may copy this entire site ... to your computer ... see Item # 1 on Appendix A-1.

<<< --- <<< --- <<< --- <<< ---  Start Section 12.6  --- >>> --- >>> --- >>> --- >>>

L-to-R:   (1) Ratzinger participating in a pagan ritual thereby working for the damnation of pictured pagan,  (2) Ratzinger wearing a jew hat thereby working for the damnation of the pagans who call themselves jews,  (3) Ratzinger venerating the flag of the heretic and jew spawned anti-Christ "united nations" -- thereby working for the damnation of the un-baptized aborted and the un-baptized who die of starvation due to contraceptives preventing them from attaching to the wall of the womb (the "u.n." is 100% for abortion and contraception),  (4) Ratzinger being Ratzinger. Needless to say, this anathematized soul damning liar has been automatically excommunicated for decades.

Selected soul damning heresies of former vatican-2 heretic cult
group leader ... the condemned into Hell Joseph Ratzinger
(a.k.a. "benedict-16") ... this is a tiny
sample his heresy

~     ~     ~


1.  Non-Catholic apostate ... "benedict-16" was the "leader" of Satan's vatican-2 heretic cult from 2005-2013 ... and, of course, their effort to send out all manner of heresy while making it look like the heresy is coming from the Catholic Church, which, of course, it isn't.

2.  Jesus Christ established the Papacy only for the Catholic Church. The vatican-2 heretic cult (founded in 1965) does not have the Office of the Papacy. The vatican-2 cult can call their cult leader "pope" or anything they want ... but he would not be a Pope of the Catholic Church.

3.  What appeared to the world as J. Ratzinger's "election to the Papacy" in 2005 was simply his installation as the vatican-2 cult group leader. The Catholic Church lost all of its buildings to the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult on 8 December 1965 as is proven on Section 12 of this site. Please see Section 13.2 of this site which lists Sources of Dogma on Automatic Excommunication for heresy. Ratzinger's physical participation in the vatican-2 heretic cult after 8 December 1965 caused his automatic excommunication (in addition to his own heresy against the Dogma).

4.  Adding to the deception ... Joeseph Ratzinger was not even Ordained a priest on 29 June 1951 by Michael von Faulhaber. Faulhaber was not granted Catholic jurisdiction (for Munich and Freising) in 1917 for Ordaining Priests or for anything else ... by heretic anti-Pope "Benedict XV".  "Benedict XV" was automatically excommunicated for heresy in 1914 as is proven by the heresies in his "encyclicals" (see Section 20 for proof). "Benedict XV" most certainly had less public heresies before 1914 which would have also placed him outside the Catholic Church.

5.  That being said, here is some of the proof that Joseph Ratzinger is an automatically excommunicated heretic. Listed here, we cite a small sampling of his heresies (with Catholic corrections beneath) ... Ratzinger's 24 books are packed with soul damning heresy as are his other writings, speeches, and addresses.

Joseph Ratzinger has nothing to do with the Catholic Church as group leader of the vatican-2 heretic cult ... but this is a minor inconvenience ... as he tries to make it look like the Catholic Church is saying that you can get to Heaven outside of the Church. The Catholic Church is saying no such thing as one can see from Catholic Dogma cited in this Section and throughout this website.

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of heretics (who "b-16" calls protestants):

"benedict-16", "Principles of Catholic Theology" (1982), pg 202 >
"It means that the Catholic does not insist on the dissolution of the protestant confessions and the demolishing of their churches but hopes, rather, that they will be strengthened in their confessions and in their ecclesial reality."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
There is no such thing as "protestant confessions" or "ecclesial reality" among the heretics. Heretics are in a non-Catholic ecclesial un-reality, wastelands of heresy. Heresy is a sin against the First Commandment, the "lutheran" praying to his "lutheran god" (who of course doesn't exist) is in a state of idol worship. The same with a "baptist" who "prays" to his non-existent "baptist god". "benedict-16" is lying again to work for the eternal damnation of the heretics. Those who are in the vatican-2 cult, of which "benedict-16" is the profane "leader" are also members of a heretic group which was founded in 1965 at the Vatican (see Section 12). The vatican-2-ists think they are praying to the Catholic God because their buildings have Catholic signs out front ... but they are also "praying" to an idol, the "Vatican-2 god".

Catholic Correction 2:
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."

Catholic Correction 3:
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith, Summary following Paragraph 14, Pope Pius IX -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath."

Catholic Correction 4:
Pope Leo XIII, "Satis Cognitum", 29 June 1896 >
"There can be nothing more dangerous for us than those heretics who admit nearly the entire cycle of Catholic doctrine and yet, by a single word, as with a drop of poison, infect the real and simple faith taught by Our Lord and handed down by Apostolic tradition. For, such is the nature of the faith that nothing can be more absurd than to accept some things and to reject others. If, then, it be certain that anything is revealed by God, and this is not believed, then nothing whatever is believed. He who dissents even in one point from divinely-revealed truth absolutely rejects all faith."

Catholic Correction 5:
St. Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, died 1274 A.D. >
"Neither living nor lifeless faith remains in a heretic who disbelieves a single article of faith. All those who deny one article of faith, regardless of their reason, are by that very fact excommunicated. Hence, he who does not adhere to everything Jesus Christ has prescribed for our salvation does not have any more of the doctrine of Jesus Christ than the pagans, "jews", or 'mohammedans'."

Catholic Correction 6:
St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church, died 397 A.D. >
"Thus does Satan manufacture heretics; thus does he weaken the faith. Therefore, do not let a heretic ensnare you just because he can quote a few examples from Scripture. The devil also makes use of texts from Scripture, not to teach but to deceive."

Catholic Correction 7:
St. Alphonsus Maria Liguori, Doctor of the Church, died 1787 A.D. >
"There is no middle way between Catholicism and Atheism; hence, protestants (i.e. heretics) have abandoned themselves to the extreme of Atheism or Materialism, denying every maxim of the faith. If you take away obedience to the Church, there is no error which will not be embraced."

Catholic Correction 8:
St. Epiphanius >
"It is a denial of the faith not to confess even in the smallest matter. For we ought not, even in the slightest particular, deviate from the way of truth."

Catholic Correction 9:
Blessed Edmund Campion, died 1581 A.D. >
"What is the use of fighting for many articles of faith and to perish for the doubting of a few? He believes no one article of the faith who refuses to believe any single one. However many Catholic dogmas he retains, yet if he perniciously plucks out one, that which he holds, he holds not by orthodox faith, without which it is impossible to please God ... "

Catholic Correction 10:
Heretics are not in "churches" they are in heretic meeting halls.

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of "anglican" heretics:

"benedict-16", Address to anglican "archbishop" of Canterbury, 23 Nov 2006 >
"It is our fervent hope that the anglican communion will remain grounded in the Gospels and the Apostolic Tradition which form our common patrimony ... The world needs our witness ... May the Lord continue to bless you and your family, and may he strengthen you in your ministry to the anglican communion."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
The "anglican" heresy started in 1534. Jesus Christ did not help start the soul murdering "anglican" heresy, therefore B-16 is lying when he says that the gospels and the Apostolic Tradition apply to them, they do not apply to heretics. The "anglicans" are all automatically excommunicated from Christianity (the Catholic Church) and are in a state of mortal sin against the First Commandment for sins against God's Faith, the Catholic Dogmas. "B-16" working energetically for the damnation of the "anglicans".

Catholic Correction 2:
Council of Trent, Pope Pius IV, Iniunctum nobis, 13 Nov 1565 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic faith, outside of which no one can be saved ... I now profess and truly hold ..."

Catholic Correction 3:
Fifth Lateran Council, Session 11, Pope Leo X, 19 Dec 1516 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For, regulars and seculars, prelates and subjects, exempt and non-exempt, belong to the one universal Church, outside of which no one at all is saved, and they all have one Lord and one faith."

Catholic Correction 4:
The Lord is not "blessing" any "anglican" or his family, rather Satan is urging this heretic to remain a heretic. The Lord is not "strengthening him in his ministry", Satan is because he is on the road to Hell as a heretic with all of the other "anglicans" with no exception.

"benedict-16" and all heretics are liars - here are a few scriptures that the Catholic God throws liars in Hell:

Catholic Correction 5:
Catholic writing of Apocalypse 21:8 >
"But ... murderers ... whoremongers ... and all liars, they shall have their portion in the pool burning with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.

Catholic Correction 6:
Catholic writing of Apocalypse 21:27 >
"There shall not enter into it any thing defiled or that worketh abomination or maketh a lie: but they that are written in the book of life of the Lamb."

Catholic Correction 7: Catholic writing of Saint James 3:14 >
"Be not liars against the truth."

Catholic Correction 8:
Catholic writing of Saint John 8:44 >
"You are of your father the devil ... for he is a liar, and the father thereof."

Catholic Correction 9:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 14:1,3 >
"Lord, who shall dwell in thy tabernacle? or who shall rest in thy holy hill? ... He that speaketh truth in his heart, who hath not used deceit in his tongue."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of heretics (who "b-16" calls protestants):

"benedict-16", "Principles of Catholic Theology", 1982, pp. 197-198 >
"Against this background we can now weigh the possibilities that are open to Christian ecumenism. The maximum demands on which the search for unity must certainly founder are immediately clear. On the part of the West, the maximum demand would be that the East recognize the primacy of the bishop of Rome in the full scope of the definition of 1870 ...

As regards protestantism, the maximum demand of the Catholic Church would be that the protestant ecclesiological ministers be regarded as totally invalid and that protestants be converted to Catholicism ...

As a result, none of the maximum solutions offers any real hope of unity."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
After Original Sin closed Heaven for all men, God re-opened Heaven in one prescribed way, founding the Catholic Church to place sanctifying grace back into human souls, the same grace that Adam and Eve were created in.

Catholic Correction 2:
Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved."

Catholic Correction 3:
Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned."

Catholic Correction 4:
Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith."

Catholic Correction 5:
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, Session 8, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."

Catholic Correction 6:
Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives".

Catholic Correction 7:
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith, Summary following Paragraph 14 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath."

Catholic Correction 8:
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 3, Chapter 3 On Faith, Paragraphs 8-9 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Wherefore, by Divine and Catholic Faith all those things are to be believed which are contained in the word of God as found in scripture and tradition, and which are proposed by the Church as matters to be believed as Divinely revealed (...) Since, then, without Faith it is impossible to please God and reach the fellowship of His sons and daughters, it follows that no one can ever achieve justification without it, neither can anyone attain eternal life unless he or she perseveres in it to the end."

Catholic Correction 9:
Saint Cyprian, died 258 A.D., "Epistle to Magnus," 69:3, JUR vol.I:589 >
"The Church is One, and it is not possible to be both inside and outside what is One."

Catholic Correction 10:
Catholic writing of Titus 3:10-11 >
"A man that is a heretic, after the first and second admonition, avoid: Knowing that he is such a one is subverted and sinneth, being condemned by his own judgment."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of heretics:

"benedict-16", "Principles of Catholic Theology" (1982), pg 198 >
"Nor is it possible, on the other hand, for him to regard as the only possible form and, consequently, as binding on all Christians the form this primacy has taken in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The symbolic gestures of Pope Paul VI and, in particular, his kneeling before the representative of the Ecumenical Patriarch
(the automatically excommunicated heretic "Patriarch" Athenagoras) were an attempt to express precisely this ..."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
"benedict-16" is saying (as usual) that there is Christianity outside of the Catholic Church, there isn't ... for the simple reason that an 8 year old could figure out: since Jesus Christ founded only the Catholic Church, only Catholics are Christians. Christ did not come back into the world and start the "lutheran", "anglican", "baptist", or any of the other heresies. Apparently someone like Joseph Ratzinger, who thinks of himself as a "jew", cannot figure this out.

Catholic Correction 2:
Dogmatic Athanasius Creed, c. 370 A.D. >
"Whosoever will be saved, before all things it is necessary that he hold the Catholic Faith. Which Faith except everyone do keep whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish everlastingly."

Catholic Correction 3:
Catholic writing of 2 John 1:9-10 >
"Whoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house, nor say to him, God speed you."

Catholic Correction 4:
St. Athanasius, died 373 A.D. >
"Those who go off to heretics, and all who leave the Church for heresy, abandon the name of Christ. Those who call these men "Christians" are in grievous error, since they neither understand Scripture at all nor the faith which it contains."

Catholic Correction 5:
Council of Trent, Session 7, Baptism section, Canon 8, 1547 A.D. >
"If any one saith, that the baptized are freed from all the precepts, whether written or transmitted, of holy Church, in such wise that they are not bound to observe them, unless they have chosen of their own accord to submit themselves thereunto; let him be anathema." (that is, cursed)

Catholic Correction 6:
Catholic writing of 2 John 1:9-10 >
"Whoever revolteth, and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son. If any man come to you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into the house, nor say to him, God speed you."

Catholic Correction 7:
Fr. Frederick Faber, died 1863 A.D. >
"The crowning disloyalty to God is heresy. It is the sin of sins, the very loathsomest of things which God looks down upon in His world. Yet, how little do we understand of its excessive hatefulness. It is the polluting of God’s Truth, which is the worst of all impurities."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of heretics:

"benedict-16", "Principles of Catholic Theology" (1982), pp. 216-217  >
"Patriarch Athenagoras
(the automatically excommunicated heretic "Patriarch" Athenagoras) spoke even more strongly when he greeted the Pope [Paul VI] in Phanar: ‘Against all expectation, the bishop of Rome is among us, the first among us in honor, ‘he who presides in love’.’ It is clear that, in saying this, the Patriarch (the automatically excommunicated heretic "Patriarch" Athenagoras) did not abandon the claims of the Eastern Churches or acknowledge the primacy of the west. Rather, he stated plainly what the East understood as the order, the rank and title, of the equal bishops in the Church – and it would be worth our while to consider whether this archaic confession, which has nothing to do with the ‘primacy of jurisdiction’ but confesses a primacy of ‘honor’ and agape, might not be recognized as a formula that adequately reflects the position that Rome occupies in the Church ..."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 6 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Furthermore, it follows from that supreme power which the Roman Pontiff has in governing the whole Church, that he has the right, in the performance of this office of his, to communicate freely with the pastors and flocks of the entire Church, so that they may be taught and guided by him in the way of salvation."

Catholic Correction 2:
Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3: On the ... Primacy of the Roman Pontiff, Part 9 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"So, then, if anyone says that the Roman pontiff has merely an office of supervision and guidance, and not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the whole Church, and this not only in matters of faith and morals, but also in those which concern the discipline and government of the Church dispersed throughout the whole world; or that he has only the principal part, but not the absolute fullness, of this supreme power; or that this power of his is not ordinary and immediate both over all and each of the churches and over all and each of the pastors and faithful: let him be anathema."

Catholic Correction 3:
Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation of every human creature to be subject to the Roman Pontiff."

Catholic Correction 4:
Catholic writing of 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 clearly applies to Ratzinger >
"For they are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers disguise themselves as ministers of justice."

Catholic Correction 5:
The above quote by Ratizinger refers to "Paul-VI" as a Pope, he was not, he was an ex-communicated heretic having overseen the writing of the heresy strewn Vatican-2 documents. See Sections 12 and 12.8 of this site.

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of heretics:

"benedict-16", "Principles of Catholic Theology" (1982), pp. 198-199 >
"In other words, Rome must not require more from the East with respect to the doctrine of the primacy than had been formulated and was lived in the first millennium. When the Patriarch Athenagoras
(the automatically excommunicated heretic "Patriarch" Athenagoras), on July 25, 1967, on the occasion of the Pope’s visit to Phanar, designated him as the successor of St. Peter, as the most esteemed among us, as one who presides in charity, this great Church leader was expressing the ecclesial content of the doctrine of the primacy as it was known in the first millennium. Rome need not ask for more."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 3, Part 2 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"If anyone thus speaks, that the Roman Pontiff has only the office of inspection or direction, but not the full and supreme power of jurisdiction over the universal Church, not only in things which pertain to faith and morals, but also in those which pertain to the discipline and government of the Church spread over the whole world; or, that he possesses only the more important parts, but not the whole plenitude of this supreme power ... let him be anathema."

Catholic Correction 2:
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 4, Chapter 2 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Surely no one has doubt, rather all ages have known that the holy and most blessed Peter, chief and head of the Apostles and pillar of faith and foundation of the Catholic Church, received the keys of the Kingdom from our Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the human race; and he up to this time and always lives and presides and exercises judgment in his successors, the bishops of the Holy See of Rome, which was founded by Him and consecrated by His blood. Therefore, whoever succeeds Peter in this chair, he according to the institution of Christ Himself, holds the primacy of Peter over the whole Church."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of heretics:

"benedict-16", Address to heretics at World Youth Day, August 19, 2005 >
"And we now ask: What does it mean to restore the unity of all Christians? ... This unity does not mean what could be called ecumenism of the return: that is, to deny and to reject one’s own faith history. Absolutely not."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
With this statement, "benedict-16" is telling the heretics in plain language ... stay as heretics and send your souls into Hell for the mortal sin against the First Commandment of heresy, a sin against the Faith. "Coincidentally", this is the "teaching" of the pagans who refer to themselves as "jews" the Catholic truth is the opposite. This is not to say that the heretics should come into the Vatican-2 cult which is just another heresy being run out of what used to be Catholic buildings.

Catholic Correction 2:
Council of Trent, Session 7, Baptism Section, Canon 7, 1547 A.D. >
"If anyone says that those baptized are by baptism made debtors only to faith alone, but not to the observance of the whole law of Christ, let him be anathema."

(Note: There is no such thing as the virtue of Faith outside of the Catholic Church)

Catholic Correction 3:
Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, 649 A.D. >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the holy Catholic and apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned."

Catholic Correction 4:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 17:15 >
"He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, both are abominable before God."

(Note: God sees "benedict-16" as abominable since he is justifying the heretics who are in a state of wickedness against God's Catholic Truth. This is a Catholic correction since the Catholic Church unfulfilled wrote the Old Testament.)

Catholic Correction 5:
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 3, Chapter 3 On Faith, Paragraphs 8-9 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Wherefore, by Divine and Catholic Faith all those things are to be believed which are contained in the word of God as found in scripture and tradition, and which are proposed by the Church as matters to be believed as Divinely revealed (...) Since, then, without Faith it is impossible to please God and reach the fellowship of his sons and daughters, it follows that no one can ever achieve justification without it, neither can anyone attain eternal life unless he or she perseveres in it to the end."

(Note: "benedict-16" is telling these heretics to remain in a state where they are guided by the devil.
Would a Catholic want people to be guided by the devil? Answer: No.
Would someone who thinks of himself as a "jew" want people to be guided by the devil? Answer: Yes.)

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of "evangelical" heretics:

"benedict-16", "Pilgrim Fellowship of Faith", 2002, pg 251 >
"The burdensome question of (Apostolic) succession does not detract from the spiritual dignity of evangelical christianity, or from the saving power of the Lord at work within it ..."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
The people who call themselves "evangelicals" are not Christians they are heretics. Please see Section 8 of this website which covers this fully. Note that he calls Apostolic succession and by relation the Papacy, which was established by Christ, as "burdensome".

Catholic Correction 2:
Catholic writing of Saint Luke 11:23 >
"He that is not with me is against Me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth."

Catholic Correction 3:
Catholic writing of 1 St. John 2:19 >
"They went out from us, but they were not of us. For if they had been of us, they would no doubt have remained with us."

Catholic Correction 4:
Blessed Edmund Campion, died 1581 A.D. >
"There is but one plain known road: when you wander from this you are lost. You must be altogether within the House of God, within the walls of salvation, to be sound and safe from injury. If you wander or walk abroad ever so little, if you carelessly thrust hand or foot out of the Ship, you shall be thrust forth: the door is shut, the ocean roars, you are undone."

Catholic Correction 5:
Edmund Arrowsmith, died 1628 A.D. >
"Let not my death be a hindrance to your well-doing and going forward in the Catholic religion, but rather an encouragement therein. For Jesus' sake have a care for your souls, than which nothing is more precious; and become members of the true Church as you tender your salvation; for hereafter that alone will do you good. Nothing doth so much grieve me as this England which I pray God soon convert."

Catholic Correction 6:
Pope Gregory XVI, Summo Iugiter Studio (# 2), 27 May 1832 >
"Finally some of these misguided people attempt to persuade themselves and others that men are not saved only in the Catholic religion, but that even heretics may attain eternal life."

Catholic Correction 7:
Catholic writing of Saint John 15:6 >
"If any one abide not in me, he shall be cast forth as a branch and shall wither: and they shall gather him up and cast him into the fire: and he burneth."

Catholic Correction 8:
Regarding Fr. Thomas Holland, martyr, died 1642 A.D. >
"Arising from the sledge, and perceiving the people to be very silent and attentive in expectation of what he should say, he began to speak to them (making the sign of the cross) to this effect: (...) Then he proceeded to tell the people that there could be but one true faith, one true Church, and no salvation out of it. (...) Then shutting his eyes for a while in silent prayer, then looking towards his confessor who was there in the crowd, at this signal given, received his last absolution; after which the cart was drawn away and he was left hanging till he quietly expired; his eyes being observed to remain fixed on heaven, and his hands all the while joined before his breast."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of heretics (who "b-16" calls protestants):

"benedict-16", "The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood", pp. 87-88 >
"It is obvious that the old category of 'heresy' is no longer of any value ... This, however, cannot be regarded as an appropriate description of the spiritual situation of the protestant Christian ... protestantism has made an important contribution to the realization of Christian faith ... The conclusion is inescapable, then: protestantism today is something different from heresy in the traditional sense, a phenomenon whose true theological place has not yet been determined."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
Here "benedict-16" is even denying that heresy is heresy. The definition of a heretic is a baptized person who denies a Dogma of the Catholic Faith. The Dogmas of the Church are listed in Section 3 of this website. Again, with this heresy, B-16 proves that it is a complete impossibly that his soul is in the Catholic Church.

Catholic Correction 2:
Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath, and I shall do my best to ensure that all others do the same. This is what I, the same Pius, promise, vow and swear."

Catholic Correction 3:
Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, 1513 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith."

Catholic Correction 4:
Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned."

Catholic Correction 5:
Pope Pius IX, Qui Pluribus, On Faith and Religion, 9 Nov 1846, Paragraph 19 >
"You must also care for and defend the Catholic faith with episcopal strength and see that the flock entrusted to you stands to the end firm and unmoved in the faith. For unless one preserves the Faith entire and uninjured, he will without doubt perish forever."

Catholic Correction 6:
Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura, Condemning Current Errors, 8 Dec 1864, Paragraph 6 >
Therefore, by our Apostolic authority, we reprobate, proscribe, and condemn all the singular and evil opinions and doctrines severally mentioned in this letter, and will and command that they be thoroughly held by all children of the Catholic Church as reprobated, proscribed and condemned."

Catholic Correction 7:
Father Frederick Faber, died 1863 A.D. >
"The crowning disloyalty to God is heresy."

Catholic Correction 8:
Pope Gregory XVI, 1831-1846 A.D. >
"We see the destruction of public order, the fall of principalities, and the overturning of all legitimate power approaching. Indeed this great mass of calamities had its inception in the heretical societies and sects in which all that is sacrilegious, infamous, and blasphemous has gathered as bilge water in a ship's hold, a congealed mass of all filth."

Catholic Correction 9:
Catholic writing of Saint James 2:10 >
"And whosoever shall keep the whole law, but offend in one point, is become guilty of all."

Catholic Correction 10:
Catechism of the Council of Trent >
"Against the First Commandment, all those sin who do not have faith. Such sinners are very numerous, for they include all who fall into heresy, all who reject what Holy Mother the Church proposes for our belief."

Catholic Correction 11:
Council of Carthage VII, under Saint Cyprian >
"Heretics, who are called adversaries of Christ and Antichrists, when they come to the Church, must be baptized with the one baptism of the Church, that they may be made of adversaries, friends, and of Antichrists, Christians."

Catholic Correction 12:
Saint Ambrose, Doctor of the Church, died 397 A.D. >
"Our Lord makes it perfectly clear that every assembly of heretics and schismatics belongs not to God, but to the unclean spirit."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves "jews":

The "jewish" People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible - Section II, A, 5 >
"... "jewish" messianic expectation is not in vain ... "

Note 1: "Cardinal" Ratzinger (now "benedict-16") wrote the forward to this book of lies.

Note 2: The word "jewish" in quotes because the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews have nothing to do with the Old Testament Israelites, see Section 39.1, the jewish apostasy out of God's covenant with Abraham started about 200 B.C.

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
There is no such thing as "jewish sacred scriptures". The religion of the Old Testament Israelites was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled, it wasn't "judaism". The "judaism" fable started in about 200 B.C., see Section 39.1 of this site. The Catholic Church unfulfilled wrote the Old Testament and fulfilled wrote the New Testament.

Catholic Correction 2:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 >
"Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His."

Catholic Correction 3:
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, 1441 A.D. >
"The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes, and teaches that the matter pertaining to the law of the Old Testament, of the Mosaic law, ceased, and the sacraments of the New Testament began."

Catholic Correction 4:
Second Council of Nicaea, Canon 8, 787 A.D. >
"Since some of those who come from the religion of the Hebrews mistakenly think to make a mockery of Christ who is God, pretending to become Christians, but denying Christ in private by both secretly continuing to observe the sabbath and maintaining other "jewish" practices, we decree that they shall not be received to communion or at prayer or into the Church ..."

(Note: Canon 8 stating that Christ is God, and that "jewish" practices deny Jesus Christ the Messiah.)

Catholic Correction 5:
Catholic writing of Titus 1:14 >
"Not giving heed to jewish fables and commandments of men, who turn themselves away from the truth."

(Note: It is correct to use the word "jewish" here since this was written after the First Pentecost and the Church needs a word to identify the particular group of un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews. See Section 39.1 for why the words "jew" or "jews" should not be in the Old Testament at all, the correct words are "Judean" and "Judeans" for the Old Testament writings of the Catholic Church unfulfilled.)

Catholic Correction 6:
Saint Vincent Ferrer, died 1419 A.D. >
"One who dies a jew will be damned."

Catholic Correction 7:
Catholic writing of Apocalypse 2:9 >
"Thou art blasphemed by them that say they are Judeans and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan."

Catholic Correction 8:
Council of Trent, Session 6, Canons On Justification, Canon 1, 1547 A.D. >
"If any one saith, that man may be justified before God by his own works, whether done through the teaching of human nature, or that of the law, without the grace of God through Jesus Christ; let him be anathema.

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves "jews":

The "jewish" People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible - Section II, A, 7 >
" ... to read the Bible as judaism does necessarily involves an implicit acceptance of all its presuppositions, that is, the full acceptance of what judaism is, in particular, the authority of its writings and rabbinic traditions, which exclude faith in Jesus as Messiah and Son of God ... Christians can and ought to admit that the jewish reading of the Bible is a possible one ... "

Note 1: "Cardinal" Ratzinger (a.k.a. "benedict-16") wrote the forward to this book of lies.

Note 2: The word "jewish" in quotes because the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews have nothing to do with the Old Testament Israelites, see Section 39.1, the jewish apostasy out of God's covenant with Abraham started about 200 B.C.

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
The un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews did not write the Old Testament. The Catholic Church unfulfilled wrote the Old Testament, "judiasm" is one of Satan's pagan cults ... this particular one was started in about 200 B.C. using the pagan Babylonian talmud as its basis (see Section 39.1)

Catholic Correction 2:
We are all familiar with the prophesies of Jesus Christ in the the Old Testament ... Psalm 22, Isaias 53, Wisdon 2, Isaias 7, Daniel 9, etc. To say that these Catholic writings of the Old Testament may "exclude faith in Jesus as Messiah" and that "Christians ought to admit this" are more lies from Satan's Vatican-2 cult.

See Section 31 of this website which shows a great many clear Old Testament Scriptures where God identifies Himself as more than One Person in the single Divinity. Below are a few listed, you can see by these scriptures what stunning liars the heretics are who are running the Vatican-2 cult inside what used to be our Catholic buildings:

Catholic Correction 3:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 >
"Christ shall be slain, and the people who shall deny Him shall not be His."

Catholic Correction 4:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:1 >
"Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? ... and what is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?"

Catholic Correction 5:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Micheas 5:2 >
"And thou, Bethlehem ... of Juda: out of thee shall He come forth unto Me that is to be the Ruler in Israel."

Catholic Correction 6:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 2:7-8 >
"Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten thee ... I will give thee the Gentiles for thy inheritance." (The Messiah as True God and True Man)

Catholic Correction 7:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 7:14 >
"The Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel."

Catholic Correction 8:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Genesis 1:26 >
"Let us make man to Our image and likeness."

Catholic Correction 9:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Genesis 18:1-3 (The Lord visits Abraham and He is Three Persons) >
"And the Lord appeared to him in the vale of Mambre ... And when he had lifted up his eyes, there appeared to him Three Men standing near to him and as soon as he saw Them, he ran to meet Them from the door of his tent, and adored down to the ground. And he said: Lord, if I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away from thy servant."

Catholic Correction 10:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 6:8 >
"And I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: Whom shall I send? and who shall go for Us?

Catholic Correction 11:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 3:92 >
"Behold, I see four men loose, and walking in the midst of the fire, and there is no hurt in them, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

Catholic Correction 12:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 64:10 >
"The city of thy sanctuary is become a desert, Sion is made a desert, Jerusalem is desolate."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves "jews":

"benedict-16", God and the World, 2000, pg 209 >
"It is of course possible to read the Old Testament so that it is not directed toward Christ; it does not point quite unequivocally to Christ. And if jews cannot see the promises as being fulfilled in him, this is not just ill will on their part, but genuinely because of the obscurity of the texts ... There are perfectly good reasons, then, for denying that the Old Testament refers to Christ and for saying, No, that is not what he said. And there are also good reasons for referring it to him – that is what the dispute between jews and Christians is about."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
Here again, "benedict-16" is working for the eternal damnation of the un-baptized pagans who refer to themselves as "jews". Note how "benedict-16" refers to the jew-pagans as having some connection with the Old Testament Israelites, this is complete heresy (see Sections 39, 39.1, and 55)

Catholic Correction 2:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Genesis 3:22 >
"And He said: Behold Adam is become as one of Us, knowing good and evil."

Catholic Correction 3:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 109:1 >
"The Lord said to my Lord: Sit thou at my right hand: Until I make thy enemies thy footstool."

Catholic Correction 4:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 7:14 >
"The Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel."

(Note: The un-baptized pagans who call themselves "jews" say that the word "virgin" in this scripture is really "woman" ... but that wouldn't be much of a sign, now would it?

Catholic Correction 5:
Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Jeremias 31:31,32 >
"Behold the days shall come, saith the Lord, and I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Juda: Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers."

Catholic Correction 6:
Catholic writing of Saint John 5:39, 45-47 >
"Search the scriptures, for you think in them to have life everlasting; and the same are they that give testimony of Me ... the one who will accuse you is Moses, in whom you have placed your hope. For if you had believed Moses, you would have believed me, because he wrote about Me."

Catholic Correction 7:
Catholic writing of Saint Luke 16:16 >
"The law and the prophets were until John; from that time the Kingdom of God is preached, and every one useth violence towards it."

Three more instances which reveal "benedict-16's" abject hatred for the souls of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews as "benedict-16" works ferociously for their eternal damnation:

"benedict-16", Milestones, 1998, pages 53-54 >
"I have ever more come to the realization that judaism… and the Christian faith described in the New Testament are two ways of appropriating Israel’s Scriptures, two ways that, in the end, are both determined by the position one assumes with regard to the figure of Jesus of Nazareth. The Scripture we today call Old Testament is in itself open to both ways ... "

"benedict-16", Zenit News story, Sept. 5, 2000 >
"We are in agreement that a jew, and this is true for believers of other religions, does not need to know or acknowledge Christ as the Son of God in order to be saved ... "

"benedict-16", God and the World, 2000, pages 150-151 >
" ... their [the jews] no to Christ brings the Israelites into conflict with the subsequent acts of God, but at the same time we know that they are assured of the faithfulness of God. They are not excluded from salvation ..."


Same Catholic Corrections as shown above.

In the last quote above "benedict-16" is lying plainly that the pagans who call themselves "jews" have a connection with the Old Testament Israelites (this, of course, is false) ... and that they might be able to get to Heaven with Original Sin on their un-baptized souls (they can't). This, like the rest you see here is total apostasy. See Sections 7.2 and 39.1 of this site.

Catholic Correction by St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church, died 397 A.D., Sermo 37, The Two Ships >
"The faithlessness of the synagogue is an insult to the Savior. Therefore He chose the bark of Peter, and deserted that of Moses; that is, He rejected the faithless synagogue, and adopts the believing Church."

(Note: The Israelites (they weren't jews) who stayed faithful to the Old Testament Israelite covenant were baptized into the Catholic Church and thereby had Original Sin removed from their souls ... this gave them a chance to get to Heaven. See Section 7.2.1 for Old Testament writings (of the Catholic Church unfulfilled) which foretell the future water baptism for the remission of Original Sin.)

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves "muslims":

"benedict-16", General Audience, Sept. 20, 2006 >
"I hope that in the various circumstances during my visit – for example, when in Munich I emphasized how important it is to respect what is sacred to others – that my deep respect for the great religions, and especially the muslims, who 'worship God' ... appeared quite clear."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
"Mohammadans" do not worship God, they "worship" a man-made fable that was invented in the 7th century.

Catholic Correction 2:
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Basel, 1434 A.D. >
"... there is hope that very many from the abominable sect of Mahomet will be converted to the Catholic faith."

Catholic Correction 3:
Pope Callistus III, 1455-1458 A.D. >
"I vow to ... exalt the true Faith, and to extirpate the diabolical sect of the reprobate and faithless Mahomet [islam] in the East."

Catholic Correction 4:
Catholic writing of Saint Mark 16:16 >
"But he that believeth not shall be condemned."

(Note: The word "believeth" in this scripture means believing the defined Dogmas of the Catholic Faith listed on Section 3 of this website, and the Sources of Dogma promulgated by the Church.)

Catholic Correction 5:
Catholic writing of Saint John 3:16 >
"God so loved the world as to give his Only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting."

(Note: The words "believeth in Him" in this scripture means believing in the Catholic Jesus Christ. The heretic false "Jesus Christs" are simply idols with the name of Jesus Christ which do not even exist - such as the "lutheran Christ", the "baptist Christ", the "Vatican-2 Christ", the "evangelical Christ", etc.)

Catholic Correction 6:
Catholic writing of Ephesians 4:5 >
"One Lord, one Faith, one baptism."

Catholic Correction 7:
Pope Sylvester II, 999-1003 A.D. >
"I profess that outside the Catholic Church no one is saved."

Catholic Correction 8:
Pope Saint Gregory the Great, 590-604 A.D. >
"Now the Holy Church proclaims that God cannot be truly worshipped saving within herself, asserting that all they that are without her shall never be saved."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves "muslims":

"benedict-16", Address, Dec. 22, 2006 >
"My visit to Turkey afforded me the opportunity to show also publicly my respect for the islamic religion, a respect, moreover, which the Second Vatican council
(vatican-2 cult in "nostra aetate", para 3) pointed out to us as an attitude that is only right."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
The start date for the mohammadan heresy is generally agreed to be the year 622 A.D. Many of the areas of the world that are mohammadan today were in fact Catholic in the 7th century. The sect of mohammadanism started as a heresy from the Catholic Faith, just like the "lutheran", "anglican', "vatican-2", "baptist", and other heresies were defections from the true faith which comes to us from Heaven.

Catholic Correction 2:
Pope Leo XIII, 1878-1903 A.D. >
"This is our last lesson to you; receive it, engrave it in your minds, all of you: by God's commandment salvation is to be found nowhere but in the Church."

Catholic Correction 3:
Saint Irenaeus, died 202 A.D., Against Heresies, Book III >
"[The Church] is the entrance to life; all others are thieves and robbers. On this account we are bound to avoid them... We hear it declared of the unbelieving and the blinded of this world that they shall not inherit the world of life which is to come... Resist them in defense of the only true and life giving faith, which the Church has received from the Apostles and imparted to her sons."

Catholic Correction 4:
Patrologiae Cursus Completus: Latina, Father Migne >
"He who does not hold this unity, does not hold the law of God, does not hold the faith of the Father and the Son, does not hold life and salvation."

Catholic Correction 5:
Lactantius, died c. 320 A.D., The Divine Institutes >
"It is the Catholic Church alone which retains true worship. This is the fountain of truth, this is the abode of the Faith, this is the temple of God; into which if anyone shall not enter, or from which if anyone shall go out, he is a stranger to the hope of life and eternal salvation."

The anti-Christ heresy > >  "benedict-16" effort to secure the sending into Hell of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves "muslims":

"benedict-16", Salt of the Earth, 1996, pg 244 >
"And ... the schism between sunnites and shiites, it [islam] also exists in many varieties. There is a noble islam, embodied, for example, by the King of Morocco, and there is also the extremist, terrorist islam, which, again, one must not identify with islam as a whole, which would do it an injustice."

Catholic Correction of this heresy of this former vatican-2 cult group leader:

Catholic Correction 1:
"benedict-16" by stating that there is a "noble islam" is, in his hatred, working for the damnation of the mohammadans who are all descending into Hell in their un-baptized state, outside of the Catholic Church.

Catholic Correction 2:
Saint John Chrysostom, "De Capto Eutropia" >
"We know that salvation belongs to the Church alone, and that no one can partake of Christ nor be saved outside the Catholic Church and the Catholic Faith." (De Capto Eutropia)

Catholic Correction 3:
Pope Pius IX, Qui Pluribus, On Faith and Religion, 9 Nov 1846, Paragraph 19 >
"You must also care for and defend the Catholic faith with episcopal strength and see that the flock entrusted to you stands to the end firm and unmoved in the faith. For unless one preserves the Faith entire and uninjured, he will without doubt perish forever."

Catholic Correction 4:
Pope Boniface VIII, 1294-1303 A.D. >
"There is only one Catholic Church; this we firmly believe and profess without qualification. Outside this Church there is no salvation and no remission of sins. For at the time of the Deluge there existed only one Ark, the figure of the one Church. And all things outside this Ark perished."

Catholic Correction 5:
Saint Augustine, Doctor of the Church, died 430 A.D. >
"No man can find salvation except in the Catholic Church. Outside the Catholic Church one can have everything except salvation. One can have honor, one can have the sacraments, one can sing alleluia, one can answer amen ... but never can one find salvation except in the Catholic Church."

Catholic Correction 6:
Saint Fulgentius, died 533 A.D. >
"Most firmly hold and never doubt that not only pagans, but also all jews, all heretics, and all schismatics who finish this life outside of the Catholic Church, will go into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels."

Catholic Correction 7:
Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, died 1274 A.D. >
"There is no entering into salvation outside the Church, just as in the time of the deluge there was none outside the ark, which denotes the Church."

Catholic Correction 8:
Pope Saint Leo the Great, Council of Chalcedon, Letter to Flavian section, 451 A.D. >
"For there are three who give testimony – Spirit and water and blood. And the three are one. In other words, the Spirit of Sanctification and the Blood of Redemption and the water of baptism. These three are one and remain indivisible. None of them is separable from its link with the others."

Catholic Correction 9: Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215 A.D. >
"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved."

~ ~ ~ ~


L-to-R:   (1) Ratzinger at the jew wall in Jerusalem working for the eternal damnation of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews,  (2) Ratzinger again working for the damnation of the jews who are all in the state of Original Sin in their un-baptized state,  (3) Now Ratzinger is working for the damnation of (other) heretics making believe they are not all automatically excommunicated for heresy and headed for Hell,  (4) Ratzinger, busy again, working for the eternal damnation of the un-baptized pagans who call themselves muslims, making believe he is praying with them (to the same God) when they all should be praying to the Catholic God.

~ ~ ~ ~

<<< --- <<< --- <<< --- <<< ---  End Section 12.--- >>> --- >>> --- >>> --- >>>

Immaculate Heart of Mary    ~     Our Lady of Good Remedy    ~     Our Lady of La Salette    ~     Immaculate Heart of Mary

~  Pray the Rosary for essential graces  ...  see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions  ~
~  Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us  ...  as Our Lady of Mount Carmel  ~

Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin  - & -  Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin.    More >  Section 4  and  Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it." Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain." Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue." St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation." Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope." St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria."  (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness." Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom." Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified."  (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky

Truth of the super-natural order:
All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world
by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.

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Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links  >  Section 5.1  and  Section 5.1.1