God's Catholic Dogma
< <  Section 12.10.1 ... begins after this brief (15 line) site summary.    Many souls consult this site without any Index page review.  > >

It is 100% certain you're headed for Hell  ...   for rejecting the Catholic Dogma  ...   Warning: There are no bishops or priests in these times
< < On this site ... you will discover how you are being sent into Hell forever ... your willingness to be deceived is making you eternally culpable > >

1.   The Original Sin of Adam closed Heaven for all men (sanctifying grace was lost) ... Hell became the only possible destination for the immortal souls of men.
2.   God re-opened Heaven by founding the Catholic Church and re-introducing sanctifying grace to men's souls ... the same grace which Adam and Eve had lost.

                          We are currently in the Great Apostasy (world-wide rejection of God's Catholic Dogma), these warnings apply:
3.   Warning 1:  A non-Catholic anti-Christ cult (the vatican-2 heretic cult) took over all Catholic properties on 8 Dec 1965 ("v-2 council" close date).        [Section 12, 13]
4.   Warning 2:  No one Ordained those that you think are Priests ... all Bishops of the "v-2 council" were automatically excommunicated on 8 Dec 1965.     [Section 13.2]
5.   Warning 3:  Your fake "priests" turned you into heretics ... the stage shows are not Mass ... participation in the vatican-2 heresy excommunicates.    [Section 13.2.2]
6.   Warning 4:  Top level view ... why there is not a single Catholic Bishop or Priest in the world. God's Catholic Church is devastatingly small in numbers. [Section 13.6]
                          All vatican-2-ists:  You are excommunicated from the Catholic Church.  You must Abjure your heresy.  * * Click * * >  Section 40

7.    One can still be Catholic and get to Heaven with a proper baptism in water [Section 7] ... believing the Dogmas ... and keeping free from mortal sin.    [Section 10.1]
8.    All grace, both actual and sanctifying grace, starts with God and comes into the world ... by way of the Blessed Virgin ... as Jesus Christ Himself did.  [Section 4, 4.4]
9a.  The Old Testament Israelite religion was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled ... the "judaism" fable started about 200 B.C.  Jesus Christ was not a jew.  [Section 39.1, 39.4]
9b.  The "koran" is wrong ... Mohammed was not a prophet ... "allah" does not exist.  The so called "allah god" makes countless errors in the "koran".        [Section 113]
10.  All baptized heretics are excommunicated from Christianity and headed for Hell ... with the world's pagans (those not properly baptized in water).     [Section 7.2, 8]

* *  Return To Index  >  Click here  >  For more against the soul damning lies  * *
E-mail >    Slave_BVM@mail.com   --   Catholic-Dogma-Providers@mail.com   
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 * Help save souls by getting the Dogma out (the only soul saving truth) ... see Section 175 and it's Sub-sections * 
Romans 2:13  >  "For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified."

James 2:20  >  "Know ... that faith without works is dead."       (Section 28 lists ... over 50 scriptures on works)
Please e-mail here ... if you see a website that you believe is Catholic ... besides this site.
You may copy this entire site ... to your computer ... see Item # 1 on Appendix A-1.

<<< --- <<< --- <<< --- <<< ---  Start Section 12.10.--- >>> --- >>> --- >>> --- >>>

Photographs of heresy and apostasy committed by Jorge Bergoglio
(a.k.a. "francis") ... current group leader of the vatican-2
heretic cult ... working for the eternal damnation of
(other) heretics and ... all un-baptized pagans

~     ~     ~


No one should be surprised by these photos ... because Jorge Bergoglio is the group leader of a non-Catholic cult, so he cannot in any way be expected to provide the Catholic truths on salvation to heretics or un-baptized pagans pictured below.

The non-Catholic Bergoglio was viciously confirming the heretics and un-baptized pagans ... in their errors which is causing the loss of their souls. These are wicked acts of hatred against these people, but it must be expected since Bergoglio is a non-Catholic apostate and automatically excommunicated for his physical participation in the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult.

The Catholic teaching of the Catholic God regarding the requirement of water baptism for the remission of Original Sin is in Sections 7.2 -- writings of the Catholic Church (unfulfilled) in the Old Testament foretelling the future requirement for water baptism are listed in Section 7.2.1.

Pope Saint Felix III, died 492 A.D. >
"Not to oppose error is to approve it; and not to defend truth is to suppress it; and indeed to neglect
to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them."

This Section includes:

Sub-part A:   Photographic proof of heresy and apostasy by Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis")

Sub-part B:   Catholic authored New Testament scriptures (19) that the Catholic Church is Israel and the redemption of Israel

S u b - p a r t    A

Photographic proof of heresy and apostasy by Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis")

~     ~     ~

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of the un-baptized pagans
who call themselves "jews" ... confirming them in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell

Location: Buenos Aires, "b'nai tikvah" building, "rosh hashanah" event      Date: 20 September 2004
Bergoglio's fellow apostate (rejector of Truth) here: "rabbi" Abraham Skorka (left picture, left most)

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell Abraham Skorka about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 Feb 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and teaches that the legal prescriptions of the Old Testament or the Mosaic law ... once our Lord Jesus Christ who was signified by them had come, came to an end and the Sacraments of the New Testament had their beginning."    Reference 1

Note 1: Formal definition by Pope Eugene IV and the Council of Florence that the religion of the Old Testament Israelites ... the Catholic Faith unfulfilled (it wasn't "judaism") ... is over.

Note 2: The religion of the Old Testament Israelites was the Catholic Faith unfulfilled, it wasn't "judaism". The fable called "judaism" started in about 200 B.C. when some of the Israelites left God's covenant and started "talmudic judaism" using the pagan Babylonian "talmud". Please see Section 39.1 of this website which clears up this common, soul damning, misconception.

Catholic writing of Titus 1:14 >
"Not giving heed to jewish fables and commandments of men, who turn themselves away from the truth."

Note: The Catholic Church has identifiers for the various groups of un-baptized pagans, the group who calls themselves jews claim to be of the Abraham covenant but are not. See Section 39.1 for how and why the words "jew" and "jews" are in the Old Testament English instead of the correct "Judean" and "Judeans". Jesus Christ was an Israelite of the tribe of Juda, He was not a jew.

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Sophonius 3:8  >
"Wherefore expect Me, saith the Lord, in the day of My resurrection that is to come, for My judgment is to assemble the Gentiles, and to gather the kingdoms."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of the un-baptized pagans
who call themselves "jews" ... confirming them in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell

Location: Jerusalem      Date: 26 May 2014

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell inform the "jews" of, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives."

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith Section, Pope Pius IX -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 64:10 >
"The city of thy sanctuary is become a desert, Sion is made a desert, Jerusalem is desolate."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 9:26 >
"Christ shall be slain: and the people that shall deny Him shall not be His."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of (other) heretics, those who refer to
themselves as "orthodox" or "orthodoxy" ... confirming them in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell

Location: Rome, on our formerly Catholic properties    Occasion; After Bergoglio was installed as head of the vatican-2 heretic cult      Date: March 2013
Bergoglio's fellow apostates (rejectors of Truth) here: Various "orthodox" heretics ... they left Christianity (the Catholic Church) in 1054 A.D.

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell these "orthodox" about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

The heresies of the "orthodox" are listed on Section 8.6 of this site ... they have had nothing to do with Christianity since 1054 A.D.

Council of Florence, Session 8, Pope Eugene IV, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith, Summary following Paragraph 14, Pope Pius IX -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath."

Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, 18 Nov 1302 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"With Faith urging us we are forced to believe and to hold the One, Holy, Catholic Church and that, Apostolic, and we firmly believe and simply confess this Church outside of which there is no salvation nor remission of sin."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of un-baptized pagans who call themselves "muslims".
The "muslims" are all in the state of Original Sin and apostate ... confirming the "muslims" in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell.
In the left photo Bergoglio is pretending that a deceased "muslim" is not in Hell forever.

Location, left photo: Buenos Aires, "islamic center of Argentina"
Occasion: Death of "islamic center leader" Adel Made (Bergoglio making believe he's not in Hell)      Date: August 2005
Location, right photo: Rome on our formerly Catholic property
Occasion: Bergoglio accepting "well wishes" by "islamic" co-apostate ... looks to be after Bergoglio's installation as vatican-2 cult leader     Date: March 2013

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell these "muslims" about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Council of Chalcedon, Pope Saint Leo the Great, Letter to Flavian (martyr) section, 451 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For there are three who give testimony – Spirit and water and blood. And the three are one. In other words, the Spirit of Sanctification and the Blood of Redemption and the water of baptism. These three are one and remain indivisible. None of them is separable from its link with the others."

Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:4 >
"Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? Who hath held the wind in His hands? Who hath bound up the waters together as in a garment? Who hath raised up all the borders of the earth? What is His name, and what is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?"

A couple of "koran-isms" that apostate Bergoglio has "somehow missed" ...

The "koran" in ... "ali imran 3:59" >
"The similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: "Be". And he was."

The "koran" in ... "al maidah 5:75" >
"Christ the son of Mary was no more than an apostle; many were the apostles that passed away before him."
(How can the mohammedans have an apostle who they say is a liar? But that's another issue, see Section 113)

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of those in various heresies and apostasies ... man-made
fables which the above pictured persons call "religions" ... confirming them in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell

Location: Buenos Aires     Occasion: Bergoglio with co-apostates for fake "prayer" event      Date: 13 October 2011
Other: The "theme" for this exercise in apostasy was ... "pilgrims of truth, pilgrims of peace".
Question: Exactly how many eternal "truths" are there?    Answer: One, the Catholic Sources of Dogma is the truth from Heaven.

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell these other heretics about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 3, Chapter 3 On Faith, Paragraphs 8-9, Pope Pius IX -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Wherefore, by Divine and Catholic Faith all those things are to be believed which are contained in the word of God as found in scripture and tradition, and which are proposed by the Church as matters to be believed as Divinely revealed (...) Since, then, without Faith it is impossible to please God and reach the fellowship of His sons and daughters, it follows that no one can ever achieve justification without it, neither can anyone attain eternal life unless he or she perseveres in it to the end."

Pope Leo X, Fifth Lateran Council, Session 8, 1513 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"And since truth cannot contradict truth, we define that every statement contrary to the enlightened truth of the faith is totally false and we strictly forbid teaching otherwise to be permitted. We decree that all those who cling to erroneous statements of this kind, thus sowing heresies which are wholly condemned, should be avoided in every way and punished as detestable and odious heretics and infidels who are undermining the Catholic faith."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... "praying" to Satan (a.k.a. "allah") in the "blue mosque" in Turkey
Location: Buenos Aires, Luna Park Stadium
Occasion: "Third fraternal encounter of the renewed communion of 'evangelicals' and 'Catholics' "      Date: 29 November 2014

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... where apostate Bergoglio is working to shove "muslims" into Hell by confirming them in their error ...

Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."

Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives."

Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church, 440-461 A.D. >
"The faith shall never vary in any age, for one is the faith which justifies the Just of all ages. It is unlawful to differ even by a single word from apostolic doctrine."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... with some buddhist pagans.
Bergoglio quote > "... esteem for all those in Myanmar who live in accord with the religious traditions of buddhism".

Location: Yangon, Myanmar (previously Burma)
Occasion: General (soul damning) visit      Date: 29 November 2017

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... where apostate Bergoglio is working to shove "buddhists" into Hell by confirming them in their error ...

Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."

Fourth Lateran Council, Pope Innocent III, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved."

Council of Florence, Session 8, Pope Eugene IV, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... accepting a book "Your Jesus, My Buddha" ... from a buddhist pagan.
Bergoglio clearly sees the title of this book of apostasy, accepts it and hands it off to one of his heretic assistants

Location: Rome
Occasion: General audience, "special persons" greeting area      Date: 8 October 2014

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... where apostate Bergoglio is working to shove "buddhists" into Hell by confirming them in their error ...

Council of Chalcedon, Pope Saint Leo the Great, 451 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"For there are three who give testimony – Spirit and water and blood. And the three are one. In other words, the Spirit of Sanctification and the Blood of Redemption and the water of baptism. These three are one and remain indivisible. None of them is separable from its link with the others."

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith Section, Pope Pius IX -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath."

Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D.  >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... kneeling and getting a "blessing" from an anti-Christ heretic.
Notice the photographer to the right in the pink shirt who can't believe what he's seeing

Location: Buenos Aires, Luna Park Stadium
Occasion: "Third fraternal encounter of the renewed communion of 'evangelicals' and 'Catholics' "      Date: 19 June 2006

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell these other heretics about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Pope Pius IX, Qui Pluribus, On Faith and Religion, Paragraph 20, 9 Nov 1846 >
"Never cease to instruct all men in it ... never tolerating and letting pass anything which could in the slightest degree defile the purity of this faith. With the same great strength of mind, foster in all men their unity with the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation."

Pope Pius IX, Nostis et Nobiscum, Paragraph 10, 8 Dec 1849 >
"In particular, ensure that the faithful are deeply and thoroughly convinced of the truth of the doctrine that the Catholic faith is necessary for attaining salvation. The Catholic laity and clergy should repeatedly offer special thanks to God in public prayers for the priceless gift of the Catholic religion. They should also beseech God to protect the profession of this faith in our country and to keep it unharmed."

Pope Pius IX, Quanta Cura, Condemning Current Errors, Paragraph 6, 8 Dec 1864 >
"Amidst, therefore, such great perversity of depraved opinions, we, well remembering our Apostolic Office, and very greatly solicitous for our most holy Religion, for sound doctrine and the salvation of souls which is intrusted to us by God, and (solicitous also) for the welfare of human society itself, have thought it right again to raise up our Apostolic voice. Therefore, by our Apostolic authority, we reprobate, proscribe, and condemn all the singular and evil opinions and doctrines severally mentioned in this letter, and will and command that they be thoroughly held by all children of the Catholic Church as reprobated, proscribed and condemned."

The vatican-2 cult leader Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... upon his return from the August 2013 "world youth day" in Brazil ...



Bergoglio has his own interpretation ... of Psalm 42:4 ... as it relates to the "altars" of the vatican-2 heretic cult.

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalm 42:4 >
"And I will go in to the altar of God: to God who giveth joy to my youth."

Bergoglio's interpretation >
"I will go in to the altar of God ... with my beach ball."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... with Nikolaus Schneider, the president of the "evangelical church in Germany"
working for the damnation of (other) heretics in Germany

Location: Our formerly Catholic property of the Vatican     Date: 8 April 2013

According to "Rome Reports" ... "In a 30 minute meeting, the two "leaders" spoke about "ecumenism". Both spoke about the martyrs as a bond between Christians, as well as the upcoming anniversary of the "reformation" in 2017, and the possibility that both Churches will celebrate it together."    (Interior quote marks added by me)

The vatican-2 heretic cult (that people think is the Catholic Church) ... in discussions on "celebrating" the devil's 500th aniversary of the heretic revolt, the revolt that most people are familiar with which started in 1517 ... many heretic cults did start before 1517 going back to the first century (see Section 30.1 of this site).

Also, the two heretics pictured above spoke of there being non-Catholic martyrs. There is no such thing as a non-Catholic martyr as is proven on Section 111 of this site.

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell Nikolaus Schneider about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives."

Council of Florence, Session 8, Pope Eugene IV, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."

Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... placing a wreath on the grave of anti-Christ Theodore Herzl, the founder of modern "zionism".
Bergoglio, by doing this soul damning theater, is making believe Herzl is not in Hell ... when, of course, he is. It's just so hard to figure out, isn't it ?
Bergoglio here is also confirming people in an error (judaism, zionism, etc.) that causes the loss of their soul.

Location: Jerusalem     Date: 26 May 2014

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell the "zionists", since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Fourth Lateran Council, Pope Innocent III, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved."

Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 7:14 >
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Wisdom 18:15 >
"Thy almighty Word leapt down from Heaven from Thy royal throne, as a fierce conqueror into the midst of the land of destruction."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 3:92 >
"Behold, I see four men loose, and walking in the midst of the fire, and there is no hurt in them, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... with "orthodox coptic pope", "Tawadros II" ... doing what the vatican-2 cult does ...
making believe that other heretics (like the "orthodox coptic") may be getting to Heaven (they're not).

Location: Our formerly Catholic property of the Vatican     Date: 10 May 2013

The "orthodox coptic" left Christianity (the Catholic Church which has no buildings at this time) around 451 A.D. ... shortly after the Council of Chalcedon.

Bergoglio heresy during this meeting ... "Today's visit strengthens the bonds of friendship and brotherhood that already exist between the See of Peter and the See of Mark."

There is no such thing as the "See of Mark".  The See of Peter was established by Christ as the source of the Apostolic Faith, the succession of the Faith ... since the Catholic Faith from Heaven is the Sources of Dogma defined by the Pope in union with the bishops of the world. Catholic Saint Mark was part of this Apostolic Faith ... the "orthodox coptic" are not and haven't been since (again) about 451 A.D.

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell Tawadros II about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Pope Pius IX, Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath, and I shall do my best to ensure that all others do the same. This is what I, the same Pius, promise, vow and swear."

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 >
"The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium."

Saint Thomas Aquinas, Doctor of the Church, died 1274 A.D. >
"Neither living nor lifeless faith remains in a heretic who disbelieves a single article of faith. All those who deny one article of faith, regardless of their reason, are by that very fact excommunicated."

Catholic writing of Catholic Saint Mark 13:37 >
"What I say to you, I say to all."

More ... of non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of the unbaptized pagans who call themselves
"buddhists" ... confirming them in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell.

Location: "agrashravaka buddhist temple" in Colombo, Sri Lanka      Date: 13 January 2013 story

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell the "buddhists" about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."

Council of Trent, Session 5, Decree Concerning Original Sin, Paragraph 4, 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Even infants, who could not as yet commit any sin of themselves, are for this cause truly baptized for the remission of sins, that in them that may be cleansed away by regeneration, which they have contracted by generation. For, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."

Vatican Council of 1870, Session 2, Profession of Faith Section, Pope Pius IX -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"This true Catholic Faith, outside of which none can be saved, which I now freely profess and truly hold, is what I shall steadfastly maintain and confess, by the help of God, in all its completeness and purity until my dying breath."

More ... of non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of the unbaptized pagans who call themselves
"jews" ... confirming them in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell (in the satanic footsteps (of course) of "Benedict XVI")

Likely Location, left photo: Buenos Aires, "sephardic temple" in Barracas district      Date: 15 March 2013 story
Bergoglio's fellow apostate (rejector of Truth) here: Isaac Sacca, "chief rabbi" of the "sephardic jewish community" of Buenos Aires

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell Isaac Sacca about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Council of Florence, Session 11, 4 Feb 1442 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) asserts that after the promulgation of the Gospel they (Mosaic laws) cannot be observed without loss of eternal salvation."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 64:10 >
"The city of thy sanctuary is become a desert, Sion is made a desert, Jerusalem is desolate."

Saint Vincent Ferrer, died 1419 A.D. >
"One who dies a jew will be damned."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 7:14 >
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel."

Note 1 on Isaias 7:14: The un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews often say the the word "virgin" in this scripture should be "young woman" ... but guess what, how much of "a sign" would that be?

Note 2 on Isaias 7:14: The word - Emmanuel - means ... God with us.

More ... of non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of (other) heretics, those who refer to
themselves as "orthodox" or "orthodoxy" ... confirming them in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell

Location, left photo: Buenos Aires, our formerly Catholic Cathedral    Occasion: General "ecumenical" heresy meeting    Date: 19 May 2004
Bergoglio's fellow apostate (rejector of Truth) here: "patriarch Karekin II" - "supreme patriarch and Catholic of all Armenians" ... they left Christianity (the Catholic Church) in 554 A.D.
Location, right photo: Buenos Aires, Boedo section ... "St. Bartholomew Church" (a heretic meeting hall)    Date: 21 November 2009
Bergoglio's fellow apostate (rejector of Truth) here: "archbishop" Kissag Mouradian ... the local representative of the "armenian apostolic church" heresy

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell Karekin or Mouradian about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Lateran Council, Pope Saint Martin I, Canon 18, 649 A.D. >
"If anyone according to the holy Fathers, harmoniously with us and likewise with the Faith, does not with mind and lips reject and anathematize all the most abominable heretics together with their impious writings even to one least portion, whom the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of God ... rejects and anathematizes ... let such a person be condemned."

Saint Athanasius, Doctor of the Church, died 373 A.D. >
"Those who go off to heretics, and all who leave the Church for heresy, abandon the name of Christ. Those who call these men "Christians" are in grievous error, since they neither understand Scripture at all nor the faith which it contains."

Pope Leo XIII, Satis Cognitum, Paragraph 9, 29 June 1896 >
"The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium."

More ... of non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... working for the damnation of those in "islam". The "muslims" are all
in the state of Original Sin and apostate ... confirming the "muslims" in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell

Location, left photo: "islamic center of Argentina"    Date: 29 June 2010
Bergoglio's fellow apostate (rejector of Truth) here: Samir Salech - highest authority of "islam" in Argentina
Location, right photo: "islamic center of Argentina"    Date: August 2005

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell these "muslims" about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Daniel 3:92 >
"Behold, I see four men loose, and walking in the midst of the fire, and there is no hurt in them, and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Wisdom 18:15 >
"Thy almighty Word leapt down from Heaven from Thy royal throne, as a fierce conqueror into the midst of the land of destruction."

Fourth Lateran Council, Pope Innocent III, 1215 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"There is but one universal Church of the faithful, outside of which no one at all is saved."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... as part of a conga line of other heretics ... notice the striking similarity with
(the in Hell) Wojtyla (a.k.a. "John Paul II") confirming the other heretics in their error and thereby shoving them toward Hell

Location, left photo: Our formerly Catholic Metropolitan Cathedral of Buenos Aires    Date: 24 January 2002
Bergoglio quote at this apostate event: "Every religious group will pray according to their faith, language and tradition, in full respect for others."

Bergoglio performing Satan's favorite ... making it look like the Catholic Church is saying that non-Catholics might be getting to Heaven, they're not. The Catholic Church is saying no such thing ... the vatican-2 jew-heretic cult (dressed up like Catholic bishops and residing in formerly Catholic buildings) is saying these lies.

Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell these other heretics about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Second Council of Constantinople, 553 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The heretic, even though he has not been condemned formally by any individual, in reality brings anathema on himself, having cut himself off from the way of truth by his heresy."

Pope Saint Leo the Great, Doctor of the Church, 440-461 A.D. >
"The faith shall never vary in any age, for one is the faith which justifies the Just of all ages. It is unlawful to differ even by a single word from apostolic doctrine."

Pope Leo XIII, 1878-1903 A.D. >
"This is our last lesson to you; receive it, engrave it in your minds, all of you: by God's commandment salvation is to be found nowhere but in the Church."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... hosting a lunch with a group of un-baptized pagans who call themselves jews.
Bergoglio is, of course, working for eternal damnation ... they invoked Psalm 133 together which doesn't apply to any of them, since
the Old Testament only applies to Catholics. Bergoglio is demonically acting in accord with his vatican-2 devil cult which
has been screaming since 1965 that heretics and un-baptized pagans are getting to Heaven


Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell the "jews" about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Sophonius 3:8  >
"Expect Me, saith the Lord, in the day of My resurrection that is to come ... to assemble the Gentiles, and to gather the kingdoms."

Council of Florence, Session 11, Pope Eugene IV, 1442 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"It (the Catholic Church) firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Catholic Church before the end of their lives."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:4 >
"Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? What is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?"

Council of Florence, Pope Eugene IV, Session 8, Exultate Deo, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Holy baptism holds the first place among all the sacraments, for it is the gate of the spiritual life; through it we become members of Christ and of the body of the Church. Since death came into the world through one person, unless we are born again of water and the Spirit, we cannot, as Truth says, enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The matter of this sacrament is real and natural water."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Numbers 19:20 >
"If any man be not expiated after this rite, his soul shall perish out of the midst of the church: because he hath profaned the sanctuary of the Lord, and was not sprinkled with the water of purification."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Numbers 19:13 >
"Because he was not sprinkled with the water of expiation, he shall be unclean, and his uncleanness shall remain upon him."

Non-Catholic apostate Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") ... bowing before the "muslim queen" of Jordan (Rania Al Abdullah) ... confirming
her and all other un-baptized pagans who call themselves "muslims" in their error ... and thereby shoving them toward Hell


Catholic corrections to the above pictured soul damning hatred ... which Bergoglio is never going to tell the "muslims" about, since the below is not the vatican-2 cult "faith" ...

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 30:4 >
"Who hath ascended up into Heaven, and descended? What is the name of His Son, if thou knowest?"

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Sophonius 3:8  >
"Expect Me, saith the Lord, in the day of My resurrection that is to come ... to assemble the Gentiles, and to gather the kingdoms."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 7:14 >
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign. Behold a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son, and His name shall be called Emmanuel."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Wisdom 18:15 >
"Thy almighty Word leapt down from Heaven from Thy royal throne, as a fierce conqueror into the midst of the land of destruction."

Council of Florence, Session 8, Pope Eugene IV, 22 Nov 1439 -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Whoever wills to be saved, before all things it is necessary that he holds the Catholic faith. Unless a person keeps this faith whole and undefiled, without doubt he shall perish eternally."

Non-Catholic apostate Bergoglio in friendly audience with virulently pro-abortion politician Barak Hussein Obama

Who says that Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") is against abortion ?   Oh right, it is the anti-Christ main stream media.

A mini-tutorial for Bergoglio on the sin of in-utero homicide (see other abortion photographs on Section 12.7.2 of this site) ...

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Jeremias 1:5 >
"Before I formed thee in the bowels of thy mother, I knew thee: and before thou camest forth out of the womb, I sanctified thee."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Isaias 49:1 >
"The Lord hath called me from the womb, from the bowels of my mother He hath been mindful of my name."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 31:15 >
"Did not He that made me in the womb make him also: and did not one and the same form me in the womb?"

Catholic writing of Saint Luke 1:41 >
"The infant leaped in her womb."

Much more on Section 26.3 of this site.

Note 1: Bergoglio of course rejects the above teaching ... since he has nothing to do with the Catholic Church or it's teaching ... being the cult leader of the vatican-2 heresy which was founded in 1965 at the Vatican (see Sections 12 and 13 and their sub-sections).

Note 2: Obama would have to make a Formal Abjuration (Section 19.1) and Profession of Faith (Section 2.2) to enter the Catholic Church, then make a General Confession of sins (Section 10.1), and do sufficient penance in reparation for sins ... to have any chance of saving his immortal soul.

Non-Catholic apostate Bergoglio in friendly audience with virulently pro-abortion politician Joe Biden

Who says that Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") is against abortion ?   Oh right, it is the anti-Christ main stream media.

A mini-tutorial for Bergoglio on the sin of in-utero homicide (see other abortion photographs on Section 12.7.2 of this site) ...

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 10:11 >
"Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh: Thou hast put me together with bones and sinews."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of 2 Machabees 7:22 >
"She said to them: I know not how you were formed in my womb: for I neither gave you breath, nor soul, nor life, neither did I frame the limbs of every one of you."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Job 33:4 >
"The Spirit of God made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Deuteronomy 30:19 >
"I call Heaven and earth to witness this day, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that both thou and thy seed may live."

Much more on Section 26.3 of this site.

Note 1: Bergoglio of course rejects the above teaching ... since he has nothing to do with the Catholic Church or it's teaching ... being the cult leader of the vatican-2 heresy which was founded in 1965 at the Vatican (see Sections 12 and 13 and their sub-sections).

Note 2: Biden would have to make a Formal Abjuration (Section 19.1) and Profession of Faith (Section 2.2) to enter the Catholic Church, then make a General Confession of sins (Section 10.1), and do sufficient penance in reparation for sins ... to have any chance of saving his immortal soul.

Non-Catholic apostate Bergoglio in friendly audience with ... the pro-abortion president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff

Rousseff approves of abortion in cases which endanger the life of the mother (which is de facto pro-abortion) or in the case of rape (Rousseff incredibly believes ... that the innocent pre-born should get the death penalty for the sins of the father).

Rousseff promotes sins against the Sixth Commandment between people of the same sex ... which one must convert from to save his/her soul (in addition to entering the Catholic Church which has no buildings at this time).

Please see Section 128 Sub-part E (primary) regarding the steps to take ... to defeat any sins against the body (solitary sins, fornication, using contraception, sodomy, etc.). See also Section 45.

Catholic writing of Romans 6:19
"For as you have yielded your members to serve uncleanness and iniquity, unto iniquity; so now yield your members to serve justice, unto sanctification."

Catholic writing of Romans 6:13 >
"Present yourselves to God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of justice unto God."

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 3:19 >
"Be penitent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out."

Note: Rousseff would have to make a Formal Abjuration (Section 19.1) and Profession of Faith (Section 2.2) to enter the Catholic Church, then make a General Confession of sins (Section 10.1), and do sufficient penance in reparation for sins ... to have any chance of saving her immortal soul.

Non-Catholic apostate Bergoglio in friendly audience with the immorality legislating
president of Argentina ... Cristina Fernandez on 18 March 2013

Fernandez signed (national level) legislation promoting sins against the Sixth Commandment between people of the same sex ... which one must convert from to save his/her soul (in addition to entering the Catholic Church which has no buildings at this time).

Please see Section 128 Sub-part E (primary) regarding the steps to take ... to defeat any sins against the body (solitary sins, fornication, using contraception, sodomy, etc.). See also Section 45.

Catholic writing of Saint Luke 15:7 >
"I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in Heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance."

Fernandez promotes mandatory sex education in schools, and promotes free contraceptive distribution ... again promoting sins against the Sixth Commandment.

Fernandez called on Bergoglio on Monday (18 March 2013) at his temporary home, the Vatican hotel, and the two later lunched together.

Note: Fernandez would have to make a Formal Abjuration (Section 19.1) and Profession of Faith (Section 2.2) to enter the Catholic Church, then make a General Confession of sins (Section 10.1), and do sufficient penance in reparation for sins ... to have any chance of saving her immortal soul.


Catholic writing of Philippians 2:12 >
"Wherefore, my dearly beloved ... with fear and trembling work out your salvation."

Council of Trent, Session 2, January 1546 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"Knowing withal that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, hath ordained and decreed, that all and each of the faithful of Christ, assembled in the city of Trent, be exhorted, as they are hereby exhorted, to amend themselves of their evils and sins heretofore committed."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 1:29 >
"Because they have hated instruction and received not the fear of the Lord."

Council of Trent, Session 6, Decree on Justification, Chapter 6, January 1547 A.D. -- Ex-Cathedra Dogma >
"The fear of the Lord driveth out sin; and, Do penance, and be baptized every one of you."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Proverbs 1:7 >
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fools despise wisdom and instruction."

Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Psalms 13:3 >
"Destruction and unhappiness in their ways: and the way of peace they have not known: there is no fear of God before their eyes."

- - - -

Please proceed to Section 12.10 of this site for ... heresy against Catholic Dogma by Bergoglio in his writings and addresses.

S u b - p a r t    B

Catholic authored New Testament scriptures (19) that the Catholic Church is Israel and the redemption of Israel
Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. "francis") is clearly grinding these scriptures under his heels in the above photos which are about jews

~     ~     ~

Catholic writing of Saint John 1:49 >
"Nathanael answered him, and said: Rabbi, thou art the Son of God, thou art the King of Israel."

Note 1: Nathanael correctly identifies Christ as the King of Israel.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not identify Christ as the King of Israel ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... John 1:49.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 13:23 >
"Of this man's seed God according to His promise, hath raised up to Israel a Saviour, Jesus."

Note 1: Saint Luke in Acts 13:23 ... identifying the fact that the Saviour of Israel is Jesus.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that the Saviour of Israel is Jesus ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 13:23.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 5:31 >
"Him hath God exalted with his right hand, to be Prince and Saviour, to give repentance to Israel, and remission of sins."

Note 1: Saint Luke in Acts 5:31 ... identifying the fact that Christ is Prince, Saviour, and the One who provides remission of sins.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that Christ is Prince, Saviour, and the One who provides remission of sins ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 5:31.

Catholic writing of Saint Luke 1:68 >
"Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; because he hath visited and wrought the redemption of His people."

Note 1: Saint Luke identifying the fact ... that those who apply the redemption of Jesus Christ to their souls ... are Israel.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not apply the redemption of Jesus Christ to the souls ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Luke 1:68.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 2:36 >
"Therefore let all the house of Israel know most certainly, that God hath made both Lord and Christ, this same Jesus, whom you have crucified."

Note 1: Saint Luke in Acts 2:36 ... identifying the fact that Christ is, most certainly Lord.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that Christ is, most certainly Lord ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 2:36.

Catholic writing of Saint Luke 1:43, 54, 55 >
43:  "And whence is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"
54:  "He hath received Israel His servant, being mindful of his mercy."
55:  "As he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever."

Note 1: Saint Luke ... identifying the fact that Christ is the Lord of Israel.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that Christ is the Lord of Israel ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Luke 1:43, 54, 55.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 9:15 >
"And the Lord said to him: Go thy way; for this man is to Me a vessel of election, to carry My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel."

Note 1: Saint Luke in Acts 9:15 ... identifying the fact that the name of Christ is be carried to the peoples, including Israel.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that the name of Christ should be carried to the peoples ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 9:15.

Catholic writing of Saint Matthew 19:28 >
"And Jesus said to them: Amen, I say to you, that you, who have followed Me, in the regeneration, when the Son of Man shall sit on the seat of His majesty, you also shall sit on twelve seats judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

Note 1: Those who follow Christ in the regeneration of Water Baptism are identified as Israel.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not follow Christ into the regeneration (baptism to remit Original sin) ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Matthew 19:28.

Catholic writing of Saint Luke 2:32 >
"A light to the revelation of the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel."

Note 1: Saint Luke identifying the fact ... that those who profess Jesus Christ as the light of revelation and the glory of Israel ... are Israel.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say Christ is the glory of Israel ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Luke 2:32.

Catholic writing of Saint John 3:5, 7, 10 >
5:  "Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit, he cannot enter into the Kingdom of God."
7:  "Wonder not, that I said to thee, you must be born again."
10:  "Jesus answered, and said to him: Art thou a master in Israel, and knowest not these things ?"

Note 1: Christ identifying the fact ... that Israel will be those who are born again of water and the Holy Spirit. He even chastises Nicodemus for not seeing clearly.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... are not born again by Water Baptism ... so that, the jews are not Israel (since Israel understands and abides by Water Baptism).

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... John 3:5, 7, 10.

Catholic writing of Hebrews 8:8, 13 >
8:  "Behold, the days shall come, saith the Lord: and I will perfect unto the house of Israel, and unto the house of Juda, a new testament."
13:  "Now in saying a new, he hath made the former old. And that which decayeth and groweth old, is near its end."

Note 1: Saint Paul in Hebrews 8 identifying the fact ... that Christ will perfect unto the house of Israel a new testament and the old is near its end.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that the house of Israel has a new testament ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Hebrews 8:8, 13.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 1:6, 8 >
6:  "They therefore who were come together, asked him, saying: Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the Kingdom to Israel ?"
8:  "But you shall receive the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon you, and you shall be witnesses unto me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the uttermost part of the earth."

Note 1: Saint Luke recounting this discussion in Acts 1:6, 8 ... regarding the Kingdom of Israel. Christ stating that they will receive the power of the Holy Spirit to witness to the Catholic truths around the world.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say Christ should be witnessed to around the world ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 1:6, 8.

Catholic writing of Saint Matthew 15:31 >
31:  "So that the multitudes marvelled seeing the dumb speak, the lame walk, and the blind see: and they glorified the God of Israel."

32:  "And Jesus called together His disciples, and said: I have compassion on the multitudes."

Note 1: Saint Matthew ... identifying the fact that Christ is the God of Israel.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that Christ is the God of Israel ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Matthew 15:31.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 4:10 >
"Be it known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God hath raised from the dead, even by Him this man standeth here before you whole."

Note 1: Saint Luke in Acts 4:10 ... identifying the fact that the people of Israel should be mindful of the fact that Christ was raised from the dead and by His power miracles are worked.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... reject that Christ rose from the dead and works miracles ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 4:10.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 13:16 >
"Then Paul rising up, and with his hand bespeaking silence, said: Ye men of Israel, and you that fear God, give ear."

Note 1: Saint Luke in Acts 13:16 ... identifying the fact that men of Israel should give ear to Saint Paul.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that you should give ear to Saint Paul ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 13:16.

Catholic writing in Saint Matthew 2:6, 11 >
6:  "And thou Bethlehem the land of Juda art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come forth the captain that shall rule my people Israel."
11:  "And entering into the house, they found the child with Mary his mother."

Note 1: Saint Matthew ... identifying the fact that the ruler of Israel has come from Bethlehem.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that that ruler of Israel has come forth from Bethlehem ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Matthew 2:6, 11.

Catholic writing in Acts of the Apostles 28:20, 23, 28 >
20:  "For this cause therefore I desired to see you, and to speak to you. Because that for the hope of Israel, I am bound with this chain."
23:  "He expounded, testifying the kingdom of God, and persuading them concerning Jesus, out of the law of Moses and the prophets, from morning until evening."
28:  "Be it known therefore to you, that this salvation of God is sent to the Gentiles, and they will hear it."

Note 1: Saint Luke in Acts Chapter 28 ... identifying the fact that Christ is the hope of Israel and the God of Salvation (Verse 28).

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that Christ is the hope of Israel ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Acts 28:20, 23, 28.

Catholic writing of Ephesians 2:12 >
"That you were at that time without Christ, being aliens from the conversation of Israel, and strangers to the testament, having no hope of the promise, and without God in this world."

Note 1: Saint Paul in Ephesians 2:12 ... identifying the fact that God's conversation with Israel was about Christ.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that God's conversation with Israel was about Christ ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... rejectthe God inspired ... Ephesians 2:12.

Catholic writing of Saint Matthew 10:6, 7 >
6:  "But go ye rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel."
7:  "And going, preach, saying: The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand."

Note 1: Saint Matthew ... identifying the fact that the Kingdom of Heaven for the house of Israel is at hand, with the visitation of Christ.

Note 2: The group that calls themselves jews ... do not say that that the Kingdom of Heaven for the house of Israel is at hand, with the visitation of Christ ... so that, the jews are not Israel.

Note 3: Heretic Jorge Bergoglio (and other heretics) ... who say that the jews are Israel ... reject the God inspired ... Matthew 10:6, 7.

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Please proceed to Section 12.10 of this site for ... heresy against Catholic Dogma by Bergoglio in his writings and addresses.

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Immaculate Heart of Mary    ~     Our Lady of Good Remedy    ~     Our Lady of La Salette    ~     Immaculate Heart of Mary

~  Pray the Rosary for essential graces  ...  see Section 4.1 of this website for instructions  ~
~  Wear the Brown Scapular as the Blessed Virgin instructed us  ...  as Our Lady of Mount Carmel  ~

Mother of Christ
Hear Thou thy people's cry
Selected prophesies of the Blessed Virgin  - & -  Quotes on being devoted to the Blessed Virgin.    More >  Section 4  and  Section 4.4
Ezechiel 44:2 > "This gate shall be shut … no man shall pass through it … the Lord the God of Israel hath entered in by it." Proverbs 8:35 > "He that shall find me (the Blessed Virgin), shall find life, and shall have salvation from the Lord."
St. Bonaventure, died 1274 > "No one ever finds Christ but with and through Maria. Whoever seeks Christ apart from Maria seeks Him in vain." Genesis 3:15 > "I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel."
Ecclesiasticus 24:25 > "In me is all grace of the way and the truth, in me is all hope of life and virtue." St. Antoninus, died 1459 > "All graces that have ever been bestowed on men, all of them came through Maria."
St. John Damascene, died 749 > "Pure and Immaculate Virgin, save me and deliver me from eternal damnation." Wisdom 7:26 > "For she is the brightness of eternal light, and the unspotted mirror of God's majesty."
Ecclesiasticus 24:24 > "I am the mother of fair love, and of fear, and of knowledge, and of holy hope." St. Agnes, died 304 > "There is no one in the world who, if he asks for it, does not partake of the Divine mercy through the tenderness of Maria."  (Truth and mercy cannot be separated)
Proverbs 30:11-12 > "There is a generation that ... doth not bless their mother. A generation pure in their own eyes and yet not washed from their filthiness." Blessed John Eudes, died 1680 > "Every grace and blessing possessed by the Church, all the treasures of light, holiness, and glory ... are due to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Maria."
St. Athanasius, died 373 > "Thou, O Lady, were filled with grace, so that thou might be the way of our salvation and the means of ascent into the heavenly kingdom." Psalm 131:8 > "Arise, O Lord, into Thy resting place: Thou and the ark, which Thou hast sanctified."  (The Blessed Virgin bodily in Heaven)
Star of the Sea
and Portal of the Sky

Truth of the super-natural order:
All grace starts with God, goes to the hands of the Blessed Virgin, and then into the world. God (Grace Himself) came into the world
by the Blessed Virgin, God never changes, all grace follows the same path to this day and until the end of the world.

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Ignorance of God's Catholic Dogma ... which is being aggressively hidden with malice ... is not a "loophole" into Heaven.
Mountains of proof in Sources of Dogma and Scripture ... links  >  Section 5.1  and  Section 5.1.1